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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

The referendum on Mein Trumpf isn't far off. Have we as a nation had enough of Making Aryans Great Again? We'll let all those good, white, christian, god-loving, germans decide.
It is interesting how the GOP is saying the testimony is from second and third hand sources... yet don't really comment on those first hand sources in the Admin who've been subpoena'd and haven't shown up.
ALL politicians claim to have integrity. Very few actually posses any!

Says you! Do you, like most left leaning honchos have any credibility left?
I think I have some stashed in between some lint in the pocket of a pair of pants.
Our Fuhrer Trump isn't going to be removed from office because he still controls the Senate. The only defense remaining - which isn't a defense at all but rather a propaganda campaign - is to keep repeating the same lies over and over. Nazism managed to convince germans to commit genocide in the name of patriotism. Trumps antics are small potatoes in comparison but only because he's being prevented from going that far. Even if he is reelected we have to keep fighting his hate.
PHOTOS: Fox News Covers Impeachment Testimony of William Taylor and George Kent Differently than Other Major Networks

Every major channel is covering the hearings, but their coverage varies—particularly on conservative network Fox News.

While MSNBC’s coverage featured a graphic describing Taylor’s position in the state department as well as his prior closed-door testimony, Fox News described him using White House talking points, such as Trump’s description of him as a “Never Trumper,” and the White House’s assertion that his testimony relied on “triple hearsay.”

Schiff starts asking questions and Fox News immediately jumps to commercial



More examples in the link.
I watched about 1.5 hrs of yesterday's testimony with Kent and Taylor. What I got out of it is that Trump was holding back the military aid that was approved by congress and vetted by the US military and all the normal agencies. In the call with Zelenski he implied there was a quid pro quo for an investigation into Biden and his son. But at the time the Ukrainians had no way of knowing the aid was on hold. Zelenski publicly confirmed this several times. The Republicans argue that since Zelenski didn't know the aid was being held back there was no definite quid at the time. So it can't be called bribery without something definite offered. But Zelenski's administration was soon thereafter informed by Giuliani and Sondland of the specific requirements for being granted the aid as well as an Oval Office visit, which was the need to publicly announce just such an investigation on a prominent network. But then the whistleblower appeared and so the jig was up. The aid got delivered and the interview that Zelenski had set up with CNN at the UN was canceled.

It's a hard thing to prove for the Dems. But it does seem like a very well planned scheme. Trump makes some seemingly vague personal request to Zelenski who has to guess what it means, and then several days later he gets the specifics 2nd hand from Trump's emissaries. In that sense I guess Trump was right that it was a "perfect call".
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The phone call request alone is enough to show corrupt behavior, even without any quid pro quo. The rest of it is just filling in how widespread and coordinated the plot was. One of the most damning aspects is that all he wanted was a public statement from Zelensky, which destroys any defense that he really cares about corruption, as if.
I watched about 1.5 hrs of yesterday's testimony with Kent and Taylor. What I got out of it is that Trump was holding back the military aid that was approved by congress and vetted by the US military and all the normal agencies. In the call with Zelenski he implied there was a quid pro quo for an investigation into Biden and his son. But at the time the Ukrainians had no way of knowing the aid was on hold. Zelenski publicly confirmed this several times.
If that is the case, why did Zelenski bring it up? The context of his statement was... 'gee... be nice to get them missiles now, we are quite ready for them'. Zelenski isn't confirming this as he fears the investigation goes no where and Putin bun boy Trump will punish Ukraine.

That really is the crux here. We know the ground work was already done to request the public investigation. Trump's 'favor' was him putting his personal weight behind what Giuliani et al. had been establishing before hand.
It seems quite clear that it was made very explicit to the Ukrainians why the aid was being held up. I can't see where the claim that some sort of guesswork was needed on their part comes from.
It's interesting how everyone has just fogotten the fact that Trump also wanted an "investigation" into something he already knew wasn't true; the non-existence server and the idea that it was the Ukraine that inexplicably committed an act of war against the US by installing Trump into the White House. Which, btw, tacitly concedes that his Presidency isn't legitimate!
I'm not sure Trump doesn't believe those things are true.
That it needed to be a publicly announced investigation indicates that there is a likelihood of thinking it is false, as he needs the public announcement to scandalize Biden... not wait for a legit investigation to find something to use on Biden later.

This was a political hit scam of which the effects would be felt immediately.
It seems quite clear that it was made very explicit to the Ukrainians why the aid was being held up. I can't see where the claim that some sort of guesswork was needed on their part comes from.

Kent and Taylor seemed to confirm that at the time of the call Zelensky had no way of knowing that Trump was holding up the aid. I don't know why that was but there you have it. I don't doubt he might have assumed that was true. Certainly he was worried about it. But apparently he could not have known that for a fact. Which can be construed to mean in legal terms there was no quid pro quo and no bribery.
extortion is more likely to be uttered ambiguously than bribery.
Asking for aid from a foreign power to help in one's Presidential election campaign is illegal, I thought, as in accepting or soliciting that aid. Impeachable on that alne, regardless of the extortion.
Correct. It is illegal for a president to accept foreign aid in his re-election efforts. And illegal to conspire to extort a foreign leader to aid his re-election efforts by investigating a potential political rival. and it is an impeachable offence to obstruct investigation into such efforts by ordering members of his administration to not comply with officially issued subpoenas.
It seems quite clear that it was made very explicit to the Ukrainians why the aid was being held up. I can't see where the claim that some sort of guesswork was needed on their part comes from.

Kent and Taylor seemed to confirm that at the time of the call Zelensky had no way of knowing that Trump was holding up the aid. I don't know why that was but there you have it. I don't doubt he might have assumed that was true. Certainly he was worried about it. But apparently he could not have known that for a fact. Which can be construed to mean in legal terms there was no quid pro quo and no bribery.

if he was "certainly worried about it", then "there you have it", indeed.

Treed.. I really hate it if something bad happened to you.. do me a favor...
Now, can you tell me how many bullets are in my pocket? You don't know? Well then this conversation must have been totally perfect since you have no idea if I am even carrying a gun, much less how many bullets I happen to have at this moment.
extortion is more likely to be uttered ambiguously than bribery.
Asking for aid from a foreign power to help in one's Presidential election campaign is illegal, I thought, as in accepting or soliciting that aid. Impeachable on that alne, regardless of the extortion.

Just withholding the aid is in and of itself is crime.
Since this thread is about Pelosi Impeachment. I do realise that to ALL leftists Geller is ignored, but this post............... https://gellerreport.com/2019/11/impeachment-hoax-exposed.html/.................truly says it all.

Not just leftist, but moderates, centre-rightists, libertarians - basically anyone who is not bigoted dismiss Pamela Geller for the batshit bonkers birther whore she is.

I understand that the truth can in many cases hurt the sensibilities of snowflakes.
Since this thread is about Pelosi Impeachment. I do realise that to ALL leftists Geller is ignored, but this post............... https://gellerreport.com/2019/11/impeachment-hoax-exposed.html/.................truly says it all.

Not just leftist, but moderates, centre-rightists, libertarians - basically anyone who is not bigoted dismiss Pamela Geller for the batshit bonkers birther whore she is.

I understand that the truth can in many cases hurt the sensibilities of snowflakes.

That certainly explains why the right wing is so afraid of the truth these days.
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