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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward


Yes. A centrist is someone who tries to accommodate the status quo while introducing reforms to fix some of its problems. This certainly describes Warren, and arguably Sanders/AOC as well. If they were far-leftists according to the Wiki definition, they would be calling for a revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist class, not saying we should expand Medicare to cover more people. If they were anarchists, they wouldn't be running for government office, period.
You are wasting your bits here. This guy thinks Clinton was a liberal.

That's closer to being true than saying Obama was a leftist.

Yes. A centrist is someone who tries to accommodate the status quo while introducing reforms to fix some of its problems. This certainly describes Warren, and arguably Sanders/AOC as well. If they were far-leftists according to the Wiki definition, they would be calling for a revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist class, not saying we should expand Medicare to cover more people. If they were anarchists, they wouldn't be running for government office, period.
You are wasting your bits here. This guy thinks Clinton was a liberal.

Applying labels is an easy way to avoid having to think.
Most Republicans on impeachment committees aren’t showing up, transcripts reveal
Republicans have for weeks blasted the closed-door impeachment process, but transcripts released this week of private depositions show most GOP lawmakers on the three panels at the center of the probe have simply not shown up.

The low attendance for most committee Republicans paints a very different picture of a party that recently stormed the secure room where the depositions have been conducted, demanding to participate in the process. Republican questioning during these private interviews have been driven by a handful of President Donald Trump’s allies and GOP staff.
So that action was not much more than a temper tantrum.
Most Republicans on impeachment committees aren’t showing up, transcripts reveal
Republicans have for weeks blasted the closed-door impeachment process, but transcripts released this week of private depositions show most GOP lawmakers on the three panels at the center of the probe have simply not shown up.

The low attendance for most committee Republicans paints a very different picture of a party that recently stormed the secure room where the depositions have been conducted, demanding to participate in the process. Republican questioning during these private interviews have been driven by a handful of President Donald Trump’s allies and GOP staff.
So that action was not much more than a temper tantrum.

They (GoP) said that if they saw evidence of law breaking, they would get behind impeachment. Now that they know that evidence exists, they are refusing to see it. Totally consistent.
Most Republicans on impeachment committees aren’t showing up, transcripts reveal
Republicans have for weeks blasted the closed-door impeachment process, but transcripts released this week of private depositions show most GOP lawmakers on the three panels at the center of the probe have simply not shown up.

The low attendance for most committee Republicans paints a very different picture of a party that recently stormed the secure room where the depositions have been conducted, demanding to participate in the process. Republican questioning during these private interviews have been driven by a handful of President Donald Trump’s allies and GOP staff.
So that action was not much more than a temper tantrum.

They (GoP) said that if they saw evidence of law breaking, they would get behind impeachment. Now that they know that evidence exists, they are refusing to see it. Totally consistent.

If you refuse to look, it makes it much easier to say you didn't see.
Centrists? The clown truck of wannabes doesn't compute and far from your claim of them being centrists. The only seemingly moderate in that group of clowns may be Biden the hair sniffer. But I doubt Americans want another appeaser in the White House..

It's just a matter of time before Killery may announce another run. The only thing that may prevent this is her unpopularity with the American public.

What's Strine for "clueless"?

"Tell 'im he's dreaming"
"You've got your fucking blinders on"
They (GoP) said that if they saw evidence of law breaking, they would get behind impeachment. Now that they know that evidence exists, they are refusing to see it. Totally consistent.

If you refuse to look, it makes it much easier to say you didn't see.

No problem ...
Trump ordered to pay $2 million to charities over misuse of foundation, court documents say

I love their excuse for breaking the law, that the investigation into same was politically motivated by sleazy democrats. Therefore, we're innocent. Good stuff.
At AOC's most recent town hall -- Facebook > RepAOC > Nov 6 -- many of her audience cheered when she mentioned that public impeachment hearings were going ahead. AOC herself considered the go-ahead decision a "somber moment", however.

Where The Public Stands On Impeachment One Month In | FiveThirtyEight - opinion was somewhat against impeachment until the proceedings started, and for the last month, opinion has slightly been in favor. Public hearings seem likely to make public opinion more in favor.

The 7 Ways Impeachment Could Shape The 2020 Election | FiveThirtyEight

I) Things Are Bad For Trump And Very Good For Democrats

1) Trump loses everything
2) Voters abandon Trump but stick with the GOP

II) Things Are Bad For Trump But OK For Republicans

1) President Pence
2) The Republican Civil War

III) Things Go Very Well For Trump And Backfire On Democrats

1) Trump wins
2) Utter chaos and destruction for Democrats
3) The weird mixed-bag
At AOC's most recent town hall -- Facebook > RepAOC > Nov 6 -- many of her audience cheered when she mentioned that public impeachment hearings were going ahead. AOC herself considered the go-ahead decision a "somber moment", however.

Where The Public Stands On Impeachment One Month In | FiveThirtyEight - opinion was somewhat against impeachment until the proceedings started, and for the last month, opinion has slightly been in favor. Public hearings seem likely to make public opinion more in favor.

The 7 Ways Impeachment Could Shape The 2020 Election | FiveThirtyEight

I) Things Are Bad For Trump And Very Good For Democrats

1) Trump loses everything
2) Voters abandon Trump but stick with the GOP

II) Things Are Bad For Trump But OK For Republicans

1) President Pence
2) The Republican Civil War

III) Things Go Very Well For Trump And Backfire On Democrats

1) Trump wins
2) Utter chaos and destruction for Democrats
3) The weird mixed-bag

You left out Trump resigning before the axe falls. That way he is always the victim and no one can argue otherwise.

According to the likes of AOC, Trump going to the gents restroom is classed as sleazy!

According to the likes of AOC, Trump going to the gents restroom is classed as sleazy!

No, it's just His Flatulence does so many sleazy things that he's always being accused of sleazy things.
You mean like Biden the hair sniffer?

It's just as well he's not a midget.
No. Not like Biden. Biden has a tendency of getting 'too close'. That is uncomforting.

Trump bragged on Stern about gawking at half nude teens at his Miss Teen pageant. (Comic below referring to SJW anti-LGBT bathroom fear about guys going into women's bathrooms.)

Trump Admin is really starting to color outside the lines here.

article said:
Just moments before his deposition was scheduled to begin, Mulvaney's lawyer informed impeachment officials that he had been directed by the White House not to comply with the authorized subpoena and asserted "absolute immunity."

Trump Admin is really starting to color outside the lines here.

article said:
Just moments before his deposition was scheduled to begin, Mulvaney's lawyer informed impeachment officials that he had been directed by the White House not to comply with the authorized subpoena and asserted "absolute immunity."

If these jackass officials were not above the law, Mulva would be locked up on the spot and would remain incarcerated while the courts sorted it out.
This criminal administration will be the end of the Great Experiment if it is not euthanized very soon.
Any opinions on Facebook and Youtube striking the name Eric Ciaramella from their platforms?
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