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Please clap: A list of republicans who continue to stand up to trump, no matter how ineffectually


Veteran Member
Sep 24, 2002
Basic Beliefs
the Philosophy of Not Giving a Damn
There seems to be no chance that the republican establishment will do anything except roll over for Trump. Not one republican person given a chance to denounce Bannon as 'chief strategist' has done so.

There have been some glimmers of opposition to a few things, and let's give credit where credit is due.

Rand Paul: proving once again to be the least horrible republican on the hill, opposes insane warmonger Roose, no! John Bolton as Secretary of State.

John McCain: still carrying what's left of the dignity of the party, nixes the idea of another 'reset' with Russia.

Please, feel free to add additional honorable mentions as they occur. I have a feeling it will not be a long thread.
How is it that the Republicans became the pro-Russia party and the Democrats became the anti-Russia party. Didn't it used to be the other way around?
The answer is Trump. And gay marriage.

In other news, I breathed a sigh of relief when I read that Trump was favoring Guiliani as SecState over Bolton.

That's how bad things are.
How is it that the Republicans became the pro-Russia party and the Democrats became the anti-Russia party. Didn't it used to be the other way around?
The Democrats needed a villain to oppose so they could scare their voters into supporting them and didn't think that opposing Republicans alone was enough.

Trump figured that just opposing Democrats as the villains was sufficient. This way he could deal with the Russians on more amicable grounds after the election.
The far right started cozying up to Putin when he started virulently opposing gay rights. The whole pan-world-whitey party business came after.

Funny, when I visited Russia back in 2002, I saw some of those weird ethno-nationalist demonstrators who combined communistic and nazi imagery. No one seemed to pay them any attention, and I was quite frankly surprised that would be allowed, and counted it a good sign that such political activity would be tolerated, though not embraced (as the local Russians treated them like Americans treat obnoxious street preachers). Now I know better.

The Comintern failed. Now, thanks to Putin, we have an international White Supremacist movement, and we were all just signed on. lucky us.
And another to add:

Lindsey Graham opposes ending the filibuster, which would allow democrats to potentially stall or block things in the Senate. He said he's more or less forcing Trump to prove how good he is at making deals.

Graham, unlike McCain and Paul, who have just won reelection, will have to face election while Trump is still on his first (only!?!) term. Another crazy effect of this election is that it's made me kinda like Graham.
The far right started cozying up to Putin when he started virulently opposing gay rights. The whole pan-world-whitey party business came after.

Funny, when I visited Russia back in 2002, I saw some of those weird ethno-nationalist demonstrators who combined communistic and nazi imagery. No one seemed to pay them any attention, and I was quite frankly surprised that would be allowed, and counted it a good sign that such political activity would be tolerated, though not embraced (as the local Russians treated them like Americans treat obnoxious street preachers). Now I know better.

The Comintern failed. Now, thanks to Putin, we have an international White Supremacist movement, and we were all just signed on. lucky us.
I like European Football. Liking European Football exposes one to just how ugly the Eastern European nations can be... and West Ham United fans.

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And another to add:

Lindsey Graham opposes ending the filibuster, which would allow democrats to potentially stall or block things in the Senate. He said he's more or less forcing Trump to prove how good he is at making deals.

Graham, unlike McCain and Paul, who have just won reelection, will have to face election while Trump is still on his first (only!?!) term. Another crazy effect of this election is that it's made me kinda like Graham.
If the Republicans ended the filibuster, can we just eliminate Congress and the Courts too?
I like European Football. Liking European Football exposes one to just how ugly the Eastern European nations can be... and West Ham United fans.

- - - Updated - - -

And another to add:

Lindsey Graham opposes ending the filibuster, which would allow democrats to potentially stall or block things in the Senate. He said he's more or less forcing Trump to prove how good he is at making deals.

Graham, unlike McCain and Paul, who have just won reelection, will have to face election while Trump is still on his first (only!?!) term. Another crazy effect of this election is that it's made me kinda like Graham.
If the Republicans ended the filibuster, can we just eliminate Congress and the Courts too?

Sure. That stuff just complicates governance. Like elections - why bother? Why not just appoint Trump Emperor?
And another to add:

Lindsey Graham opposes ending the filibuster, which would allow democrats to potentially stall or block things in the Senate.

Exactly. He knows that in two years they'll need to blame the Democrats for why Trump's supporters didn't get their wall. Or their Obamacare repeal. Or their Muslim ban. Or their jobs back.
I looked it up, he's up in the same year as Trump. Hence the distancing.
Graham is now also calling for a Senate investigation into the Russian hacking.
How is it that the Republicans became the pro-Russia party and the Democrats became the anti-Russia party. Didn't it used to be the other way around?
The Democrats needed a villain to oppose so they could scare their voters into supporting them and didn't think that opposing Republicans alone was enough.
And of course there were the Russian policies and actions of the last several years. You know, Crimea, the Ukraine, shooting down airliners, propping up Assad, bombing Syrian civilians, etc.
John McCain: still carrying what's left of the dignity of the party, nixes the idea of another 'reset' with Russia.
Another? I don't recall previous one.
And that is his only complain? Reset with Russia? Otherwise he is fine with Trump?
Don't give McCain credit for that, he has been most consistent and reliable rusophobe since that Vietnam imprisonment. So no matter what he would always be against Russia and will always think about starting nuclear war.
The Democrats needed a villain to oppose so they could scare their voters into supporting them and didn't think that opposing Republicans alone was enough.
And of course there were the Russian policies and actions of the last several years. You know, Crimea, the Ukraine, shooting down airliners, propping up Assad, bombing Syrian civilians, etc.
As opposed to US policies and actions of the last years. You know Ukraine, Iraq, Lybia, bombing Syrian civilians propping up Al Qaeda, prodding Saakashvili to start a war with Russia.
Justin Amash, another Libertarian/Republican, continues to regularly criticize Trump, most recently the flag burning comment: 'No President should be allowed to burn the First Amendment."

Most of Trump's Republican critics are in the Senate, where the long terms of office give them additional security from retaliation. Kudos to Amash for criticizing Trump from the House.
Another house dissenter: House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy, most notable for failing to become Speaker after Boenher resigned. He has declared that Trump's 35% tarriff idea is 'not healthy.' Tea Party opposition kept him from the Speakership. Now will they rally to Trump to bring him down from Majority leader position?
I think the list of Republicans who stand up to Trump should also make note of when they bend the knee to him. See who actually stays in defiance once they are under pressure to conform. Cruz bent even before the election was over after all.
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