Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Anything but connecting reactions to Israel long mistreatment ofPaolestinins from the founding, right?And? Do you think there is basis for a prejudice? Lack of basis is kind of what makes a prejudice a prejudice. And in case you're implying prejudice against Israelis doesn't count as bigotry the way prejudice against Jews does, that isn't really how it works.In the Israeli narrative any criticism of Israel is from antisemitism with no basis for a prejudice.\
You mean Israelis are collectively guilty for what the collective state of Israel is doing? Does that work both ways? Are Gazans also collectively guilty for what the collective society of Gaza is doing?The reactions to Israel are based on what Israel has been and is doing to the Palestinian people, stang with foundngof Israel and azure of Arab land,
A few Israelis in Amsterdam are assaulted and apologies are made and it is global news.
When over decades Palestinians in occupied West Bank are pushed off their land and reproducer by Israelis hardly a peep over here.
Historical bias and the Jewish experience in WWII are irrelevant to the issue. It is about what the collective state of Israel is doing.
... says the guy reducing Israelis to a stereotype and joining in the long propaganda campaign to paint Israelis as land thieves.If anything it is the Palestinians who have been reduced to a stereotype. Te result of a long proganda campi9gn over here to paint Palestinians as terrorist without justification and Israel as an innocent victim.
Is Israel is hiding behind historical prejudice in its actions in Gaza and treatment of Palestinians.
Regardless of history Israel is reprehensible for its actions.
Islamicists want a new Islamic state in the region, a new caliphate. And we respond against it.
Zionists clam a divine god given right to Palestine after 2000 years and American conservative Christians support it.
Netanyahu has been quite clear, Jews have a biblical right to the land and Israel will do anything it deems necessary inn its interests, hence displacement of Palestinians off their land replaced by Jews.
Netanyahu is the Jewish version of one of political Christian biblical literalists.
The roots of anti antisemitism would be a thread for social science. It started when in the 1st 2nd centuries when non Jewish Chrtians coopted the Jewsh Jesus and bible makng it their own.
'The Jews killed Christ'.