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Pooty Is Not Our Friend

The truth of this whole affair won't come out until the Traitor in Chief is removed from office and Those Who Know are free to speak.
Until then, we will have Trump stressing his "great friendship" with Uncle Vlad, we will have our resident Russian flatly denying (without any knowledge of what happened) the whole story and Those Who Know speaking only through media contacts. Some will believe the Russians' story, some will believe what all the credible media are reporting and the upshot will be exactly the same mendacity and confusion to which we are accustomed coming from the Whitehouse. It does seem pretty clear that Trump was briefed on the matter and is lying about that. Whether and to what extent Russia was/is paying the Taliban for American scalps isn't something the the American public can know - or, under "normal" circumstances, should know until and unless counter actions have been undertaken. But because under this administration, that would be never, it is a little more urgent to get to the bottom of it - IOW to remove the Traitor in Chief from office. November seems so far away, not to mention the half year until an actual President is sworn in (at earliest).

And now, for yet another big question to ponder. What did Mike pence know about any of this and when did Pence know it? Or did Pence not know anything and why did Mike Pence know nothing about this?

You mean Sgt. Schultz? He knows NUSSINK! As always. That's his job.
Jesus fucking Christ! It’s not Putin, it’s fucking Trump! He has refused to take any action. If this isn’t proof that Trump is a Russian agent. It just is! Fuck Trump. He has to be compromised, most likely in a honey pot scheme decades ago when he first went to Moscow. Ever since then, he’s given them good deals, he’s given them everything they wanted in his admin. This is insanity. Trump is not our friend. He’s gotta fucking go.

Anyone want to speculate on what went on in the Whitehouse briefing of GOP congresscritters?

It's pretty amazing to think that the ENTIRE GOP can be made complicit and none of them are going to leak a word of it...
Usually, when it is an election year, when the parties have chosen their official candidates, non-incumbent candidates start getting official U.S. intelligence briefings. Biden has now stated he wants briefings from the intelligence offices on the Russia - Afghanistan scandal. Biden is not sitting around with folded hands in a passive mode here. This then will prove interesting. Since Biden stands a very good chance of being the next president, the intelligence community dare not mislead Biden. An angry President Biden would end a lot of careers if the intelligence community misleads him, or plays passive - aggressive games. The intelligence community now has to make a decision. Loyalty to Trump, or Biden?
The truth of this whole affair won't come out until the Traitor in Chief is removed from office and Those Who Know are free to speak.
I agree, in 20 years people will admit that the whole story was total hoax.
$100k for a dead soldier.... in Afghanistan? They will do it for $20 there.
$100k for a dead soldier.... in Afghanistan? They will do it for $20 there.

Lol - that's what I was thinking. But a $20 hit isn't nearly as secure as a $100k hit. You can get to the truth behind a $20 hit for around $50.
In 20 years, the unholy Trumputin "alliance" (read: puppetry) will be an ugly footnote in American history, and likely a great point of pride in the annals of Russia's international meddlings.
There is no way any Russian operative would pay that kind of money to ragheads. And using banks?
There is no way any Russian operative would pay that kind of money to ragheads. And using banks?

Meh. It's just un-laundered rubles. What better to do with them?
I mean, back in the day, you could buy something from Trump for 3-4 times its value, but now even that is risky business.
So what happened to "Pelosi saw that "intelligence" Has she denied it?
Number of higher-ups in Pentagon acknowledged knowing it and said it was NOT credible.
I would add that it does not look like GRU's M.O. It DOES look like CIA's M.O. though.
So what happened to "Pelosi saw that "intelligence" Has she denied it?
Number of higher-ups in Pentagon acknowledged knowing it and said it was NOT credible.
I would add that it does not look like GRU's M.O. It DOES look like CIA's M.O. though.

Really? Who?
The truth of this whole affair won't come out until the Traitor in Chief is removed from office and Those Who Know are free to speak.
I agree, in 20 years people will admit that the whole story was total hoax.
$100k for a dead soldier.... in Afghanistan? They will do it for $20 there.

You aren't making any sense and are spewing bullshit. You think killing a US soldier is as easy as going up to some random stranger on the street and killing them? It would take at least a small team of people to have any chance of success and would also likely result in their own deaths with high probability.
The truth of this whole affair won't come out until the Traitor in Chief is removed from office and Those Who Know are free to speak.
I agree, in 20 years people will admit that the whole story was total hoax.
$100k for a dead soldier.... in Afghanistan? They will do it for $20 there.

You aren't making any sense and are spewing bullshit. You think killing a US soldier is as easy as going up to some random stranger on the street and killing them? It would take at least a small team of people to have any chance of success and would also likely result in their own deaths with high probability.
Wow, your objections are based on technical details. I guess it is in fact costs $100k in preparations and equipment to kill US soldier.
It's a fucking Afghanistan, you strap a bomb to woman or a child and send her there, success rate is at least 20%.
So what happened to "Pelosi saw that "intelligence" Has she denied it?
Number of higher-ups in Pentagon acknowledged knowing it and said it was NOT credible.
I would add that it does not look like GRU's M.O. It DOES look like CIA's M.O. though.

Really? Who?

Don't remember the name but I was watching CNN.

I know right. If only there was some place we could go on the internet to search for things like who was on CNN at a certain time on a certain date, we wouldn't have to rely on our faulty memories, and could provide evidence that are assertions are not pure bullshit. I am gonna get to work on something that does exactly that, and I am going to name it 'Google', and I will make billions!
Don't remember the name but I was watching CNN.

I know right. If only there was some place we could go on the internet to search for things like who was on CNN at a certain time on a certain date, we wouldn't have to rely on our faulty memories, and could provide evidence that are assertions are not pure bullshit. I am gonna get to work on something that does exactly that, and I am going to name it 'Google', and I will make billions!

You are free to use google too.
It is stunning to realize that barbie doesn't think there there are Trumputin toadies who are "higher-ups in Pentagon".
Did you know that Cheato himself it the highest of the high higher-ups 'in Pentagon'?

But thanks for your permission to use google. :D
Don't remember the name but I was watching CNN.

I know right. If only there was some place we could go on the internet to search for things like who was on CNN at a certain time on a certain date, we wouldn't have to rely on our faulty memories, and could provide evidence that are assertions are not pure bullshit. I am gonna get to work on something that does exactly that, and I am going to name it 'Google', and I will make billions!

You are free to use google too.

And now we are at the point where you are asking me to do your homework for you, to prove an assertion you made, when I have no idea when or where you were watching CNN, or anything at all about the supposed person from which your bullshit assertion supposedly originated.

How about I just don't believe you until you back up your own assertions.
You are free to use google too.

And now we are at the point where you are asking me to do your homework for you, to prove an assertion you made, when I have no idea when or where you were watching CNN, or anything at all about the supposed person from which your bullshit assertion supposedly originated.

How about I just don't believe you until you back up your own assertions.

There is no need for me to prove it. It was for you to prove the assertion that russians are bad, so far you have failed.
You are free to use google too.

And now we are at the point where you are asking me to do your homework for you, to prove an assertion you made, when I have no idea when or where you were watching CNN, or anything at all about the supposed person from which your bullshit assertion supposedly originated.

How about I just don't believe you until you back up your own assertions.

There is no need for me to prove it. It was for you to prove the assertion that russians are bad, so far you have failed.

I would have the same problem with proving that assertion, as it is not one I have made, and I wouldn't want to do the homework of the person who might have made it. That is provided that I believe your assertion that the person in question did not prove their assertion. Given your track record on assertions, who has made them, and who should prove them, I am going to have to stick with not believing you for now.
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