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Pre-Impeachment Hearings June 7-8

I should have said retire, it's that he's not all there, not running on all cylinders anymore.
McCain reminded me of someone recovering from a recent TIA. He kept referring to the president as President Comey, has a hard time staying on track, asked questions that didn't make sense and kept comparing the Russian investigation to the Clinton email investigation. He didn't seem to understand that one investigation was already completed and it had nothing to do with the Russian investigation. SAD.
McCain reminded me of someone recovering from a recent TIA. He kept referring to the president as President Comey, has a hard time staying on track, asked questions that didn't make sense and kept comparing the Russian investigation to the Clinton email investigation. He didn't seem to understand that one investigation was already completed and it had nothing to do with the Russian investigation. SAD.

Totally agree, and he was trying to indicate that Clinton was also under investigation because it was an investigation into the Presidential race. He*just*won't*leave*HRC alone.
The part you may be missing is that Comey chose to speak publically about an active Clinton investigation, so a valid question is why won't he speak publically about the active Trump investigation.

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If nothing else, the Comey hearing proved it's time for McCain to resign.
I should have said retire, it's that he's not all there, not running on all cylinders anymore.

ya.. SOMEBODY needs to resign (err, uh, retire). Getting enough sleep, Blastula?
I agree - the whole Clinton thing is very weird. Perhaps there is something classified there that we are not hearing about.

Overall I think Comey came off as a patriot.
I agree - the whole Clinton thing is very weird. Perhaps there is something classified there that we are not hearing about.

Comey spoke up at about the Clinton investigation because AG Loretta Lynch said that she would accept whatever Comey recommended since there were claims that she had tainted herself in the tarmac conversation with Bill Clinton. In hindsight, we would have been far better if Comey had stayed quiet, Lynch had recused herself, and the deputy had AG made the announcement. But I think that Comey did what he thought was best at the time with the information that he had.

Overall I think Comey came off as a patriot.

Absolutely. He has now very publicly called out both of the 2016 presidential candidates for their questionable/illegal behavior, at the cost his public image and his job. We need more people like that.
Comey was obviously very nervous about the orange wonder from the get go. After his first meeting at Trump tower with president elect orangeness he got into the big black car, whipped out his laptop and started typing.
Yeah, he said it was out concern because of the "the nature of the person" that Trump would lie about it.

Trump lie? Inconceivable!
Couple of tidbits I found interesting.

On Sessions:

COMEY: Our judgment, as I recall, is that he was very close to and inevitably going to recuse himself for a variety of reasons. We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an opening setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia-related investigation problematic.

On Pence:

WYDEN: Vice president Pence was the head of the transition. To your knowledge, was he aware of the concerns about Michael Flynn prior to or during general Flynn's tenure as national security adviser? ....

COMEY: ....
My understanding is that he was.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia - POLITICO
I think if there's a crime in this, Flynn is the key.

Trump has never had trouble throwing anyone who he perceives makes him look bad under the bus. Yet Flynn is still his boy. Roy Cohn was his lawyer/colleague/friend for years, but when Trump found out Cohn was gay and had AIDS, he dropped him immediately.

Maybe Flynn gives great head, or maybe he's got the goods on Trump.
Overall I think Comey came off as a patriot.

Absolutely. He has now very publicly called out both of the 2016 presidential candidates for their questionable/illegal behavior, at the cost his public image and his job. We need more people like that.

And I should add that he also stood up to Shrub on the torture memo and lost his job as deputy AG for it. ("He's not a team player." - Shrub) How many other people have been fired by two presidents for not violating the law on their behalf?
McCain reminded me of someone recovering from a recent TIA. He kept referring to the president as President Comey, has a hard time staying on track, asked questions that didn't make sense and kept comparing the Russian investigation to the Clinton email investigation. He didn't seem to understand that one investigation was already completed and it had nothing to do with the Russian investigation. SAD.

So I can get over the flub, but the fact that he thought his prepared question was coherent really was bad. They were two independent investigations - one to see what information could have been compromised, and another to see if there was collusion in compromising the data. That he's not able to imagine one investigation completing while another is continuing shows a serious lack of acumen.
Absolutely. He has now very publicly called out both of the 2016 presidential candidates for their questionable/illegal behavior, at the cost his public image and his job. We need more people like that.

And I should add that he also stood up to Shrub on the torture memo and lost his job as deputy AG for it. ("He's not a team player." - Shrub) How many other people have been fired by two presidents for not violating the law on their behalf?

Russia-gate’s Mythical ‘Heroes’

What’s not well understood is that Comey’s and Mueller’s joint intervention to stop Bush’s men from forcing the sick Attorney General to sign the certification that night was a short-lived moment. A few days later, they all simply went back to the drawing board to draft new legal loopholes to continue the same (unconstitutional) surveillance of Americans.

The mythology of this episode, repeated endlessly throughout the press, is that Comey and Mueller did something significant and lasting in that hospital room. They didn’t. Only the legal rationale for their unconstitutional actions was tweaked.

Neither Comey nor Mueller — who are reported to be “joined at the hip” — deserve their current lionization among politicians and mainstream media. Instead of Jimmy Stewart-like “G-men” with reputations for principled integrity, the two close confidants and collaborators merely proved themselves, along with former CIA Director George “Slam Dunk” Tenet, reliably politicized sycophants, enmeshing themselves in a series of wrongful abuses of power along with official incompetence.
Couple of tidbits I found interesting.

On Sessions:

On Pence:

WYDEN: Vice president Pence was the head of the transition. To your knowledge, was he aware of the concerns about Michael Flynn prior to or during general Flynn's tenure as national security adviser? ....

COMEY: ....
My understanding is that he was.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia - POLITICO

I saw part of this on TV and looking at the transcript, but it doesn't change the level of speculation.

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I think if there's a crime in this, Flynn is the key.

Trump has never had trouble throwing anyone who he perceives makes him look bad under the bus. Yet Flynn is still his boy. Roy Cohn was his lawyer/colleague/friend for years, but when Trump found out Cohn was gay and had AIDS, he dropped him immediately.

Maybe Flynn gives great head, or maybe he's got the goods on Trump.

If Flynn did give him great head, I don't think he or Trump would brag about it. :)
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