I’m sure I saw China Syndrome soon after it came out—but honestly, 3 Mile Island made a bigger impression on me—which faded as I felt very reassured by improvements, etc. in technology. Then there was Chernobyl. Are you aware of what has been happening now, with respect to the Russian invasion of Ukraine?
But before the current conflict: Fukushima.
It is difficult for me to ignore millions of acres of forest contaminated by radiation because of Chernobyl. Or the millions and millions of gallons of water made radioactive when used to cool reactors. Especially when discussing saving the environment.
Chernobyl is what happens when you're an idiot about building and running nuke plants.
Fukushima is the worst remotely sane accident we have--and the expected death toll was less than one.
The latter isn't going to happen. Attempting to make it so actually makes the problems worse.Solar/wind/thermal is a better way to go but most of all, we need to consume much less energy, period