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President Trump was afraid of rain on the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI

First pResident Trump wants Europeans to contribute more to their defense, and then he turns around and objects to them having their own army.
Well, yeah, he wants them to PAY US, not seek some offshore source of defense. Offshore to us, that is.

Threatening to leave Europe was supposed to scare THEM not our shareholders.
I'm willing to give Trump a pass here. We know he is a pathologically lying narcissist. I think he did everyone a favor by not showing up and pretending to give a damn.
I'm willing to give Trump a pass here. We know he is a pathologically lying narcissist. I think he did everyone a favor by not showing up and pretending to give a damn.
When he did show up, the only one he liked was Vladimir Putin, it seems.

But he nevertheless made a display of ombrophobia that made him seem like the Coward in Chief.
Latest reports seem to be that the mid-terms and Mueller investigation are causing him to crack up.

What surprises me is the silence about his snub from his veteran supporters.

So FFvC will play golf rain or shine, but it's too much to commemorate the end of the Great War. Stay classy fucknut.

So FFvC will play golf rain or shine, but it's too much to commemorate the end of the Great War. Stay classy fucknut.

He's wearing his wig hat.

He doesn't have to take it off.

He can't wear the wig hat to ceremonies.

Only the wigs that will wilt.
So FFvC will play golf rain or shine, but it's too much to commemorate the end of the Great War. Stay classy fucknut.

Well, sure. But in his defence, he, er, erm, ...

Nope, sorry, I've got nothing. It's completely indefensible.

As I said elsewhere, I cannot imagine any past POTUS even considering missing such a commemoration without being prevented from attendance by force majeure in the form of war, serious illness, or life-threatening injury.

It is literally his job to represent the entire nation at such events. His refusal to perform his duties without reasonable excuse should be grounds for immediate dismissal from office - and would have been for any past president. Shit, try not doing the job for which you are paid, and using the excuse that you didn't want to get rained on - I can assure you that you wouldn't have that job for long. That he still has his, says a lot of very ugly things about the current makeup of the US legislature. Their job is to sack the president if he refuses to do his job without lawful and reasonable excuse. Yet they won't do that job, and he won't do his.
Twitter Pelts Trump With Photos Of Obama In The Rain After He Ditches Cemetery Visit | HuffPost
Critics were stunned that President Donald Trump skipped a visit Saturday to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France – where U.S. war dead were being honored – because of rain. They zapped him with a a series of tweets showing Barack Obama in downpours honoring those who fought in wars in what was bound to be particularly galling to the president.

As many as 1,800 American soldiers killed in the World War I battle of Belleau Wood are buried in the French cemetery. But Trump ditched his planned visit and stayed in his hotel room because of unspecified “scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather,” according to a White House statement. Instead, a delegation led by Chief of Staff John Kelly traveled to the cemetery 50 miles outside of Paris by car. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron were among the world leaders who made the trip.
The rest of the article shows lots of pictures of Barack Obama speaking in rainy weather. Toward the end is a picture of Canadian Prime Minister speaking in that rain. He stated “As we sit here in the rain, thinking how uncomfortable we must be these minutes as our suits get wet, and our hair gets wet...it’s all the more fitting that we remember on that day in Dieppe the rain wasn’t rain, it was bullets.”

The article ended with pictures of Ronald Reagan and George Bush I or II speaking in some rain.

Democrats were just as bad because Obama disrespected the troops by using mustard that one time!!!!!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]
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