A while ago, I had a discussion over at the Prosblogion with a poster who defended a probabilistic/collapse interpretation, and held that observers were required for the wave function to collapse. (unfortunately, I can't find a link; the site underwent some changes, and I suspect older posts are gone.
I pointed out that that was more than an interpretation, since all possibilities that contained no brains were excluded, changing the results; for example, in the past, the probability of at least one Boltzmann brain was 1, even in a finite universe. He accepted that, but bit the bullet. He didn't seem to consider that too much of a problem. A
Since I don't know much about this, maybe I'm missing something crucial, but tentatively, that seems to raise interesting questions for defenders of the dead/alive cat:
Did wave function collapse happen before there were any observers?
If so, why do we need an observer in the case of he cat (regardless of whether the cat is an observer). .