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Queer activists disrupt Pete Buttigieg event in San Francisco: 'We deserve better'


Mar 31, 2007

At the center of San Francisco’s National LGBTQ Center for the Arts, two queer activists stood up and disrupted a private fundraiser for Pete Buttigieg after he received a question from the audience about his husband, Chasten.

The packed room quickly booed down the activists, drowning out their pointed questions on Friday with chants of “Boot-Edge-Edge! Boot-Edge-Edge!” as they were escorted out of the building.

“I respect your activism, but this is a gathering for supporters of our campaign and I just got a question about my husband and I’m really excited to answer it,” Buttigieg quipped from stage, drawing strong applause from the crowd.

The activists were part of a group protesting outside the event that reflected a growing disquiet among the LBGTQ+ community when it came to the Buttigieg campaign. Buttigieg may be the first openly gay candidate to sweep the national stage and perform as well as he has in Iowa and New Hampshire, but more and more young queer voters say they feel he is not representative of them or their experiences.

“I’m definitely proud of the fact that a gay candidate has made it thus far, but it’s hard to enjoy or appreciate when his stances are so middle of the road and speak to a predominantly white, upper class audience,” Celi Tamayo-Lee, one of the activists escorted out of the fundraiser, said in an interview before the event.

Friday’s protesters cited many of the same issues that members of the LGBTQ+ community nationwide say are giving them pause – Buttigieg’s unwillingness to support Medicare for All,

Medicare for all is a 'queer' issue ... how?

free college for all,

Is a queer issue ... how?

his issues with communities of color,

As far as I can tell, Buttigieg's sins here amount to not being a person of color, a disability he cannot overcome.
his ties to billionaire donors – all issues that are not specific to the LGBTQ+ community but still affect them at certain intersections.

“We need better, we deserve better,” Adiel Pollydore, a 26-year-old program director with Student Action who is black and queer, told the Guardian. “There’s a level of irony that this event costs hundreds of dollars to attend in the Mission, a historically Latinx and immigrant neighborhood. What does it say that this event is not accessible to the folks that live in the neighborhood where it’s being held?”

It says that the event is a fundraiser. Do queer black women not understand how fundraisers work?

Tickets to the fundraiser started at $250. The Guardian received a ticket from a donor associated with the groups organizing the protests.

“You’re homophobes, that’s what you all are, you’re homophobes!” a Buttigieg supporter yelled at the protesters after the event.
“We’re all gay!” a protester responded.

The "queer PoC" community has a lot of naked hatred for cisgender gay white men. They are definitely homophobic.

“You interrupted that question,” the Buttigieg supporter said, walking toward Tamayo-Lee. “You’re deplorable.”

“Don’t walk up on us,” another protester said, shielding Tamayo-Lee.

“You’re walking up on us, going up on us because we’re gay men,” the supporter responded. “You’re horrible.”
The group quickly reset after that interaction, chanting, “Hey Pete! Come out, we got some things to talk about!”

“The people who disrupted that fundraiser were all queer people of color,” Pollydore said. “We’re allowed to want the gay candidate who is running to do better and be better for queer communities of color. There’s nothing homophobic about that.”
Well I'm sure after you've eaten Pete, the candidates who remain will be better for you. Makes perfect sense.

While Buttigieg has been open about his sexual orientation, with his husband Chasten playing a large role in the campaign, Pollydore felt there was a level of erasure in the way Buttigieg spoke about and presented LGBTQ+ issues.

“Pete Buttigieg represents a very small percentage of the experiences of queer and trans people in this country,being white and being cisgender and being a man, being someone who is highly educated,” Pollydore said.

Pete doesn't represent gay men. He represents the people who agree with him on the issues.

Since you evidently don't, why protest him? Put up a candidate of your own, or shut up.
These people who protested Buttigieg were probably Sanders supporters, since many of his supporters have a reputation for being very critical of anyone who doesn't support Sanders. I could be wrong, but that's how this appears to me.

My primary issue with Buttigieg is his lack of experience. I'd like a much more experienced candidate who is also realistic. I do wish that Democrats would stop attacking each other so much. All they are doing is helping the Republicans, when Dems are so divided. It's one thing to argue on this small discussion board, but when it's out in open, I see that as a problem.
These people who protested Buttigieg were probably Sanders supporters, since many of his supporters have a reputation for being very critical of anyone who doesn't support Sanders. I could be wrong, but that's how this appears to me.

My primary issue with Buttigieg is his lack of experience. I'd like a much more experienced candidate who is also realistic. I do wish that Democrats would stop attacking each other so much. All they are doing is helping the Republicans, when Dems are so divided. It's one thing to argue on this small discussion board, but when it's out in open, I see that as a problem.

Pete has a very mixed (from ok with Pete to outright hostile) reputation among his black constituents in South Bend (which has a large black population), and is happy to take credit for improvements in the economy when the US economy was improving as a whole. I understand that it is altogether possible to fuck up an economic recovery and that all politicians take credit for improvements that happen during their tenure.

At best I see Mayor Pete as a middle of the road candidate with some potential. If I'm going for middle of the road, Klobuchar is a much, much, much better candidate. I see her as somewhat more progressive and she's definitely much more seasoned a candidate, with a strong reputation for being able to work well with others, plus back bone to spare.

No doubt some of those who protested Pete were Bernie bros but I'd be shocked if he had universal or even extremely widespread support among the LGBTQ community.

Medicare for all is a 'queer' issue ... how?

Is a queer issue ... how?

Where does it say anywhere that these are "queer issues"? Gay people aren't supposed to be interested in healthcare and tuition costs?

his issues with communities of color,

As far as I can tell, Buttigieg's sins here amount to not being a person of color, a disability he cannot overcome.

As far as you can tell isn't very far. That YOU haven't been paying attention is no one else's fault but your own.

This has got to be the worst screed you've posted yet among a lot of screeds you've posted. Try harder.
These people who protested Buttigieg were probably Sanders supporters, since many of his supporters have a reputation for being very critical of anyone who doesn't support Sanders. I could be wrong, but that's how this appears to me.

My primary issue with Buttigieg is his lack of experience. I'd like a much more experienced candidate who is also realistic. I do wish that Democrats would stop attacking each other so much. All they are doing is helping the Republicans, when Dems are so divided. It's one thing to argue on this small discussion board, but when it's out in open, I see that as a problem.

They better lean heavy on experience because they're not going to top him on knowledge. Hey Amy, if you're going to interview with Telemundo, know who the president of Mexico is.

Both Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer could not name the president of Mexico during a Telemundo interview in Nevada. But one candidate, former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg, who was also interviewed by Telemundo’s Guadalupe Venegas, did recall the name of President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. “Yeah, President Lopez Obrador, I hope,” Buttigieg said with a laugh.
These people who protested Buttigieg were probably Sanders supporters, since many of his supporters have a reputation for being very critical of anyone who doesn't support Sanders. I could be wrong, but that's how this appears to me.

My primary issue with Buttigieg is his lack of experience. I'd like a much more experienced candidate who is also realistic. I do wish that Democrats would stop attacking each other so much. All they are doing is helping the Republicans, when Dems are so divided. It's one thing to argue on this small discussion board, but when it's out in open, I see that as a problem.

Pete has a very mixed (from ok with Pete to outright hostile) reputation among his black constituents in South Bend (which has a large black population), and is happy to take credit for improvements in the economy when the US economy was improving as a whole. I understand that it is altogether possible to fuck up an economic recovery and that all politicians take credit for improvements that happen during their tenure.

At best I see Mayor Pete as a middle of the road candidate with some potential. If I'm going for middle of the road, Klobuchar is a much, much, much better candidate. I see her as somewhat more progressive and she's definitely much more seasoned a candidate, with a strong reputation for being able to work well with others, plus back bone to spare.

No doubt some of those who protested Pete were Bernie bros but I'd be shocked if he had universal or even extremely widespread support among the LGBTQ community.

I would be surprised if any candidate had a near universal support among LGBTQs, given how diverse their political views are.
But supporting another more left candidate over Pete is different that this kind of destructive, Trump-aiding attack and attempts to silence him and prevent him from speaking to his supporters.
First off, I hate it when people claim that they "deserve better". I'm sorry, people don't deserve shit. Secondly, I think that we generally give too much credence to tiny group of loud mouths.
Reminds me of when BLM stormed the stage on which Bernie was speaking.

Sanders and Buttigieg both have spotty histories with black constituents. I don’t know about Buttigieg, but Sanders has had (and still has) issues with allegations of sexism being tolerated within his staff and directed at female staffers by male staffers, as well as underpaying staff while insisting on raising the minimum wage. I believe there have been lawsuits...

No candidate is perfect nor has a perfect record. Expectations of perfection can be the enemy of the good.
Reminds me of when BLM stormed the stage on which Bernie was speaking.

Sanders and Buttigieg both have spotty histories with black constituents. I don’t know about Buttigieg, but Sanders has had (and still has) issues with allegations of sexism being tolerated within his staff and directed at female staffers by male staffers, as well as underpaying staff while insisting on raising the minimum wage. I believe there have been lawsuits...

No candidate is perfect nor has a perfect record. Expectations of perfection can be the enemy of the good.

You are so right! Every one of the candidates have baggage, the longer they've been around, the more baggage they have. I don't know why people expect a perfect presidential candidate or a perfect president.

I honestly don't understand the attraction to Sanders considering all the nutty things he's said in the past, and all the unrealistic things that he promises. He's as flawed as the rest, and he's not really accomplished much during his long career.

I just saw an ad that Bloomberg is putting out, that is highly critical of Sanders supporters and the way they behave. I don't think that ad is a good idea. It's a bunch of quotes from Twitter and Facebook reflecting some of the nasty attacks that some Sanders supporters are making towards the supporters of other candidates. I just wish the Dems would stop attacking each other so fiercely. All it's doing it giving fodder to Trump to be used later against the eventual nominee.
No candidate is perfect nor has a perfect record.

Sure. That's true. But how much of the people who storm the stages are doing it for that and how much of it is simple virtue signalling and rebel without a cause sort of thinking? I think both are big factors.

Expectations of perfection can be the enemy of the good.

And learned helplessness can put a stop to progress.
Reminds me of when BLM stormed the stage on which Bernie was speaking.

Sanders and Buttigieg both have spotty histories with black constituents. I don’t know about Buttigieg, but Sanders has had (and still has) issues with allegations of sexism being tolerated within his staff and directed at female staffers by male staffers, as well as underpaying staff while insisting on raising the minimum wage. I believe there have been lawsuits...

No candidate is perfect nor has a perfect record. Expectations of perfection can be the enemy of the good.

So, a "spotty record" of getting arrested in the actual civil rights marches is the same as a "spotty record" of someone who has a recently questionable legislative record?

No candidate is perfect but you should still vote for the most perfect option. Expectations of perfect are not the enemy of the good, that would be uncompromising demands of absolute perfection, which does not describe Sanders anyway. You just don't start from a position of compromise, and Buttigieg is absolutely starting from a position of compromise.
I think that we generally give too much credence to tiny group of loud mouths.

In general, I agree. There are way too many news cycles and bouts of social media outrage being driven by a handful or even a single person saying/doing something stupid and then it being cast as though such extremism is indicative of a large portion of the population. It doesn't help that most "news" outlets these day do little more than publish tweets by random nobodies as though it's newsworthy.

That said, this kind of behavior and destructive mentality is in fact indicative of a large % of Sander's supporters. They didn't vote Hillary in 2016 and will not vote for anyone but Bernie. That is the reason why the polls show Bernie has the best chance to beat Trump, b/c other Dems will have the sense to vote Bernie if he gets the nomination, but almost half of his supporters say they won't vote for anyone but him. They treat everyone who isn't their most ideal candidate as the enemy and "just as bad" as Trump, which is a recipe for Trump's victory.
First off, I hate it when people claim that they "deserve better". I'm sorry, people don't deserve shit. Secondly, I think that we generally give too much credence to tiny group of loud mouths.

Are you talking about those attending the Buttigieg event? Or people on this board?

I just hate the phrase. I grew up on a reservation. It's all that I heard growing up: we deserve this, we deserve that. My philosophy is if you want something, you have to fight for it. If people want better health care and a better environment, they have to fight for it. Vote. Make your vote count.
I think that we generally give too much credence to tiny group of loud mouths.

In general, I agree. There are way too many news cycles and bouts of social media outrage being driven by a handful or even a single person saying/doing something stupid and then it being cast as though such extremism is indicative of a large portion of the population. It doesn't help that most "news" outlets these day do little more than publish tweets by random nobodies as though it's newsworthy.

That said, this kind of behavior and destructive mentality is in fact indicative of a large % of Sander's supporters. They didn't vote Hillary in 2016 and will not vote for anyone but Bernie. That is the reason why the polls show Bernie has the best chance to beat Trump, b/c other Dems will have the sense to vote Bernie if he gets the nomination, but almost half of his supporters say they won't vote for anyone but him. They treat everyone who isn't their most ideal candidate as the enemy and "just as bad" as Trump, which is a recipe for Trump's victory.

Totally 100% agree.
Well, I think they had a point. If you claim to advocate for LGBT folks but pursue policies that hurt poor and homelesss Americans, you're either a hypocrite or unaware of what life is like for most gay and trans people. And the only way for a non-privileged person to get media attention is to be loud, so...

Yes, Buttigieg is gay. But a human being is more than the sum of one part.
Where does it say anywhere that these are "queer issues"? Gay people aren't supposed to be interested in healthcare and tuition costs?

Gay people qua gay people? No.

I'm gay. I went to University. I got a student debt. There was nothing about my gayness that made that experience better or worse. Universities don't systematically discriminate against gay people.

As far as you can tell isn't very far. That YOU haven't been paying attention is no one else's fault but your own.

This has got to be the worst screed you've posted yet among a lot of screeds you've posted. Try harder.

Can you tell me what his sins against black people are?
Well, I think they had a point. If you claim to advocate for LGBT folks but pursue policies that hurt poor and homelesss Americans, you're either a hypocrite or unaware of what life is like for most gay and trans people. And the only way for a non-privileged person to get media attention is to be loud, so...

Yes, Buttigieg is gay. But a human being is more than the sum of one part.

If you claim to advocate for LGBT folks, but pursue policies that cause you to lose to Trump, you're either a hypocrite or unaware of what life is like for most gay and trans people (and everyone else). See how that works?!
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