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Queer theology and the Bible


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs

so the trend in divinity school, at least amongst the liberal churches is queering the Bible. Supposedly Jesus shattered sexual norms in the first century. In it gays are just prophets of the new age. Jesus is an “eccentric ass freak.”

In Duke divinity school, Methodists now celebrate god: “You are drag queen and transman and genderfluid, incapable of limiting your vast expression of beauty.”

in another article they explain away the Bible’s clear admonition against homosexuality.

I’m not buying it. Christianity is undeniably homophobic. Always has been. I see this as just another example of shoving a first century outlook into the 21st century.

so the trend in divinity school, at least amongst the liberal churches is queering the Bible. Supposedly Jesus shattered sexual norms in the first century. In it gays are just prophets of the new age. Jesus is an “eccentric ass freak.”

In Duke divinity school, Methodists now celebrate god: “You are drag queen and transman and genderfluid, incapable of limiting your vast expression of beauty.”

in another article they explain away the Bible’s clear admonition against homosexuality.

I’m not buying it. Christianity is undeniably homophobic. Always has been. I see this as just another example of shoving a first century outlook into the 21st century.
Why would Christianity want to embrace a 1st century outlook, rather than facing the world as it now exists? The whole point of liberal theology is that strictly following the letter of doctrine and ritual takes you away from the heart of the true law, which is passionate love of God and others. As Jesus himself taught throughout his entire career.
Why would Christianity want to embrace a 1st century outlook, rather than facing the world as it now exists? The whole point of liberal theology is that strictly following the letter of doctrine and ritual takes you away from the heart of the true law, which is passionate love of God and others. As Jesus himself taught throughout his entire career.
Absolutely this 👆

And I am not even considered a "liberal" Christian. I am in the moderate camp. But I despise the far right's insistence that the scriptures be read as literal and infallible "God-breathed" dictation to humans, rather than what they actually were - the writings of ancient people who were trying to explain God, the principles of faith, and their place in the universe.

Basically, archaeology has demonstrated the Penateuch and Joshua are faux history. There was no Egyptian captivity. No exodus. No 40 years in the wilderness. No genocidal invasion of Canaan commanded by God. Thus, no Moses on the mount recieving 615 laws from God. The anti-homosexual verses of Leviticus 18 and 20 were inventions of an ancient lying priest. Lies that still reach down 2,700 years later making many lives miserable. It is now time to admit this fact and refuse to make bad laws based on these laws. Jesus made no mention at all about any of this, and so is irrelevant. Speculation about his sexual orientation or opinion on gays are thus totally irrelevant. But the archaeological evidence the heart of the Pentateuch is all based on ancient lies is relevant.
I think in British speak queering something up means foulling.

If you mean Jesus as gay I heard that in the 70s. There may have been a book on it. There has also been clams from the gay side that the RCC always allowed gay marriage citing interpretaions of words in RCC history.

Pete Buttigieg is a gay marred conservative Christian. Who would have thought we would ever see that.

Christianity has always evolved to meet evolving needs and images.

I don't know about how widespread it is in theology schools.

It has been contentious issue at a local Christian schools and organizations over hiring gay teachers and other staff. One school rejected a lawyer for being gay..

Not too far from where I live.

At SPU’s graduation on June 12, dozens of students protested by handing gay-pride flags to Menjares, rather than shake his hand, as they received diplomas.

Kato, the trustees’ chair, responded to the protests with a firm defense of the hiring policy.

“We acknowledge there is disagreement among people of faith on the topic of sexuality and identity,” Kato’s wrote to student activists. “But after careful and prayerful deliberation, we believe these longstanding employee expectations are consistent with the University’s mission and Statement of Faith that reflect a traditional view on biblical marriage and sexuality.
I think in British speak queering something up means foulling
In modern parlance, "Queering" just means looking at something from a queer point of view, which can mean explicitly from the perspective of lbtq+ people, or more generally, just with the basic assumption that queer people have always been a part of society in some way. So we have queer cinema, queer lit, queer history, etc. The usage is common on both sides of the pond.
May I suggest you work on you sense of humoor.
Basically, archaeology has demonstrated the Penateuch and Joshua are faux history. There was no Egyptian captivity. No exodus. No 40 years in the wilderness. No genocidal invasion of Canaan commanded by God. Thus, no Moses on the mount recieving 615 laws from God. The anti-homosexual verses of Leviticus 18 and 20 were inventions of an ancient lying priest. Lies that still reach down 2,700 years later making many lives miserable. It is now time to admit this fact and refuse to make bad laws based on these laws. Jesus made no mention at all about any of this, and so is irrelevant. Speculation about his sexual orientation or opinion on gays are thus totally irrelevant. But the archaeological evidence the heart of the Pentateuch is all based on ancient lies is relevant.
@Cheerful Charlie, I neglected to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed the Youtube series with archaeologist Israel Finkelstein that you linked to last year. It is a very well done series and has excellent expositions on many scriptural topics which definitively shows the exaggeration used in those writings. I appreciate you providing that link!

As Jesus himself taught throughout his entire career.
Career?? What kind of a career concludes with hanging on a stick?
Yeah, Jesus taught lots of things. But he said clearly that he came not change one bit of the law - including all of Leviticus. He may have said some nice things, but his sayings are so vague that he is used by everyone to justify everything from war, genocide, racism, to love, inclusion and peace. Every generation reinvents hi to suit their taste and when the next generation does it again, the older generations complain.

so the trend in divinity school, at least amongst the liberal churches is queering the Bible. Supposedly Jesus shattered sexual norms in the first century. In it gays are just prophets of the new age. Jesus is an “eccentric ass freak.”

In Duke divinity school, Methodists now celebrate god: “You are drag queen and transman and genderfluid, incapable of limiting your vast expression of beauty.”

in another article they explain away the Bible’s clear admonition against homosexuality.

I’m not buying it. Christianity is undeniably homophobic. Always has been. I see this as just another example of shoving a first century outlook into the 21st century.
Why would Christianity want to embrace a 1st century outlook, rather than facing the world as it now exists? The whole point of liberal theology is that strictly following the letter of doctrine and ritual takes you away from the heart of the true law, which is passionate love of God and others. As Jesus himself taught throughout his entire career.
It doesn’t matter what a 21st century Christian wants. The Bible was written for a first century audience, not a modern technological society which value universal human freedoms, free speech and freedom of religion. If you’re a Christian you should pretty much stay in the first century world.
Dwelling in the passionate love of god and Jesus is the Christian escape from facing reality. An endorphin inducng state of mind.

.Reality being we really don't have much control over events that control our lives, like the weather or the price of eggs.

so the trend in divinity school, at least amongst the liberal churches is queering the Bible. Supposedly Jesus shattered sexual norms in the first century. In it gays are just prophets of the new age. Jesus is an “eccentric ass freak.”

In Duke divinity school, Methodists now celebrate god: “You are drag queen and transman and genderfluid, incapable of limiting your vast expression of beauty.”

in another article they explain away the Bible’s clear admonition against homosexuality.

I’m not buying it. Christianity is undeniably homophobic. Always has been. I see this as just another example of shoving a first century outlook into the 21st century.
Why would Christianity want to embrace a 1st century outlook, rather than facing the world as it now exists? The whole point of liberal theology is that strictly following the letter of doctrine and ritual takes you away from the heart of the true law, which is passionate love of God and others. As Jesus himself taught throughout his entire career.
It doesn’t matter what a 21st century Christian wants. The Bible was written for a first century audience, not a modern technological society which value universal human freedoms, free speech and freedom of religion. If you’re a Christian you should pretty much stay in the first century world.
Why? What possible advantage could that offer?
Dwelling in the passionate love of god and Jesus is the Christian escape from facing reality. An endorphin inducng state of mind.

.Reality being we really don't have much control over events that control our lives, like the weather or the price of eggs.

I think it was mostly the marginalized and downtrodden who converted to Christianity for the promise of reward in the afterlife.

so the trend in divinity school, at least amongst the liberal churches is queering the Bible. Supposedly Jesus shattered sexual norms in the first century. In it gays are just prophets of the new age. Jesus is an “eccentric ass freak.”

In Duke divinity school, Methodists now celebrate god: “You are drag queen and transman and genderfluid, incapable of limiting your vast expression of beauty.”

in another article they explain away the Bible’s clear admonition against homosexuality.

I’m not buying it. Christianity is undeniably homophobic. Always has been. I see this as just another example of shoving a first century outlook into the 21st century.
Why would Christianity want to embrace a 1st century outlook, rather than facing the world as it now exists? The whole point of liberal theology is that strictly following the letter of doctrine and ritual takes you away from the heart of the true law, which is passionate love of God and others. As Jesus himself taught throughout his entire career.
It doesn’t matter what a 21st century Christian wants. The Bible was written for a first century audience, not a modern technological society which value universal human freedoms, free speech and freedom of religion. If you’re a Christian you should pretty much stay in the first century world.
The 'Two Greatest Commandments ' given by Jesus, matters now, just it did then for Christians:

Matthew 22:36-40
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments

Notions like 'the feeding of the poor and hungry, healing the sick, love your enemies' and so on - I would guess right that this '1st century teaching' would be quite welcomed in today's harsh world.
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so the trend in divinity school, at least amongst the liberal churches is queering the Bible. Supposedly Jesus shattered sexual norms in the first century. In it gays are just prophets of the new age. Jesus is an “eccentric ass freak.”

In Duke divinity school, Methodists now celebrate god: “You are drag queen and transman and genderfluid, incapable of limiting your vast expression of beauty.”

in another article they explain away the Bible’s clear admonition against homosexuality.

I’m not buying it. Christianity is undeniably homophobic. Always has been. I see this as just another example of shoving a first century outlook into the 21st century.
Why would Christianity want to embrace a 1st century outlook, rather than facing the world as it now exists? The whole point of liberal theology is that strictly following the letter of doctrine and ritual takes you away from the heart of the true law, which is passionate love of God and others. As Jesus himself taught throughout his entire career.
It doesn’t matter what a 21st century Christian wants. The Bible was written for a first century audience, not a modern technological society which value universal human freedoms, free speech and freedom of religion. If you’re a Christian you should pretty much stay in the first century world.
The 'Two Greatest Commandments ' given by Jesus, matters now, just it did then for Christians:

Matthew 22:36-40
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments

Notions like 'the feeding of the poor and hungry, healing the sick, love your enemies' and so on - I would guess right that this '1st century teaching' would be quite welcomed in today's harsh world.
Matthew also includes a couple instances of Jesus telling people to cut their balls off, too, learner.
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Dwelling in the passionate love of god and Jesus is the Christian escape from facing reality. An endorphin inducng state of mind.

.Reality being we really don't have much control over events that control our lives, like the weather or the price of eggs.

I think it was mostly the marginalized and downtrodden who converted to Christianity for the promise of reward in the afterlife.
I think you are right.

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