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Raise your son to steal cars, seek $5 million in ghetto lottery

What if you know that police won't be able protect you forever if ever?
You know these nasty gangs have long memory.

Say what??????

Guy was black so he must be in a gang? If he were Italian or Russian or Chinese, he'd be in the Mafia?

It sounds as though you are advocating for simply shooting all blacks on sight because they might be in a gang....

I was not discussing this particular case.
Well, responding to posts about this case in a thread about this case was a weird way to do that.
The title begs the question.

Why are there still ghettos?

If you concentrate a lot of poor people into ghettos you create conditions that produces crime. Add an insane "drug war" and you produce a lot of crime.

Add in a for-profit prison system and a lot of crime is a great thing.

If we keep it in the ghetto.

Ghettos are a cultural thing. In poor countries you see lots of poor people concentrated in areas without producing a lot of crime.

The thing is here people who don't follow that culture generally get out of the ghettos. As usual, a society with heavy emigration is a disaster area.
The title begs the question.

Why are there still ghettos?

If you concentrate a lot of poor people into ghettos you create conditions that produces crime. Add an insane "drug war" and you produce a lot of crime.

Add in a for-profit prison system and a lot of crime is a great thing.

If we keep it in the ghetto.

Ghettos are a cultural thing. In poor countries you see lots of poor people concentrated in areas without producing a lot of crime.

No you don't.

Poverty and crime go hand in hand.
So, we have had two dindus late last month in Atlanta. First involved an 18 year old car thief who stole a car while the driver was filling up with gas, running over his foot in the process. Well, unbeknownst to the thief, it turned out the victim was a cop, in fact member of mayor Keisha Bottoms' detail, and he fired at the thief, killing him.
Now the family is suing the city for not 1, not 2, but 5 million dollars.
Family filing $5M suit after Atlanta police shot, killed teen during ‘slider’ crime
And you know the city will probably give it to them, unfortunately. :rolleyes:

There was another case about the same time. Jimmy Atchison was sought on a federal armed robbery warrant. The was at his baby mama's apartment, and early reports indicated that it was her who called the cops. Anyway, when the federal task force arrived, Jimmy fled, entered another apartment where he hid in a closet, but was eventually shot dead.
NAACP demands answers after recent APD shooting
I bet they will file a multi-million dollar lawsuit too. I don't think the City of Atlanta has that much money to spend. I think they should fight it.

I know I've explained this to you several times, but the city of Atlanta won't spend any money. Their professional liability insurer will be paying for both the lawsuit and the settlement (if any). The only taxpayers harmed in the scenarios above were the two people murdered by agents of the state.

So, the guy stealing the car was driving away from the officer, right? He jumped into the car while the officer was gassing up and that's how the officer's foot got run over?
We do not know how exactly it happened though. We don't know the angles and directions of the gunshots. Maybe D' backed up initially. Gas caps are usually behind the rear axle, making it unlikely that the cop's foot would be run over if the thief simply drove forward.

Derec, I'm not going to defend stealing a car
Maybe not defend, but you certainly seem to downplay it. Have you ever been a victim of a car theft or a carjacking?

but shooting an unarmed fleeing suspect is not OK. It isn't plausible that he was going to turn around and hit the officer with the car.

Ok, let's assume the shooting was unjustified. Then charge the cop with manslaughter. I have no problem with it if the investigation finds it to be unjustified.
But I have a problem with families profiting off criminal behavior of their relatives. The kid's body is barely cold, and they are already seeking 5 million dollars. That is very common with these cases, and the cities and counties usually pay up. There is no way the family was damaged to the tune of 5 million dollars or anything within the same order or magnitude even. And had D' not decided to steal a car, none of this would have happened. Which means that any liability should be reduced based on shared responsibility. I would say it's 90% on D', 10% on the cop.

As for family not being truthful/well informed about whether someone is armed---neither are police. Lots and lots of cases of police flat out lying about 'weapons' being present.
Police are certainly in a much better position to know whether the suspect was armed, given they check the body. The family often doesn't know, and even when they know (like with Keith Lamont Smith) they can lie.
I know I've explained this to you several times, but the city of Atlanta won't spend any money. Their professional liability insurer will be paying for both the lawsuit and the settlement (if any).
And I guess in the land of Alcoholic Actuary insurance is free. Must be a nice place. :)

The only taxpayers harmed in the scenarios above were the two people murdered by agents of the state.
How do you know they were taxpayers? We do not even know either of them were City of Atlanta residents, and I seriously doubt either the 21 year old armed robber Jimmy A or car thief D' were paying taxes. What schedule do you use to declare proceeds from robbery? Does a chop-shop send you a 1099-MISC?
Using terms like "ghetto lottery",
I used the term because filing lawsuits whenever a thug gets popped by police has become standard practice.

and "dindus"
We had this discussion already.

should be an obvious giveaway about the underlying bigotry in the OP.
Nothing bigoted about it. Pointing out social malignancies prevalent (but hardly universal) in the urban, predominately black communities is no more bigoted than pointing out things wrong in certain predominately white communities.

Add in the sneering of the NAACP for asking for more details of the shooting of an unarmed wanted suspect, and it is clear no rational discussion is going to ensue.
I am not "sneering". I merely posted an article.

- - - Updated - - -

Ya if you shoot at a guy who’s running away from you, you’re in the wrong. The cop didn’t appear to be in any danger when he fired.

As you say "didn't appear". That's why we need an investigation. The family filed a suit well before any investigation had been completed.
And even if the shooting turns out to be unjustified, 5 million is excessive. Tort law is to compensate for damages, not to make families of thugs millionaires. That's what rap music is for. :)
Hey, Derec, notice how no issue of race was raised in my post... all the while being critical of those involved? Incredible, isn't it.
The only place where race gets into this is that white thugs who get shot by police do not have a nationwide movement to support them.
Activists and media have made both cases about race long before my thread.
One more reason to think that bias is driving the OP - there is absolutely no indication that this family raised their son to steal cars, so what prompted that in the OP title? Hmmmm.
Even if they didn't, they are set to become millionaires because their son was a car thief.
Once the danger has passed, a shooting is not justified, by law... nor is any kind of deadly force
Note that we do not know exactly how the encounter transpired. Often with cases like this the picture changes somewhat after investigation.
If the state is gong to award the family with 5M for wrongful death (how it is related to the state when the cop was off duty is beyond me, though) they should also sue the family for 6M for unleashing a criminal into society.... how about a little liability there?
Good idea!
Poverty and crime go hand in hand.
There is no evidence that either D' nor Jimmy A. lived in poverty.
And are you trying to make some sort of justification for them choosing to steal other people's property? Like with the infamous "how he gonna get his money"? (Unfortunately for Nautika and the rest of the burglar's family, he was shot by the homeowner and not police, so there are no deep pockets to sue for millions)
Poverty and crime go hand in hand.
There is no evidence that either D' nor Jimmy A. lived in poverty.
And are you trying to make some sort of justification for them choosing to steal other people's property? Like with the infamous "how he gonna get his money"? (Unfortunately for Nautika and the rest of the burglar's family, he was shot by the homeowner and not police, so there are no deep pockets to sue for millions)

So this is not a ghetto lottery?
One more reason to think that bias is driving the OP - there is absolutely no indication that this family raised their son to steal cars, so what prompted that in the OP title? Hmmmm.
Even if they didn't, they are set to become millionaires because their son was a car thief.
No, if they are set to become millionaires it is because their son was wrongly killed by an off-duty police officer.
I used the term because filing lawsuits whenever a thug gets popped by police has become standard practice.
That is a fact not in evidence, and it has nothing to do with “ghettos”. Since you never seem to invoke this language with violent white criminals, I’ll stick with bigoted.

Thank you for admitting the bigotry especially by your special use of the term "thug'.
We had this discussion already.
Yet you persist in using bigoted language. Add in nothing in the articles claimed these two victims did not do anything, and the bigotry is glaring.

Nothing bigoted about it. ..
Nope. Using such tropes is bigoted.

I am not "sneering". I merely posted an article.
Followed by “I’ll bet they will file a multi-million dollar lawsuit too”. I realize that this bigotry is so effortless and automatic that you cannot even believe it is there, but it is there for everyone to see.
The title begs the question.

Why are there still ghettos?

If you concentrate a lot of poor people into ghettos you create conditions that produces crime. Add an insane "drug war" and you produce a lot of crime.

Add in a for-profit prison system and a lot of crime is a great thing.

If we keep it in the ghetto.

Ghettos are a cultural thing. In poor countries you see lots of poor people concentrated in areas without producing a lot of crime.

No you don't.

Poverty and crime go hand in hand.

There are plenty of places in the US that I would be afraid to walk through.

I have walked through plenty of places in other countries with far greater poverty and I've never feared more than pickpockets.
Using terms like "ghetto lottery", and "dindus" should be an obvious giveaway about the underlying bigotry in the OP. Add in the sneering of the NAACP for asking for more details of the shooting of an unarmed wanted suspect, and it is clear no rational discussion is going to ensue.

I've long since blocked him, but whenever a thread turns up here that seems like the OP was virulently racist or misogynistic, I'm never surprised to find out who started the thing.
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