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Raise your son to steal cars, seek $5 million in ghetto lottery

No, if they are set to become millionaires it is because their son was wrongly killed by an off-duty police officer.
That's the proximate cause. The ultimate cause is their son stealing cars or evading arrest for a federal felony arrest.

You have not shown why being killed by a police officer, even if wrongly, should make the perp's family multi-millionaires. It is only the perversion of US tort system that makes that possible.
That is a fact not in evidence,
It is in evidence to anybody with eyes to see. If you don't believe me, google the facts. Families of perps killed by police usually sue, and often collect millions even when the shooting is deemed justified. For example the family of the woman who threatened police with a shotgun and whose shooting was deemed justified still won 37 million by an idiot jury. Now, the county is appealing, and I hope the verdict is reversed and the family is not only not given anything but slapped with county's attorney's fees as well. It takes a special kind of greed to seek tens of millions of dollars for the death of somebody who was threatening police with a firearm!

and it has nothing to do with “ghettos”.
No, it does not. But again you are being too literal-minded. The meaning of "ghetto" in this context is a particular culture, not a part of town.

Since you never seem to invoke this language with violent white criminals, I’ll stick with bigoted.
If families of violent white criminals were to sue for millions, same criticism would apply. There is no bigotry here.
Do you think the term "redneck" is bigoted by the way?

Thank you for admitting the bigotry especially by your special use of the term "thug'.
Nothing bigoted about the term "thug"
Yet you persist in using bigoted language. Add in nothing in the articles claimed these two victims did not do anything, and the bigotry is glaring.
The family denied D' was in a gang. I can't find it now, but early on people were denying that Jimmy A. really committed the robbery.

Followed by “I’ll bet they will file a multi-million dollar lawsuit too”.
It's what happens with cases like this. Families see dollar signs and there are plenty of lawyers willing to take them on. Care to bet that they will file a lawsuit soon?

I realize that this bigotry is so effortless and automatic that you cannot even believe it is there, but it is there for everyone to see.
You are hallucinating.

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I've long since blocked him, but whenever a thread turns up here that seems like the OP was virulently racist or misogynistic, I'm never surprised to find out who started the thing.
Nothing racist here. If the perps had been white, it would be just as wrong for their families to seek to profit from their misadventures.
What if the police guy let him drive away and then that thief run over bunch of people on a sidewalk killing let say 5 including children? Would we have had a thread about how inefficient police is and how guns are useless at preventing such things.
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What if the police guy let him drive away and then that thief run over bunch of people on a sidewalk killing let say 5 including children? Would we have had a thread about how inefficient police is and how guns are useless at preventing such things.

I doubt it.

Anyone could commit a crime or serious crime in the future. Does that mean the police are justified in shooting all of us any time they see us because they want to prevent us from "murdering children?"

What if the police guy let him drive away and then that thief run over bunch of people on a sidewalk killing let say 5 including children? Would we have had a thread about how inefficient police is and how guns are useless at preventing such things.

I doubt it.

Anyone could commit a crime or serious crime in the future. Does that mean the police are justified in shooting all of us any time they see us because they want to prevent us from "murdering children?"

The guy in stolen car is way way way more likely to run over people than the guy in his own car driving to work.
So much so that police is often forbidden to pursue criminals when there is a chance of an accident.
And what if the shooting had caused the car to veer out of control and crash into a van full of terrorists who were on their way to set off a dirty bomb? The cop deciding not to shoot would have allowed them to carry out their plan and directly led to the deaths of millions.

Why are the people slagging the cop so specifically in favour of terrorists murdering millions of innocent people? :mad:
That's the proximate cause. The ultimate cause is their son stealing cars or evading arrest for a federal felony arrest.
No, the ultimate cause would be the events in the officer's life that induced him to shoot.
You have not shown why being killed by a police officer, even if wrongly, should make the perp's family multi-millionaires. It is only the perversion of US tort system that makes that possible.
There is no perversion of anything. The wrongful taking of a life deprives the family of one of their members. Until you can come up with a method of restoring life, money is the only recompense. Moreover, such awards send a signal and should have a deterring effect on such wrongful acts.
I know I've explained this to you several times, but the city of Atlanta won't spend any money. Their professional liability insurer will be paying for both the lawsuit and the settlement (if any).
And I guess in the land of Alcoholic Actuary insurance is free. Must be a nice place. :)

They are going to buy the policy regardless. The greater point is that whether they are sued zero times or 15 times, for no amount or the amount of the policy limits, does not impact the city of Atlanta's ability to pay. I grant that if the Atlanta PD subscribes to the common habit of frivolously killing its residents and civilians, they will have difficulty finding an affordable insurance policy.
The only taxpayers harmed in the scenarios above were the two people murdered by agents of the state.
How do you know they were taxpayers? We do not even know either of them were City of Atlanta residents, and I seriously doubt either the 21 year old armed robber Jimmy A or car thief D' were paying taxes. What schedule do you use to declare proceeds from robbery? Does a chop-shop send you a 1099-MISC?
Why do you assume they don't?

It is in evidence to anybody with eyes to see...
You appear to confuse your beliefs with fact. Do you have statistics showing what proportion of the families of police shooting victims sue and what proportion are awarded compensation? Without disinterested statistics, your biased summary of an incident are only convincing of your bias, not of the facts.

No, it does not. But again you are being too literal-minded. The meaning of "ghetto" in this context is a particular culture, not a part of town.
What is both unsurprising and hilarious is that your explanation proves my point about bigotry.

If families of violent white criminals were to sue for millions, same criticism would apply. There is no bigotry here.
And yet, you never seem to find those cases. Hmmm.

It's what happens with cases like this. Families see dollar signs and there are plenty of lawyers willing to take them on.
The NAACP is not a family.
You are hallucinating.
Then there is a mass hallucination. The fact that you reproduce examples only of black families suing over the alleged wrongful death of a black family member when there are examples of white families doing the same thing (https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article224528845.html is a recent example) is evidence suggesting bigotry. Add in your penchant for bigoted descriptions, and it is obvious to anyone who can see.
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The guy in stolen car is way way way more likely to run over people than the guy in his own car driving to work.
So much so that police is often forbidden to pursue criminals when there is a chance of an accident.
That is because police chases usually end up with cars driving at high speeds. If no one is chasing the stolen car, then the high speed chase does not occur. Hence your point is moot.
No, the ultimate cause would be the events in the officer's life that induced him to shoot.
That event would be some punk stealing his car.
There is no perversion of anything.
Tort is meant to compensate people for damages. Not to make some people, and their lawyers, millionaires.
The wrongful taking of a life deprives the family of one of their members.
True. But that's what the criminal justice system is meant for. Tort system is meant for damages.
Until you can come up with a method of restoring life, money is the only recompense.
Since money will not bring their family member, what's the point of throwing ridiculous amounts of money at these families?

Moreover, such awards send a signal and should have a deterring effect on such wrongful acts.
Again, if you want deterrence, try the police officer in question for a crime. I would have no problem with this cop getting charged with manslaughter if it turns out the shooting was unjustified.
Another problem is that families of thugs shot by police have collected millions even when the shooting has been justified. What is being deterred there? Should police officers put their lives at undue risk just to avoid their cities getting sued by greedy families?
They are going to buy the policy regardless. The greater point is that whether they are sued zero times or 15 times, for no amount or the amount of the policy limits, does not impact the city of Atlanta's ability to pay. I grant that if the Atlanta PD subscribes to the common habit of frivolously killing its residents and civilians, they will have difficulty finding an affordable insurance policy.
That's my point. Insurance companies are businesses, and the premiums must cover any payouts plus operating costs plus profits. The more is paid out, the higher premiums must be, and thus costs to the taxpayer. What needs to happen is that laws need to be changed to limit the amount juries can award for unjustified killings to some reasonable level when the triggering event was a felony committed by the dead guy, and shield cities and counties from liability entirely when the shooting is justified. Because too many times cities pay even for justified shootings.

Why do you assume they don't?
Because you can't declare larceny income. Duh.
You appear to confuse your beliefs with fact. Do you have statistics showing what proportion of the families of police shooting victims sue and what proportion are awarded compensation? Without disinterested statistics, your biased summary of an incident are only convincing of your bias, not of the facts.
There have been more than enough cases of even justified shootings where families got settlements or judgments in the millions. Korryn Gaines is probably the most egregious example, but there are others.
I am not aware of any statistics of the nature you ask for. If they exist, I would love to see them. But as it is, we must use the data we have.

What is both unsurprising and hilarious is that your explanation proves my point about bigotry.
The only thing it proves is that you have no idea what bigotry is.

And yet, you never seem to find those cases. Hmmm.
Maybe it has to do with culture, maybe with the news media. I only become aware of cases when they either make national news, or if they happen in my neck of the woods like D' and Jimmy A.

The NAACP is not a family.
No, they are activists. Always advocating for the perps.
The fact that you reproduce examples only of black families suing over the alleged wrongful death of a black family member when there are examples of white families doing the same thing (https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article224528845.html is a recent example) is evidence suggesting bigotry.

No, it is not. I do not think Kansas City should have settled there either, since the shooting was deemed justified. But these cases are rare compared to the cases like the ones in the OP. I would love to see some actual stats on these things like you mention, but, alas, we both know that you would dismiss any stats as well, just like you and other leftists dismiss FBI uniform crime statistics showing for example that blacks are 5-6 times more likely to commit homicide than whites.
That event would be some punk stealing his car.
No one forced the officer to shot. He is responsible for his actions. To quote a poster here, you are wrong as usual.
Tort is meant to compensate people for damages. Not to make some people, and their lawyers, millionaires.
Logic fail. From your premise, if the damages are in the millions, then a tort is meant to compensate them in the millions.
True. But that's what the criminal justice system is meant for. Tort system is meant for damages.
You are misinformed, as usual.
Since money will not bring their family member, what's the point of throwing ridiculous amounts of money at these families?
To compensate them for the damages they endure. Really, this is not hard to understand.

Again, if you want deterrence, try the police officer in question for a crime. I would have no problem with this cop getting charged with manslaughter if it turns out the shooting was unjustified.
The deterrence is not only for the individual, but for the police force so that they change their training, tactics and expectations. Really, this is not hard to understand.

Another problem is that families of thugs shot by police have collected millions even when the shooting has been justified. What is being deterred there? Should police officers put their lives at undue risk just to avoid their cities getting sued by greedy families?
The problem is that the "justification" is usually made by the police or the DA (who has a conflict of interest). If a disinterested jury of peers finds otherwise, then the problem is with you, not the award. In at least one of the examples you cite, no officer's life was put at risk, let alone undue risk, by a fleeing car thief. In the other example, there is no lawsuit at this time, nor is there any actual evidence that any police office faced an undue risk. Now, more information may come out. But at this time, there is no lawsuit, simply demands for more information. Yet here you are, jumping on one of your bandwagons.
There have been more than enough cases of even justified shootings where families got settlements or judgments in the millions. Korryn Gaines is probably the most egregious example, but there are others.
I am not aware of any statistics of the nature you ask for. If they exist, I would love to see them. But as it is, we must use the data we have.
You are using biased reasoning. We don't know how many of these instances result in lawsuits, and we don't know how many of these cases that do result in lawsuits result in awards, and we don't know the distribution of awards in the cases that result in awards.

The only thing it proves is that you have no idea what bigotry is.
To quote a poster in this forum - as usual, you are wrong.

Maybe it has to do with culture, maybe with the news media. I only become aware of cases when they either make national news, or if they happen in my neck of the woods like D' and Jimmy A.
Those are very unconvincing excuses.

No, they are activists. Always advocating for the perps.
Now you are shifting the goalposts with facts not in evidence.
No, it is not. I do not think Kansas City should have settled there either, since the shooting was deemed justified. But these cases are rare compared to the cases like the ones in the OP.
You have no idea whether this case is rare compared to the OP case (and there is only one, since no lawsuit has been filed in the other). You are literally making stuff up to fit your bigoted view of this issue.
I would love to see some actual stats on these things like you mention, but, alas, we both know that you would dismiss any stats as well, just like you and other leftists dismiss FBI uniform crime statistics showing for example that blacks are 5-6 times more likely to commit homicide than whites.
As usual, you are wrong since "we" do not both know that. I have never dismissed the statistic. i have pointed out that it may be irrelevant to a particular discussion.
No one forced the officer to shot. He is responsible for his actions.
No one forced D' to steal the car. He should be responsible for his actions that led to his death.

Logic fail. From your premise, if the damages are in the millions, then a tort is meant to compensate them in the millions.
It is not logic fail. Yes, of course, if the damages are in the millions, then the tort should reflect that. But, to quote Spartan reply to Phillip the Macedonian, "IF". The problem with these lawsuits, settlements and judgments is that they have no relationship to any actual damages.

To compensate them for the damages they endure. Really, this is not hard to understand.
Indeed, it is not. But they do not have 5 million in damages. Not even 500,000. These numbers are freely invented and do not reflect any real damages.
And furthermore, if their son has a share of blame in his own death, the award should reflect that. Let's say they suffered 100,000 is real damages, and D' is 75% at fault. That means the City of Atlanta liability should be $25,000.

The deterrence is not only for the individual, but for the police force so that they change their training, tactics and expectations. Really, this is not hard to understand.
Yes, I know. Very easy thinking. So easy, it oversimplifies. If cities have to pay even when their officers did nothing wrong, as in the case of Korryn Gaines for example, what is being deterred? And even when the shooting is unjustified, do you really think making the families of dead thugs millionaires
One thought on this. Young people learn things from the family they are raised in. The lure of armed robbery or grand theft auto is quick money you do not have to work for. Is it really any surprise then that their families share their desire to get a lot of money easily without having to work for it? Hence, filing lawsuits before the body is even cold.

The problem is that the "justification" is usually made by the police or the DA (who has a conflict of interest).
And the problem with the juries is that they are average people who are led by emotions, not facts.
If a disinterested jury of peers finds otherwise, then the problem is with you, not the award.
The jury system is a big problem here. For example, a jury gave 37 million to the family of a woman who threatened police with a shotgun and used her own son as a human shield. That is not a good judgment just because a jury said so. That's just stupid.

In at least one of the examples you cite, no officer's life was put at risk, let alone undue risk, by a fleeing car thief.
Maybe, maybe not. The family doesn't deserve no millions in any case.

In the other example, there is no lawsuit at this time, nor is there any actual evidence that any police office faced an undue risk. Now, more information may come out. But at this time, there is no lawsuit, simply demands for more information. Yet here you are, jumping on one of your bandwagons.

Again, do you want to bet that a lawsuit will be forthcoming?
No one forced D' to steal the car. He should be responsible for his actions that led to his death.
If car theft usually entailed death, you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

It is not logic fail. Yes, of course, if the damages are in the millions, then the tort should reflect that. But, to quote Spartan reply to Phillip the Macedonian, "IF". The problem with these lawsuits, settlements and judgments is that they have no relationship to any actual damages.

Indeed, it is not. But they do not have 5 million in damages. Not even 500,000. These numbers are freely invented and do not reflect any real damages.
And furthermore, if their son has a share of blame in his own death, the award should reflect that. Let's say they suffered 100,000 is real damages, and D' is 75% at fault. That means the City of Atlanta liability should be $25,000.
Apparently the juries in the cases you cite do not believe the victim is at fault.

Yes, I know. Very easy thinking. So easy, it oversimplifies. If cities have to pay even when their officers did nothing wrong, as in the case of Korryn Gaines for example, what is being deterred?
As usual, you mischaracterize the result. The officers were found to have done something wrong - that the first shot which they fired was not justified.
And even when the shooting is unjustified, do you really think making the families of dead thugs millionaires
What have you against families that have suffered an unjust loss of a family member?
One thought on this. Young people learn things from the family they are raised in. The lure of armed robbery or grand theft auto is quick money you do not have to work for. Is it really any surprise then that their families share their desire to get a lot of money easily without having to work for it? Hence, filing lawsuits before the body is even cold.
A wrongful death is a wrongful death regardless of the lag between the death and the filing of a lawsuit. As to the rest of that "thought", crime is work - just illegal work that involves high risk. But I find it unsurprising that you try to link black families with an ethos of not working to get rich.

And the problem with the juries is that they are average people who are led by emotions, not facts.
And police and DAs and you are not? LOL.

The jury system is a big problem here. For example, a jury gave 37 million to the family of a woman who threatened police with a shotgun and used her own son as a human shield. That is not a good judgment just because a jury said so. That's just stupid.
As I pointed out above, their rationale (which you ignore) is reasonable.

Maybe, maybe not.
There is no maybe about it. The thief was fleeing which means he was going away from the officer. It is stupid to claim the officer was at risk.
The family doesn't deserve no millions in any case.
The family suffers a loss. If it is found to be a wrongful death, according to you, as a tort they deserve compensation.

Again, do you want to bet that a lawsuit will be forthcoming?
If and when it does, then the case is, at least, relevant to your position. But it is either stupid or intellectually dishonest to include it at this point.
And what if the shooting had caused the car to veer out of control and crash into a van full of terrorists who were on their way to set off a dirty bomb? The cop deciding not to shoot would have allowed them to carry out their plan and directly led to the deaths of millions.
That would be as likely as shooting anybody and getting the same result. Whereas in my case it's obvious that guys in stolen cars are more likely to cause accidents.
In any case, I think it would be more practical to sue car manufacturer. It should impossible to steal car in that fashion. I mean there are these damn proximity keys and whatever.
And what if the shooting had caused the car to veer out of control and crash into a van full of terrorists who were on their way to set off a dirty bomb? The cop deciding not to shoot would have allowed them to carry out their plan and directly led to the deaths of millions.
That would be as likely as shooting anybody and getting the same result. Whereas in my case it's obvious that guys in stolen cars are more likely to cause accidents.
In any case, I think it would be more practical to sue car manufacturer. It should impossible to steal car in that fashion. I mean there are these damn proximity keys and whatever.

The "damn proximity key" would probably have still been in the vehicle. Being able to stop/start a car without touching the key makes it more likely that you won't take it with you when you intend to stay close to the car.

What's next, sue the tire manufacturer for not having "foot sensors" in the treads?
The implementation of the Castle Doctrine in Georgia is similar to most other places... deadly force is only legal if used to stop a "violent felony". The running over of the shooter's foot as he stole the car does not likely meet that criteria. for the shooter to not be guilty of murder, he will have to show what cause he had to believe that a "violent felony" was going to be committed by the car thief. Entering an empty car and driving off does not meet the "violent" criteria, regardless of the "felony" part.
Some will argue that the way the car thief took off might imply the degree of danger they posed to others... Some will reject that opinion. It is on that which the case will hinge. It sounds like they are going for a "personal defense" angle, by mentioning he "ran over my foot" bit. Like the foot was not enough and there was reasonable belief the thief intended to come around and go for the head. They can try that. I think the claim that he was protecting others from the thief's "erratic driving" as he attempted to leave the scene is their best hope. The idea he was going to come back to run over the other foot, or worse, is much weaker.
Texas is the only state I know of where deadly force can be used to stop a robbery of your own personal property in and about itself. Maybe Derec would be happier living there where revenge is more important than life.
One of my shooting instructors said, while responding to a classmate's question on how the Castle Doctrine is implemented in Colorado, "You can't shoot someone for breaking into your house. You can shoot someone for stealing your TV after breaking into your house. But, if you are the type of person that will shoot someone for stealing a TV, then get out of my class because you are a piece of shit".
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