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Reparations and white flight (Split from Die Dilbert Die)


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
Hmm, do white people not wanting to take the (often literal) hit of living around blacks make it more likely that the few that do live around them are more likely to be physically attacked? In a sort of perverse self fulfilling prophecy of making blacks more often become poor, violent assholes...

But after being attacked three times by poor violent asshole blacks in South Seattle (Rainier and Henderson) in the early '90s as a white teenager, I really don't care about the self fulfilling prophecy part, I just want to have less contact with them.

Any liberal whites here living in a low black area, please move to a high black area.
I don't know about Seattle but where I live, the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations. So even if you agree with reparations in general, I expect her program will greatly encourage the white population to move out (tax avoidance) and black population to move in (more income). Just exactly what the city does not need at this point.

At some point I'm hoping even liberals will see how a lot of this stuff will fail.
the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations.
I'd bet a lot more than a dollar that this isn't true.
It's you and your authorities spin on something else, but it's not true.
Hmm, do white people not wanting to take the (often literal) hit of living around blacks make it more likely that the few that do live around them are more likely to be physically attacked? In a sort of perverse self fulfilling prophecy of making blacks more often become poor, violent assholes...

But after being attacked three times by poor violent asshole blacks in South Seattle (Rainier and Henderson) in the early '90s as a white teenager, I really don't care about the self fulfilling prophecy part, I just want to have less contact with them.

Any liberal whites here living in a low black area, please move to a high black area.
I don't know about Seattle but where I live, the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations. So even if you agree with reparations in general, I expect her program will greatly encourage the white population to move out (tax avoidance) and black population to move in (more income). Just exactly what the city does not need at this point.

At some point I'm hoping even liberals will see how a lot of this stuff will fail.
I noticed you didn't cite her saying anything.
I expect her program will greatly encourage the white population to move out (tax avoidance) and black population to move in (more income). Just exactly what the city does not need at this point.
Why? How will it hurt the city if the ratio of black citizens to white citizens were to increase? By what mechanism would this be "just exactly what the city does not need"?

Is it supposed to be obvious to everyone that a higher proportion of black citizens is bad for a city?
Is it supposed to be obvious to everyone that a higher proportion of black citizens is bad for a city?
Of course it is supposed to be obvious.
( But you’re not supposed to say it out loud.)

Surely you don’t think we have cultivated and nurtured our ability to keep the darkies desperate, poor and without options for the last 400 years because we think having them around and not enslaved, is good for the neighborhood, do you?
the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations.
I'd bet a lot more than a dollar that this isn't true.
It's you and your authorities spin on something else, but it's not true.
She is setting up a reparations commission. That only white residents would have to pay some hypotical reparations is probably not correct.
Hmm, do white people not wanting to take the (often literal) hit of living around blacks make it more likely that the few that do live around them are more likely to be physically attacked? In a sort of perverse self fulfilling prophecy of making blacks more often become poor, violent assholes...

But after being attacked three times by poor violent asshole blacks in South Seattle (Rainier and Henderson) in the early '90s as a white teenager, I really don't care about the self fulfilling prophecy part, I just want to have less contact with them.

Any liberal whites here living in a low black area, please move to a high black area.
I don't know about Seattle but where I live, the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations. So even if you agree with reparations in general, I expect her program will greatly encourage the white population to move out (tax avoidance) and black population to move in (more income). Just exactly what the city does not need at this point.

At some point I'm hoping even liberals will see how a lot of this stuff will fail.
I noticed you didn't cite her saying anything.
The mayor established a commission to study the possibility of reparations based on the historical actions of the city of ST Louis. This commission well have regular meetings that are open to the public before it makes any recommendations.

At this writing there are no recommendations.
She is setting up a reparations commission. That only white residents would have to pay some hypotical reparations is probably not correct.

There's no end to the stupidity.

If Obama moved there, would he be white enough to pay, or black enough to collect?
She is setting up a reparations commission. That only white residents would have to pay some hypotical reparations is probably not correct.

There's no end to the stupidity.

If Obama moved there, would he be white enough to pay, or black enough to collect?

You post is very ignorant. The average African American is 80% African. The other 20% of dna origin is mostly European. A significant reason is white masters who raped their slaves. So, of course, most African Americans are descendants of slave owners, many who raped their other ancestors. Duh! I blame the American education system on your ignorant post. If we taught critical race theory, you'd have been caught up.
More for Don2.

Hmm, do white people not wanting to take the (often literal) hit of living around blacks make it more likely that the few that do live around them are more likely to be physically attacked? In a sort of perverse self fulfilling prophecy of making blacks more often become poor, violent assholes...

But after being attacked three times by poor violent asshole blacks in South Seattle (Rainier and Henderson) in the early '90s as a white teenager, I really don't care about the self fulfilling prophecy part, I just want to have less contact with them.

Any liberal whites here living in a low black area, please move to a high black area.
I don't know about Seattle but where I live, the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations. So even if you agree with reparations in general, I expect her program will greatly encourage the white population to move out (tax avoidance) and black population to move in (more income). Just exactly what the city does not need at this point.

At some point I'm hoping even liberals will see how a lot of this stuff will fail.

Not without some proof that what you are saying reflects what is actually happening. You don't appear to be willing to give it. It is impossible to know what you are referring to without some reference link, but I can find no reference at all to any tax on white residences or anybody with regard to reparations in St Louis. So that part of your claim just appears to be false.

What I did find was a reference to a commission that the mayor appointed to study the issue of reparations and how they might be implemented. The following PBS article (from Feb 13) discusses the issue and makes reference to a $10 million set-aside from their tax on cannabis sales that was for their implementation of so-called "reparations". I'll admit that the term "black reparations" is poor messaging, since it can easily be distorted to make it sound like the idea is to blame and target the modern white population for historical events that they had no control over. Hence, like the slogan "defund the police", "reparations" requires an excessive amount of clarification that never quite succeeds in changing anybody's minds about what it means. It isn't about targeting whites and shifting resources from whites to blacks, although that is apparently going to be the spin coming out of rightwing propaganda mills.

How St. Louis is approaching the question of reparations for Black citizens

Hmm, do white people not wanting to take the (often literal) hit of living around blacks make it more likely that the few that do live around them are more likely to be physically attacked? In a sort of perverse self fulfilling prophecy of making blacks more often become poor, violent assholes...

But after being attacked three times by poor violent asshole blacks in South Seattle (Rainier and Henderson) in the early '90s as a white teenager, I really don't care about the self fulfilling prophecy part, I just want to have less contact with them.

Any liberal whites here living in a low black area, please move to a high black area.
I don't know about Seattle but where I live, the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations. So even if you agree with reparations in general, I expect her program will greatly encourage the white population to move out (tax avoidance) and black population to move in (more income). Just exactly what the city does not need at this point.

At some point I'm hoping even liberals will see how a lot of this stuff will fail.
I noticed you didn't cite her saying anything.
The mayor established a commission to study the possibility of reparations based on the historical actions of the city of ST Louis. This commission well have regular meetings that are open to the public before it makes any recommendations.

At this writing there are no recommendations.
My quick search of the Net found likewise. I was trying to give RVonse the benefit of the doubt and that something just got announced, but I provide too much leniency it seems.
the St. Louis mayor just announced she is going to put through a tax that will force white residences to pay black residence for reparations.
I'd bet a lot more than a dollar that this isn't true.
It's you and your authorities spin on something else, but it's not true.
ST. LOUIS – While some states are just now, more than 150 years after it was abolished, removing slavery from their state constitutions, St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones is creating a commission focused on reversing some of the historic damage slavery inflicted on people in the region. Jones will soon appoint a counsel to look at the race-based harms Black St. Louisians have faced and continue to face as a legacy of the institution of slavery and racism.

“We cannot succeed as a city if one half is allowed to fail,” Jones, who is also a member of the Mayors Organizing for Reparations and Equity (MORE) Coalition, said in a statement.

The new commission will consist of nine St. Louis residents. Per the executive order, the group must include an attorney, clergy member, academic, public health professional, civil rights advocate and youth. Their task: to “recommend a proposal to begin repairing the harms that have been inflicted.”
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