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Republican Coronation 2020?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
RNC to push undivided support for Trump reelection, state leaders consider canceling caucuses - ABC News
Republican leaders held sensitive meetings to discuss differing strategies for the 2020 election, moving forward with a step to support President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign as some state GOP officials separately consider canceling their party’s primaries and caucuses.

The Republican National Committee is poised to pass an unprecedented pledge on Friday to give Trump their “undivided support” before he is the party’s official nominee.

The step could serve to discourage a potential GOP challenger from running against the president – which presents a stark contrast to the already crowded Democratic field.

But the party stopped short of considering a resolution that would endorse the president as the Republican nominee in 2020.

GOP leaders did not consider a competing resolution endorsing Trump’s re-nomination and re-election. It was backed by RNC member Jevon Williams, who received a letter of gratitude from Trump for his support.

But his resolution died in committee and was never voted on.
So they are considering making the 2020 primary season a coronation?
But, they have spent two years bitching about the DNC imposing a candidate, not reflecting the voters' choice... Surely they would fear the shrapnel from the collective irony meter explosions....
But, they have spent two years bitching about the DNC imposing a candidate, not reflecting the voters' choice... Surely they would fear the shrapnel from the collective irony meter explosions....
If the irony meter explosions haven't harmed them yet...
Well, they realize how awkward it would be to have their President face a strong challenge in the primary and they realize how likely an occurance that could be. They need to nip it in the bud now to hold off any resistance movement while Trumo still has some measure of power and authority.

Do remember, though, that Trump could randomly decide that his first term was just so successful and brilliant that it would be fair to all the other Presidents if he easily won a second term and then historians had to judge all the rest of them against that increased awesomness, so he’ll just step down and not run again.
Well, they realize how awkward it would be to have their President face a strong challenge in the primary and they realize how likely an occurance that could be. They need to nip it in the bud now to hold off any resistance movement while Trumo still has some measure of power and authority.

Do remember, though, that Trump could randomly decide that his first term was just so successful and brilliant that it would be fair to all the other Presidents if he easily won a second term and then historians had to judge all the rest of them against that increased awesomness, so he’ll just step down and not run again.

I can't even imagine Cheato taking the stage with anyone else at this point. A fourth grader could rip him to shreds on the basis of his past performance.
What the Republicans understand is Republican voters, especially primary voters, prefer style over substance.

And nobody is going to out Trump Trump.

And if you try to go serious and above his nonsense you lose the Republican voter.
Well, they realize how awkward it would be to have their President face a strong challenge in the primary and they realize how likely an occurance that could be. They need to nip it in the bud now to hold off any resistance movement while Trumo still has some measure of power and authority.

Do remember, though, that Trump could randomly decide that his first term was just so successful and brilliant that it would be fair to all the other Presidents if he easily won a second term and then historians had to judge all the rest of them against that increased awesomness, so he’ll just step down and not run again.

I can't even imagine Cheato taking the stage with anyone else at this point. A fourth grader could rip him to shreds on the basis of his past performance.

That's what they said in 2016 and he then proceeded to walk all over all of them. Now, it may be that there's a better playbook for handling Trump after a couple of years of watching him, but I'm not convinced that playbook works while not also alienating the GOP base. They have bought so solidly into the Trumpian version of reality that going after the Dear Leader is the equivalent of directly insulting all of them, so I don't see a real path to somebody gaining the Republican nomination by challenging Trump, even if they weren't pre-emptively shutting down the playing field.

Even if someone did, can you see Trump going quietly and uniting his followers behind the standard bearer who'll be replacing him as opposed to throwing a hissy fit and telling them to stay home? Any other nominee will be severely undercut and end up getting massively defeated in the general election, thus killing any future for them in politics.

There's no upside to someone trying to unseat Trump via primaries.
God knows what out Trumping Trump would look like!!! For starters, you'd have to go deeper into obscenity than little Schitt and sleepy-eyed son of a bitch. I assume you'd be combing through the Jim Norton dictionary. This would transform Standards and Practices at all the networks ("Do we go with Trump calling Biden a pus-dripping taint? And Biden referring to Trump's chihuahua scrotum? Can we limit the number of times Andrea Mitchell can say that?")
It is an interesting question as to whether the GOP could survive the loss of Trump. Trump is the far right-wing's guy. Trump is fighting the machine and if they perceive the machine (The GOP) firing Trump, they could just disappear for good.

The Wall is an interesting parallel to the Trump Presidency. Trump has promised to do what the GOP has been flirting with for a long while... no nation building and ending illegal immigration. Trump has actually pushed these radical ideas in the White House, and his supporters who have been sucking at the teats of Limbaugh and Hannity and Levin are fully engaged, finally seeing someone fulfill the promise. But the GOP knows these promises can't be fulfilled. Much like how the shutdown wasn't going to precipitate "The Wall" or whatever Trump is spinning it as these days, the GOP is realizing that they are now in a position to obstruct fulfillment of promises they have been making for a couple decades.

Up to now, it seemed to at least been working at the surface, as the GOP has been approving Justices like crazy. But it might not be enough if they pass a budget or over-ride Trump's veto on a budget and don't build a wall. This would expose, to the Trump base, the GOP as being just talk.
God knows what out Trumping Trump would look like!!! For starters, you'd have to go deeper into obscenity
And that would be the key.
Use obscenity for all punctuation. DARE the fucking media to fucking post your fucking speeches. Double dog-dick dare them! Base the motherfucking platform on the Media being the enemy, hating on them as both pussies AND pricks, wimpy sockfuckers trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with pus-dripping bleeping of your straight fucking talk!

And when the media is asked, point blank, "Are you censoring the candidate?"
They would answer, "Of course we are! We have to! Have you heard that sewer-mouthed little prick going on about the IRS?" but that would be reduced to a sound bite of "Of course we are."

"PUT ME IN CHARGE! I'll give a State Of The Fucking Union address that'll knock those smug fat-cats back on their big, puffy asses!"

Trump only has one nickname for Crooked Hillary. The More-Trump-Than-Trump candidate would have a daily list of insults for his opponents and predecessors. You have to listen, you don't dare miss today's title for the Dingbat Democrat, or the Leg-Humping Liberal, or the Pederast from Pennsylvania...

Probably needs to be a Marine, with combat experience, so any criticism is an attack on our brave men and women in the service.

And if Trump says one goddamned word against him, go off on the draft-dodger who's afraid of the rain.
God knows what out Trumping Trump would look like!!! For starters, you'd have to go deeper into obscenity
And that would be the key.
Use obscenity for all punctuation. DARE the fucking media to fucking post your fucking speeches. Double dog-dick dare them! Base the motherfucking platform on the Media being the enemy, hating on them as both pussies AND pricks, wimpy sockfuckers trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with pus-dripping bleeping of your straight fucking talk!

And when the media is asked, point blank, "Are you censoring the candidate?"
They would answer, "Of course we are! We have to! Have you heard that sewer-mouthed little prick going on about the IRS?" but that would be reduced to a sound bite of "Of course we are."

"PUT ME IN CHARGE! I'll give a State Of The Fucking Union address that'll knock those smug fat-cats back on their big, puffy asses!"

Trump only has one nickname for Crooked Hillary. The More-Trump-Than-Trump candidate would have a daily list of insults for his opponents and predecessors. You have to listen, you don't dare miss today's title for the Dingbat Democrat, or the Leg-Humping Liberal, or the Pederast from Pennsylvania...

Probably needs to be a Marine, with combat experience, so any criticism is an attack on our brave men and women in the service.

And if Trump says one goddamned word against him, go off on the draft-dodger who's afraid of the rain.
Well, it would be piss poor to go off on Fuck Face Von Clownstick, without mention his infatuation with yellow raining down on him... :D
It's easier to rig one election than two. Also, if the rigging is done the Constitution has no provisions for a do-over of a presidential election.
It is an interesting question as to whether the GOP could survive the loss of Trump. Trump is the far right-wing's guy. Trump is fighting the machine and if they perceive the machine (The GOP) firing Trump, they could just disappear for good.

The Wall is an interesting parallel to the Trump Presidency. Trump has promised to do what the GOP has been flirting with for a long while... no nation building and ending illegal immigration. Trump has actually pushed these radical ideas in the White House, and his supporters who have been sucking at the teats of Limbaugh and Hannity and Levin are fully engaged, finally seeing someone fulfill the promise. But the GOP knows these promises can't be fulfilled. Much like how the shutdown wasn't going to precipitate "The Wall" or whatever Trump is spinning it as these days, the GOP is realizing that they are now in a position to obstruct fulfillment of promises they have been making for a couple decades.

Up to now, it seemed to at least been working at the surface, as the GOP has been approving Justices like crazy. But it might not be enough if they pass a budget or over-ride Trump's veto on a budget and don't build a wall. This would expose, to the Trump base, the GOP as being just talk.
Quite frankly, I'm not sure how you can categorize Trump as far-right. He ran on protectionism and anti-trade. His positions were not typical right-wing positions.

Trump ran as a nativist-populist.
I can't even imagine Cheato taking the stage with anyone else at this point. A fourth grader could rip him to shreds on the basis of his past performance.

That's what they said in 2016 and he then proceeded to walk all over all of them.

He didn't have a track record as President in 2016. He has fucked it up beyond the belief of any but his 28% of low-IQ unquestioning acolytes. Another 15% or so know he has trashed the office, but will vote for him anyhow. About 50% would vote for a creosote post over Trump.
Looks like it's all up to Putin to pull another rabbit our of his vast collection of hats. Since the (actual) popular vote will likely be even more lopsided than it was in 2016, it might come down to whether he can rig the vote count - hack the voting machines, as Moscow Mitch seems determined to let him do, or some other way to mess with the votes.
Whatever happened to the libertarian fringe of the RNC? Don't they prefer to... you know, vote on things?

They were shown just how welcome they are back in the 2012 primary. The illusion of sympathy between conservatives and libertarians was shattered, irrevocably. Attempts to rebuild that illusion have failed. Even conservative internet trolls pretending to be progressives on this forum weren't able to pretend the two were the same any longer.

Eject the libertarian faction, get Donald Trump as your candidate. There should be an object lesson in that, but the Neocons think libertarian influence in their party is worse than Trump being their spokesperson.

GOP: Libertarians not wanted
Whatever happened to the libertarian fringe of the RNC? Don't they prefer to... you know, vote on things?

They were shown just how welcome they are back in the 2012 primary. The illusion of sympathy between conservatives and libertarians was shattered, irrevocably. Attempts to rebuild that illusion have failed. Even conservative internet trolls pretending to be progressives on this forum weren't able to pretend the two were the same any longer.

Eject the libertarian faction, get Donald Trump as your candidate. There should be an object lesson in that, but the Neocons think libertarian influence in their party is worse than Trump being their spokesperson.

GOP: Libertarians not wanted

I think you’re right - and at the same time, they still sell themselves successfully to their racist base as “Small Government.” Which is clearly bullshit.
I would lie to see the Libertarians get serious and run house and senate candidates rather than trying to parachute in to the top job.
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