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Republican Jesus being canonized by the Right


Veteran Member
Mar 27, 2008
always on the move
Basic Beliefs
Atheist, skeptic, nerd
Most of us have probably seen the jokes about Republican Jesus. You know, the one that expects a co-pay for healing the sick, and tells the poor to get a job. Well it looks like the right Is making that their Jesus officially. A new book called “Woke Jesus: The False Messiah” warning people to beware the idea Jesus wasn’t a capitalist, was in favor of diversity, etc

Amazon product ASIN 1630062510
Most of us have probably seen the jokes about Republican Jesus. You know, the one that expects a co-pay for healing the sick, and tells the poor to get a job. Well it looks like the right Is making that their Jesus officially. A new book called “Woke Jesus: The False Messiah” warning people to beware the idea Jesus wasn’t a capitalist, was in favor of diversity, etc

Amazon product ASIN 1630062510
I'm not gonna lie, this whole push towards inverting the entirety of Christianity into some antithetical mockery and calling the actual Jesus described by the bible as the inverse of what they believe... while still calling what they believe in "Jesus"... well has me dangerously near an edge between strong belief and strong non-belief.

While I don't believe in the super-natural, Christians have inadvertently set the stage for the very apocalypse story they preach, and put themselves on the wrong side of the board.

Nobody was forced to do this, it just sort of happened, which makes the whole situation more spooky.

Then again, it's a common and even predictable patterns that when someone figures out reasons to be good, someone is going to convince a bunch of idiots of the inverse using contorted, circular logic around the reason to be good, because that limits the shyster's ability to be cheeky otherwise.
While I don't believe in the super-natural, Christians have inadvertently set the stage for the very apocalypse story they preach, and put themselves on the wrong side of the board
The beast has many horns. They were warned.

I mean, it does make sense, even with no supernatural intervention. If you rebuild imperial Rome - as Europe and her children keep trying to do across the centuries - you're bound to end up with a state of affairs not so different from the one John of Patmos was trying to save his cult from.
Christians have inadvertently set the stage for the very apocalypse story they preach
I don't think it's inadvertent. It may not have been directly planned, but it's been what a subset of Christians have wanted and anticipated for a long while, so when that subset of Christians are instrumental in causing it to occur, my suspicion has to be that it's very advertent indeed.
So someone decides to invent another Jesus. Where's the surprise? This is pretty standard religious fantasizing. Jesus is just like "The Bible." Bible worshippers are always telling others that "the bible" says this or that. There are thousands of bibles and they have vastly differing translations of the oldest surviving writings, There is no original Jesus and there is no original bible except in adherents' imaginations. You can make "The Bible" say whatever you want and you can make "The Jesus" be whatever you want. Big whoop. Someone is cashing in - again - on the religious nutballs and savior cult members. Some things never change.

Here in the U.S. St Jude's arm is going to make the rounds. Sounds like a travelling freak show but that's what the pilgrims want to see.
Hard to tell what that book's author was getting at, other than right-wing culture-war grievances and using "woke" as an undefined dirty word.
No more Mr. Nice Jesus!
Hard to tell what that book's author was getting at, other than right-wing culture-war grievances and using "woke" as an undefined dirty word.
I'm pretty sure it is to help with the cognitive dissonance when these 'bible believing christians' are confronted with the actual liberal teachings of Jesus. Help to increase the cognitive dissonance, so they can reject everything he supposedly taught while thinking they are the true christians.
Help to increase the cognitive dissonance, so they can reject everything he supposedly taught while thinking they are the true christians.

These practices have persisted for centuries. The author is just doing the same thing that fueled historical times such as the colonial era, or with doctrines such as the prosperity gospel. Provide puff the magic dragon followers the make believe divine authority to be the precious pieces of shit that they are.
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