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Republicans with COVID from Trump's Super Spreader Event

Just read that "Nazi Steve" Stephen Miller has the rona. Unconfirmed from a reputable source yet.

Whoever has Giuliani in your covid pool, it's looking good for you.

Amy Siskind on Twitter: "Why is that the only person with insider knowledge being forthright and honest about Trump's health is Claudia Conway?" / Twitter

Walkingsugarcube on Twitter: "Claudia Conway's mom: I tested positive for Covid-19, but my boss said to keep quiet about it.
Claudia Conway: https://t.co/pwTpWSr6MS" / Twitter

Katherine Locke on Twitter: "Claudia Conway proves that 100% of reviewers who find it "inconceivable" that teen girls would lead revolutions in YA novels, leak information, spy, overthrow governments, etc are wrong and vastly underestimate a well-placed teen girl." / Twitter

Pierce Alonzo on Twitter: "Claudia Conway just listens to her mother on the phone from the next room and is now the most well positioned journalist in America lmao" / Twitter

Joyce Hutchens on Twitter: "TRENDING HERE ON TWITTER:

"Claudia Conway, Kellyanne Conway’s teenage daughter, alleges on TikTok that President Trump is doing worse than he or his doctors are letting on."" / Twitter

morgoblin sung on Twitter: "after exposing her mom for having COVID the same day that trump’s campaign manager, three white house reporters, and many, many others with connections to the white house tested positive, claudia conway reminded her followers to vote this november https://t.co/QJGBFxMhAj" / Twitter

Summer Anne Burton on Twitter: "Claudia Conway’s mom apparently lied to her about having a negative test result and then spent time around her daughter all day potentially exposing her... that is abuse! https://t.co/OBgUXUm8kb" / Twitter

Joshua Potash on Twitter: "Claudia Conway just announced on Tik Tok that she has COVID. How did we get in a position where people who will put their own kids at risk are running the country?" / Twitter
With screenshots and videos from Claudia Conway's TikTok account. I have OCRed the texts in those screenshots and videos.

Kalhan on Twitter: "Claudia Conway is claiming on TikTok that her mom Kellyanne infected their family with COVID. https://t.co/qhOHmCCNQn" / Twitter
my mom two weeks ago:
itll be fine masks are stupid
its outdoors

infects the whole family

philip lewis on Twitter: "Claudia Conway, Kellyanne Conway’s daughter, is going off on Tik Tok: “My mom has COVID” https://t.co/BZJRqbYkhh" / Twitter
update my mom has covid

im furious. wear your
masks. dont listen to our
idiot fucking president
piece of shit. protect
yourselves and those
around you.

Some video:
shauna on Twitter: "I know Claudia Conway is going to need a lifetime of therapy but damn her TikTok game is on point https://t.co/nC84whfs17" / Twitter

More video:
The Gay Burn Book on Twitter: "Claudia Conway will not let Kellyanne breathe!!! https://t.co/pMxlG9VIqK" / Twitter
my mom coughing all
around the house after
trump tested positive for
CC says in it: "That's suspicious ... that's weird"

Anonymous on Twitter: "Claudia Conway is reporting on TikTok that her mother, Kellyanne Conway a senior Trump advisor recently seen speaking two inches away from AG Bill Barr's face at the Rose Garden, has allegedly tested positive for #COVID19. https://t.co/5PHKx6JXxt" / Twitter
CC claims that her mother had lied to her about not having COVID-19

Spencer Althouse on Twitter: "Claudia Conway just revealed on TikTok that her mom, Kellyanne Conway, has COVID: "She told me not to post this but I'm so furious please wear your masks guys" https://t.co/oQWGLQC2si" / Twitter
Rudy Giuliani helped Trump with debate prep. Now he's coughing his head off on Fox News.


And where is Bill Barr?
It's okay everyone...I mean, it's not like a national security threat or anything.

WASHINGTON — Seven of the eight members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are quarantining after they attended a meeting Friday at the Pentagon with a Coast Guard admiral who has since tested positive for Covid-19, three defense officials said.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Army Gen. Mark Milley, is self-quarantining, said the officials, as are the vice chairman, Air Force Gen. John Hyten; Air Force Gen. John Raymond, commander of U.S. Space Command; the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown; the Army chief of staff, Gen. James McConville; the chief of naval operations, Adm. Mike Gilday; and the head of the National Guard, Gen. Daniel Hokanson.

The officials said the vice commandant of the Coast Guard, Adm. Charles Ray, attended a classified meeting in a Pentagon room called "the tank" on Friday. Ray later tested positive for Covid-19, and now every person who was in that meeting is quarantining.
Rudy Giuliani helped Trump with debate prep. Now he's coughing his head off on Fox News.


And where is Bill Barr?

And the disgusting pig coughs on both of his hands. And yes, where is Barr?
Word is, he didn't want to go... and now word is, he is mistaking how the steroid makes him feel, for his actual health.
So, maybe a pre-debate drug test is actually a good idea now?
Well, for some reason they went on the honor system for the last debate. :confused:

There can't be a second debate as scheduled. There is absolutely no way the President can be trusted. Of course, this almost seems like design as Trump is transitioning his diagnosis into a political weapon to make Biden look weak.
Trump says Covid-19 isn't a big deal.

And of course that's why he went to hospital. :rolleyes:
Word is, he didn't want to go... and now word is, he is mistaking how the steroid makes him feel, for his actual health.

More hypocrisy. If he didn't want to go they why did he go? Seems Super Spreader somehow always gets forced into doing these things he insists aren't necessary. Obviously it's Obama's fault. His minions buy this crap. Lets Super Spreader in Chief have it both ways. He's such a martyr.
Melania Trump on Twitter: "To all who have reached out - thank you. Here is my personal experience with COVID-19 : https://t.co/XUysq0KVaY" / Twitter
First Lady Melania Trump: “My personal experience with COVID-19.” | The White House
I was very fortunate as my diagnosis came with minimal symptoms, though they hit me all at once and it seemed to be a roller coaster of symptoms in the days after. I experienced body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time. I chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food. We had wonderful caretakers around us and we will be forever grateful for the medical care and professional discretion we received from Dr. Conley and his team. It was an unfamiliar feeling for me to be the patient instead of a person trying to encourage our nation to stay healthy and safe. It was me being taken care of now, and getting first-hand experience with all that COVID-19 can do. As the patient, and the person benefitting from so much medical support, I found myself even more grateful and in awe of caretakers and first responders everywhere. To the medical staff and the residence staff who have been taking care of our family—thank you doesn’t say enough.
First lady: Son Barron had coronavirus, but no symptoms

Nolan D. McCaskill on Twitter: "Melania's reaction after recovering from Covid-19 is very different from her husband's. No mention of immunity or downplaying of the virus. "t is my hope COVID-19 will be another obstacle we will be able to tell future generations we overcame—and learned from in the process."" / Twitter

Ann McNeal on Twitter: "@NolanDMcCaskill I thought it was a nice note and I appreciate Melania putting out the information. Give her credit when it is due. I don't support her husband and I believe this letter was near perfect." / Twitter

Go Wye on Twitter: "@AnnMcNeal11 @NolanDMcCaskill Orchestrated faux good cop/bad cop routine.. gaslighting that deviously deflects to a seemingly more ‘humane’, ‘palatable’ side to a cruel, Orwellian nightmare.. to distract, buffer, ultimately to be ‘absolved’..even as our DOJ is weaponized to go after ex-bestie on taxpayer dime" / Twitter

KenCapo45 on Twitter: "@NolanDMcCaskill Not that different. Re-read it. I’m fine, back to business. Teenager’s not affected. No mention of the thousands dead and grieving. Sounds just like him." / Twitter

TwinsMom on Twitter: "@NolanDMcCaskill But she makes it seem that all one needs would be more vitamins and healthy foods. That's almost as misleading than pumping experimental drugs and all that has been used for the virus so far at the same time and luckily make it out alive." / Twitter
There appear to be two strains going around. So, his claim to be immune may be inaccurate.
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