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Return of Kings: Supporters of website touting 'legalising rape' to meet across Australia

Bad time to be the avon lady.
What did pet shop owners do to deserve this?

I hope there are plenty of people out and about taking photographs at 8pm Saturday of all the people looking for pet stores.
I remember when a ski mountain drove up membership by selling off the land. You could pay 50 dollars and get the rights to a square inch of Soldier Mountain, with some options for up to a foot in any direction of your inch. They never specified where that inch was. But that would men all of those ski bunnies were appropriate partners as long as I chased them down on the lift side of the parkinglot, uphill of the ski lodge, and not under they pylons for the chairlift.
So they all get together and rape each other (presumably on private property)?

To be clear, they don't advocate raping people.
They claim that making rape legal in private property would be the way to pretty much put an end to rapes in private property - and to nearly all rapes -, because potential victims would take sufficient precautions. Not that that makes any sense, but it's a different kind of nonsense.

To be clear, they don't advocate raping people.
They claim that making rape legal in private property would be the way to pretty much put an end to rapes in private property - and to nearly all rapes -, because potential victims would take sufficient precautions. Not that that makes any sense, but it's a different kind of nonsense.


I think it's a satire piece. It's sure to get the feminazis into a rage, 10 out of 10.
To be clear, they don't advocate raping people.
They claim that making rape legal in private property would be the way to pretty much put an end to rapes in private property - and to nearly all rapes -, because potential victims would take sufficient precautions. Not that that makes any sense, but it's a different kind of nonsense.


I think it's a satire piece. It's sure to get the feminazis into a rage, 10 out of 10.
I'm undecided on that.
It's very difficult sometimes to tell the difference between true absurd beliefs and satire. :confused:
So they all get together and rape each other (presumably on private property)?

To be clear, they don't advocate raping people.
They won't feel as such when the guy next to him is shoving himself up his butt. Because he is there on private property. Therefore... consent!

Or does this only apply to heterosexuals?
To be clear, they don't advocate raping people.
They won't feel as such when the guy next to him is shoving himself up his butt. Because he is there on private property. Therefore... consent!

Or does this only apply to heterosexuals?

They don't say that in private property there is consent. They say if it's legalized, that will reduce drastically the numbers of rapes (click on the link in my previous post for details). I don't know what their position on male/male rape is.
To be clear, they don't advocate raping people.
They won't feel as such when the guy next to him is shoving himself up his butt. Because he is there on private property. Therefore... consent!

Or does this only apply to heterosexuals?

It says "taking of a woman not punishable" there Jimmy, not "people".

Not surprising as the outrage induced is purer that way. Straight into the vein.
Years ago, it was almost an American right of passage for young men to get in a car, drive to gay parts of various cities an "roll queers". Then there was teh wave a concealed carry bills passed in many states. So there was formed an organization, the Pink Pistols. That was made up of gay men who bought guns and went to gun ranges, practiced their marksmanship and got concealed carry licenses. Reportedly, as soon as word spread, in many cities, rolling queers incidents dropped off markedly.

Perhaps what is needed is a new organization for these times in which it seems rape cultue is thriving. Something "Armed Feminists of America". Boy would that idea make the surly SOBs scream.
Are you under the impression that rapists don't know that they shouldn't rape?


But knowing you shouldn't do something is not the same as having been taught the discipline not to do it.

But what if the woman's burka rides up and she accidentally exposes an ankle? You can't expect people to restrain themselves and not rape her with that kind of temptation thrown in their faces.

Sure, they can feel bad about it afterwards and stone her to death for leading them into sin, and that kind of makes them feel better but the point is that discipline only takes you so far.
Years ago, it was almost an American right of passage for young men to get in a car, drive to gay parts of various cities an "roll queers".
Surprisingly I know of zero adult/elderly males who engaged in this "rite of passage".
Then there was teh wave a concealed carry bills passed in many states.
Was the wave a response to 'rolling queers'?
So there was formed an organization, the Pink Pistols. That was made up of gay men who bought guns and went to gun ranges, practiced their marksmanship and got concealed carry licenses. Reportedly, as soon as word spread, in many cities, rolling queers incidents dropped off markedly.
Perhaps what is needed is a new organization for these times in which it seems rape cultue is thriving.
Thriving Rape Culture?
Something "Armed Feminists of America". Boy would that idea make the surly SOBs scream.
Actually it seems that all 'we' need to do is 'not' change the law to allow legal rape. I cannot more strongly disagree with the philosophy of making everything legal and handing out guns to all parties and see how it all plays out. This is America, not Thunderdome.

I think it's a satire piece. It's sure to get the feminazis into a rage, 10 out of 10.
I'm undecided on that.
It's very difficult sometimes to tell the difference between true absurd beliefs and satire. :confused:

Irish babies are delicious and it helps keep the population in check.

I am reading the article and it strikes me that it is an attempt at satire, but very poorly thought out.

Also, if I knew nothing about the author I would think he/she was uptight and religious - foregoing a lot of easy sex to instead have a stable if mundane relationship and then kids. It is a lot of hypocrisy coming from a pick up artist guru.

Maybe he has a madonna/whore complex.

The only points he raises of any possible validity are:

What I’ve gathered from the words of these future Pulitzer Prize winners is that women are not getting raped by violent offenders while taking a jog in the park or walking through a dark street—they are getting raped by men they already know, especially at college. I learned that if a man and a woman both drink at a party and have sex, she was in all likelihood raped since she could not give full legal consent. This made me confused because a woman who drinks and has sex is not responsible for her actions, but if that same woman gets into a car and drives it into someone else, causing a loss of life, she would be prosecuted and sent to jail. I couldn’t find an explanation for this inconsistency.

By attempting to teach men not to rape, what we have actually done is teach women not to care about being raped, not to protect themselves from easily preventable acts, and not to take responsibility for their actions. At the same time, we don’t hesitate to blame men for bad things that happen to them (if right now you walked into a dangerous ghetto and got robbed, you would be called an idiot and no one would say “teach ghetto kids not to steal”). It was obvious to me that the advice of our esteemed establishment writers and critics wasn’t stopping the problem, and since rape was already on the law books with severe penalties, additional laws or flyers posted on dormitory doors won’t stop this rape culture either.

I was listening to a online radio thing about a Kurt Cobain documentary, with him talking about "teach men not to rape" while a rock star. But in school, while suicidal, he wanted to not die a virgin so he targeted a mentally retarded girl incapable to consent to have sex with. Only turned off by the odor did he not go through with it, not from pangs of conscience. This was in his journals apparently.
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Are you under the impression that rapists don't know that they shouldn't rape?


But knowing you shouldn't do something is not the same as having been taught the discipline not to do it.
Which do you have more power over, yourself and circumstances you put yourself in or other people and their actions? What is the best way to allocate limited time and resources for education?

A violent crime requires three things, a victim, perpetrator and opportunity. A wise person would look and minimizing the opportunities where they might be a victim as well changes they can make to themselves to not be viewed or act like an easy victim to predators.
Supporters of a website led by a man who says rape should be legalised on private property are set to meet up in cities around Australia, sparking a backlash on social media.
FFS it so obviously satire that I don't believe anyone with half a brain could miss that.
I'm undecided on that.
It's very difficult sometimes to tell the difference between true absurd beliefs and satire. :confused:
I don't believe you can't tell if it's satire. It is so obviously satire.
You're wrong about me, and I don't know whether you're right about the piece.

I don't know the guy, but there are plenty of absurd things on his website, and they consistently go into an anti-female direction, so who knows?
While of course I don't think that he believes there is a remote chance that rape in private property will actually be legalized, he may actually think that that would reduce the prevalence of rapes. Maybe it's mostly serious with some sarcasm and some satire in it, or maybe mostly satire with some serious stuff (even if seriously mistaken) in it, or whatever.

Now, I could take a closer look at the guy, spend a few hours studying him, and maybe then I'd be able to figure it out. But I don't think it's worth the effort.

Based on what I've read so far, I'm undecided.
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