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Return of Kings: Supporters of website touting 'legalising rape' to meet across Australia

This Voosh guy as a young man did what many young men do. He went to bars trying to get sex. What he found was that modern liberated western women in bars weren't interested in what Voosh thought were traditional things that would attract a woman to a man.
Instead he says he found shallow easily manipulated promiscuous "liberated" women who if he pushed the right buttons would sleep with him.

Unsurprisingly after some time he had some disdain for that. He saw "feminism" as something that in his opinion turned some women at least into lost souls, rather than setting them free.
He then made a living out of explaining how to manipulate these so called foolish women into sleeping with him. TIt was all so easy as so many of them were so shallow.

Then he says to the feminists...you fools , you have turned these young women into lost sluts, who I can get to sleep with me by playing the right game.

His article about rape is an obvious piece of satire
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I think it's a satire piece. It's sure to get the feminazis into a rage, 10 out of 10.
I'm undecided on that.
It's very difficult sometimes to tell the difference between true absurd beliefs and satire. :confused:

I knew it!

So when you go to the events and you say "hey, buddy do you know where the pet shop is? " *wink* *wink* you get sent in a room where someone tells you that you can reduce the frequency of rapes if you buy into their TIME SHARES.

But knowing you shouldn't do something is not the same as having been taught the discipline not to do it.
Which do you have more power over, yourself and circumstances you put yourself in or other people and their actions?
Ask a rapist those questions, not the rape victim. Is that so hard?
What is the best way to allocate limited time and resources for education?
Changing a narrative that teaches boys that girls and not their own consciences are responsible for stopping boys from assaulting people. Is that so hard?
A violent crime requires three things, a victim, perpetrator and opportunity. A wise person would look and minimizing the opportunities where they might be a victim as well changes they can make to themselves to not be viewed or act like an easy victim to predators.
is it your argument that women don't already take precautions?

Teach potential rapists not to rape.

The end.

But isn't this the same mentality behind teaching the "abstinence-only" method of birth control? That is,


Teach teenagers not to have sex

The end.

We all know how well that works.
I'm undecided on that.
It's very difficult sometimes to tell the difference between true absurd beliefs and satire. :confused:
I don't believe you can't tell if it's satire. It is so obviously satire.

I think "bait" is a more accurate word than "satire".

I couldn't help noticing on the click through links Roosh V has a different last name. It goes from something Slavic sounding (that may evoke Borat) to something Persian sounding.
I'm undecided on that.
It's very difficult sometimes to tell the difference between true absurd beliefs and satire. :confused:

I knew it!

So when you go to the events and you say "hey, buddy do you know where the pet shop is? " *wink* *wink* you get sent in a room where someone tells you that you can reduce the frequency of rapes if you buy into their TIME SHARES.
Sorry, I don't understand your reply (it sounds rather hostile, but I don't know how it's supposed to work).

Teach potential rapists not to rape.

The end.

But isn't this the same mentality behind teaching the "abstinence-only" method of birth control? That is,


Teach teenagers not to have sex

The end.

We all know how well that works.

A false equivalency.
Ask a rapist those questions, not the rape victim. Is that so hard?
Criminals have been asked these questions and they say they look for easy victims. Now answer the question. Do you have more power regarding your own choices about your safety or power over every potential criminal and their bad choices?
Changing a narrative that teaches boys that girls and not their own consciences are responsible for stopping boys from assaulting people. Is that so hard?
Boys that assault people do it because they want money, sex or power and or the thrill of hurting someone. There not doing it because they were unaware it was wrong.
is it your argument that women don't already take precautions?
Yes. We've not talking about women in a war zone being snatched by any man that happens upon her. Most women are raped by someone they know. A smart person takes responsibility for their own lives. And doesn't wait around for the world to change to benefit them.
A smart person takes responsibility for their own lives. And doesn't wait around for the world to change to benefit them.
Taking precautions can reduce the number of rapes but getting rid of rapists eliminates rapes.
Taking precautions can reduce the number of rapes but getting rid of rapists eliminates rapes.
Can you name a single society in humanity's history that got rid of rapists?
No, not that is remotely relevant. If you disagree, can you name a single society in humanity's history that got women to take every single possible precaution against rape?
Can you name a single society in humanity's history that got rid of rapists?
No, not that is remotely relevant. If you disagree, can you name a single society in humanity's history that got women to take every single possible precaution against rape?

The Amazons on the island of Themyscira?

... or does that not count?

Teach potential rapists not to rape.

The end.

But isn't this the same mentality behind teaching the "abstinence-only" method of birth control? That is,


Teach teenagers not to have sex

The end.

We all know how well that works.

First, you are wrong.

Second, Teenagers practicing birth control cuts down teen pregnancy considerably, because pregnancy happen the same way everytime. This is not the case with rape. Rape happens when an alter boy dawdles and find himself alone in the cloak room with a pedophile priest. Rape happens when a wife goes to get hamburgers for the cookout from the freezer in garage and her drunk brother-in-law corners her behind the minivan. Rape happens when Bill Cosby fixes your drink. Rape happens because the rapist decides it is going to happen. And what the victim does, or wears, or says doesn't in anyway mediate the fact that the rapist and the rapist alone decides to rape.
Criminals have been asked these questions and they say they look for easy victims. Now answer the question. Do you have more power regarding your own choices about your safety or power over every potential criminal and their bad choices?
Changing a narrative that teaches boys that girls and not their own consciences are responsible for stopping boys from assaulting people. Is that so hard?
Boys that assault people do it because they want money, sex or power and or the thrill of hurting someone. There not doing it because they were unaware it was wrong.
is it your argument that women don't already take precautions?
Yes. We've not talking about women in a war zone being snatched by any man that happens upon her. Most women are raped by someone they know. A smart person takes responsibility for their own lives. And doesn't wait around for the world to change to benefit them.

A smart person takes responsibility for their own lives.

So should rapists. Why some posters here are against rapists being responsible for raping people is beyond any morality I know.
So should rapists. Why some posters here are against rapists being responsible for raping people is beyond any morality I know.
Rapists do take responsibility for their own safety. They strive to isolate their victims. So they won't be interrupted or caught. That's why rapists don't snatch women and drag them to the lobby of a police station to rape them.

The morality you know is one of irresponsibility towards ones own safety. If you're about to drive through an intersection with a green light and you see a another car barreling through running the red, would you stop? After all the other driver is in the wrong and its their legal responsibility to yield. If you care more about being dead right then do what ever you want that's legal. Walk through some ghetto at night nude, stumbling drunk and waving wads of cash. Morally you would be in the clear. We could even put "it wasn't my fault" on your tombstone.
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