Back in 2019,
Rep. Pramila Jayapal's New York Times Op-Ed: 'I Had An Abortion' | Crooks and Liars - "Women sometimes need to have an abortion. It's a constitutionally protected right, and that is the end of the argument."
Opinion | Rep. Pramila Jayapal: The Story of My Abortion - The New York Times - "What it taught me about the deeply personal nature of reproductive choice."
She started with how her first child was born prematurely, at 6 months. He/she was in intensive care for the first few months because he/she was not well-developed enough to survive in his/her own. The child's troubles did not end then. "In the ensuing years, we faced endless trips to the emergency room because of weak lungs and repeated pneumonia, a seizure and delays in speaking that made us worry about the future." She gave birth to him/her in an emergency Caesarean section.
She learned that any future children were likely to be equally sickly and troublesome for her, so she and her husband diligently tried to avoid starting new children. But she nevertheless ended up becoming pregnant.
I decided I could not responsibly have the baby. It was a heartbreaking decision, but it was the only one I was capable of making.
The doctor who performed my abortion was incredible: extremely skilled, thoughtful, kind and compassionate. She knew and had seen, over and over again, what it took for women to make these choices. My husband, too, knew that it had to be my decision and offered only support and comfort through the most difficult moments.
I am fortunate to live in a state where pregnant people’s right to make choices about their own bodies is protected, where so many less fortunate than me can still afford to have abortions, without encountering barriers like forced counseling and waiting periods. The network around me helped me to exercise my own choice, rather than imposing someone else’s views on me.