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Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support - The New York Times - "A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure."
Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, the president berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.
What a big baby Trump is.
Though intelligence officials have previously told lawmakers that Russia’s interference campaign was continuing, last week’s briefing did contain what appeared to be new information, including that Russia intended to interfere with the 2020 Democratic primaries as well as the general election.
As expected, Trump is now calling the intelligence information about Russian interference in the 2020, a hoax made up by Democrats. This might not be unexpected, but the entire thing should be extremely disturbing to any American who realizes what Trump is doing to our country.


President Trump said Friday that a disclosure by American intelligence officials that Russia was again meddling in a presidential election in his favor was merely another partisan campaign against him, dismissing the warning as a hoax cooked up by rivals.

“Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress saying that Russia prefers me to any of the Do Nothing Democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in Iowa,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. “Hoax number 7!”

Mr. Trump has a long history of discarding assessments made by intelligence agencies that he has deemed unfair or unflattering. Multiple intelligence groups have determined that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, and, before the 2018 midterms, delivered warnings that Russia was prepared to do it again. Early in his presidency, Mr. Trump grudgingly accepted those assessments before falling back on personal assurances from President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

“He said he didn’t meddle,” Mr. Trump said in November 2017. “I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. Every time he sees me, he says, ‘I didn’t do that.’ And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it.”

When are people going to wake up and realize how dangerous and deceptive this president is? If he is reelected, he will continue to abuse his power unless the Dems are able to take control of both branches of Congress.

The man who Trump has just appointed as acting DNI is nothing but an unqualified Trump sycophant. He's been described as a nasty, incompetent hack by several people who know him.

What type of people will even be willing to be a part of a second Trump Administration? :eek:
I guess Putin is hedging his bet?

WASHINGTON – U.S. officials have reportedly told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign, a revelation that follows U.S. intelligence officials briefing Capitol Hill that the Kremlin may also be attempting to help President Donald Trump in 2020 as they did in 2016.

Or simply thinks his orange boytoy will have an easier time "winning" if he faces Bernie instead of another contender. In any event I doubt that Bernie is going to feel indebted to Putin for his help like Cheato is.
I guess Putin is hedging his bet?

WASHINGTON – U.S. officials have reportedly told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign, a revelation that follows U.S. intelligence officials briefing Capitol Hill that the Kremlin may also be attempting to help President Donald Trump in 2020 as they did in 2016.

I remember in the previous election, intelligence reports say the same: Russia was backing Sanders and Trump. One out of two, I guess. Strategically, it may be that they reckon these two are the worst that could happen to the US, out of the realistic options left.
Russia trying to help Bernie Sanders's campaign, according to briefing from U.S. officials - The Washington Post
“I don’t care, frankly, who [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants to be president,” Sanders said in a statement. “My message to Putin is clear: Stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.

“In 2016, Russia used Internet propaganda to sow division in our country, and my understanding is that they are doing it again in 2020. Some of the ugly stuff on the Internet attributed to our campaign may well not be coming from real supporters.”

In that closed hearing for the House Intelligence Committee, lawmakers were also told that Sanders had been informed about Russia’s interference. The prospect of two rival campaigns both receiving help from Moscow appears to reflect what intelligence officials have previously described as Russia’s broader interest in sowing division in the United States and uncertainty about the validity of American elections.
Like getting both Muslims and their opponents to rally on the same day in the same place.

Joy Reid on Twitter: "And unlike Trump, @BernieSanders had the correct response:
“I don’t care, frankly, who Putin wants to be president,” Sanders said in a statement to The Washington Post. “My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do." https://t.co/nVsHEDm9W2" / Twitter

I agree with JR about that. Putin ought to just plain get lost.
I guess Putin is hedging his bet?

WASHINGTON – U.S. officials have reportedly told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign, a revelation that follows U.S. intelligence officials briefing Capitol Hill that the Kremlin may also be attempting to help President Donald Trump in 2020 as they did in 2016.

Or simply thinks his orange boytoy will have an easier time "winning" if he faces Bernie instead of another contender. In any event I doubt that Bernie is going to feel indebted to Putin for his help like Cheato is.

Of course. I was likening Putin to a lobbyist playing both sides. But Putin must be pinching himself right now, struggling to believe this is actually happening. A handful of viable Democrats, any one of which would beat Trump in November, eating each other alive and one nonviable Socialist with enough delegates because of it, looking like the nominee. Bernie can phone it in on South Carolina (the GOP will elect him there) and focus on California. We're screwed. Bernie will do worse than Hillary. There is no way on God's green earth enough Americans get over the Socialist stigma. And as I've stated previously, even if Bernie looks viable come October, it will spook the markets, pushing fence-sitter into the Trump camp. Trump may actually win the popular vote.
Remember when Moscow cheered when Trump got elected? Wait'll Bernie gets the nomination.

Hopefully I'm getting ahead of myself.
Or simply thinks his orange boytoy will have an easier time "winning" if he faces Bernie instead of another contender. In any event I doubt that Bernie is going to feel indebted to Putin for his help like Cheato is.

Of course. I was likening Putin to a lobbyist playing both sides. But Putin must be pinching himself right now, struggling to believe this is actually happening. A handful of viable Democrats, any one of which would beat Trump in November, eating each other alive and one nonviable Socialist with enough delegates because of it, looking like the nominee. Bernie can phone it in on South Carolina (the GOP will elect him there) and focus on California. We're screwed. Bernie will do worse than Hillary. There is no way on God's green earth enough Americans get over the Socialist stigma. And as I've stated previously, even if Bernie looks viable come October, it will spook the markets, pushing fence-sitter into the Trump camp. Trump may actually win the popular vote.
Remember when Moscow cheered when Trump got elected? Wait'll Bernie gets the nomination.

Hopefully I'm getting ahead of myself.

This is the basic Russian strategy. It worked last time. Keep the Democrats in turmoil right up to the election. A Sanders/Trump race would be a godsend for Putin, because he could get the same results for much less money.
Or simply thinks his orange boytoy will have an easier time "winning" if he faces Bernie instead of another contender. In any event I doubt that Bernie is going to feel indebted to Putin for his help like Cheato is.

Of course. I was likening Putin to a lobbyist playing both sides. But Putin must be pinching himself right now, struggling to believe this is actually happening. A handful of viable Democrats, any one of which would beat Trump in November, eating each other alive and one nonviable Socialist with enough delegates because of it, looking like the nominee. Bernie can phone it in on South Carolina (the GOP will elect him there) and focus on California. We're screwed. Bernie will do worse than Hillary. There is no way on God's green earth enough Americans get over the Socialist stigma. And as I've stated previously, even if Bernie looks viable come October, it will spook the markets, pushing fence-sitter into the Trump camp. Trump may actually win the popular vote.
Remember when Moscow cheered when Trump got elected? Wait'll Bernie gets the nomination.

Hopefully I'm getting ahead of myself.

This is the basic Russian strategy. It worked last time. Keep the Democrats in turmoil right up to the election. A Sanders/Trump race would be a godsend for Putin, because he could get the same results for much less money.

It barely worked last time, and I suspect that conditions have changed in a manner that doesn't favor his effort. Vlad may have stepped in it BIGLY by promoting Sanders, or he may have calculated correctly. We'll have to wait and see; there's plenty of time rile up the moderates against him after the convention, but even most of those prefer Sanders to Trump. And there are the Bernie/Trump voters from 2016; most of them swallowed the anti-Hillary kool aid, and won't be so easily fooled this time. The worst possible outcome for the Pooter would be a Congress willing to make reforms to the electoral system and push legislation to make future interference more difficult and dangerous. That looks like a long shot right now, but again...
I guess Putin is hedging his bet?

WASHINGTON – U.S. officials have reportedly told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign, a revelation that follows U.S. intelligence officials briefing Capitol Hill that the Kremlin may also be attempting to help President Donald Trump in 2020 as they did in 2016.

I remember in the previous election, intelligence reports say the same: Russia was backing Sanders and Trump. One out of two, I guess. Strategically, it may be that they reckon these two are the worst that could happen to the US, out of the realistic options left.

I don't think that's it--rather, Biden would be far more likely to beat His Flatulence than Sanders. Supporting Sanders is about getting His Flatulence reelected and the left is as usual dancing to Moscow's tune.
I remember in the previous election, intelligence reports say the same: Russia was backing Sanders and Trump. One out of two, I guess. Strategically, it may be that they reckon these two are the worst that could happen to the US, out of the realistic options left.

I don't think that's it--rather, Biden would be far more likely to beat His Flatulence than Sanders. Supporting Sanders is about getting His Flatulence reelected and the left is as usual dancing to Moscow's tune.
Maybe, but I think more likely they want to undermine the US. An election between Sanders and Trump is as polarizing as it gets, so that would explain why they wanted both of them back in 2016, no conspiracy needed. Moreover, Russia probably reckons they would both be bad for the US stance internationally, even if for quite different reasons.
I remember in the previous election, intelligence reports say the same: Russia was backing Sanders and Trump. One out of two, I guess. Strategically, it may be that they reckon these two are the worst that could happen to the US, out of the realistic options left.

I don't think that's it--rather, Biden would be far more likely to beat His Flatulence than Sanders. Supporting Sanders is about getting His Flatulence reelected and the left is as usual dancing to Moscow's tune.
Maybe, but I think more likely they want to undermine the US. An election between Sanders and Trump is as polarizing as it gets, so that would explain why they wanted both of them back in 2016, no conspiracy needed. Moreover, Russia probably reckons they would both be bad for the US stance internationally, even if for quite different reasons.

Meh. Pretty sure that Pootey is pretty sure that Sanders cannot beat Trump, and he's willing to take the risk, even knowing that a Dem sweep of the Congress and the WH would be the absolute worst outcome for him. Trump is just too valuable to him, and is becoming more so every day. Now there's a sycophantic idiot "serving" as DNI (despite the fact that the job description REQUIRES "extensive experience in National Intelligence") and Trump's willingness to shoot any messenger is no longer in question. It's all too good to be true... But -
I'm not sure Pootey understands the hatred that the American public holds for Cheato; he may be a little bit blinded by the fabulous great fortune that has rained upon him since rigging the 2016 fiasco.
There is no way on God's green earth enough Americans get over the Socialist stigma.
i really doubt that. The people that get scared away by the word ‘socialist’ are the type who were voting republican anyway. A lot of people are seeing what unrestrained capitalism has been doing to us, and are being driven to try socialism as a result. One of trumps advantages last time was he wasn’t a politics as usual guy, he was something different. Now we know he is much worse, so people who wanted something different are likely to vote for Sanders as well. Back in ‘16 polls showed Sanders beating trump by more tha Hillary, current polls still show him beating trump by more than other candidates.
There is no way on God's green earth enough Americans get over the Socialist stigma.
i really doubt that. The people that get scared away by the word ‘socialist’ are the type who were voting republican anyway. A lot of people are seeing what unrestrained capitalism has been doing to us, and are being driven to try socialism as a result. One of trumps advantages last time was he wasn’t a politics as usual guy, he was something different. Now we know he is much worse, so people who wanted something different are likely to vote for Sanders as well. Back in ‘16 polls showed Sanders beating trump by more tha Hillary, current polls still show him beating trump by more than other candidates.

You have a much higher opinion of Americans than I do. In a country that is mostly split about 50-50; if even a tiny group in the middle is swayed to the conservatives due to fear of socialism, the republicans labelling of democrats will be a brilliant tactual ploy.
There is no way on God's green earth enough Americans get over the Socialist stigma.
i really doubt that. The people that get scared away by the word ‘socialist’ are the type who were voting republican anyway. A lot of people are seeing what unrestrained capitalism has been doing to us, and are being driven to try socialism as a result. One of trumps advantages last time was he wasn’t a politics as usual guy, he was something different. Now we know he is much worse, so people who wanted something different are likely to vote for Sanders as well. Back in ‘16 polls showed Sanders beating trump by more tha Hillary, current polls still show him beating trump by more than other candidates.

You have a much higher opinion of Americans than I do. In a country that is mostly split about 50-50; if even a tiny group in the middle is swayed to the conservatives due to fear of socialism, the republicans labelling of democrats will be a brilliant tactual ploy.

But the republicans have been labeling pretty much Every democratic candidate a socialist/communist/most extreme leftist for decades now. And like I said, the only people who would be scared off by that were going to vote republican anyways.
There is no way on God's green earth enough Americans get over the Socialist stigma.
i really doubt that. The people that get scared away by the word ‘socialist’ are the type who were voting republican anyway.
A lot of people who are democrats right now are essentially republicans, put off by the current crowd running the GOP. Esp. the midwest Dems.
Think 'republicans but not evil.' Not all THAT enlightened.
Thry're still afraid of voting in Socialism. Not that they really understand what it is...
If Sanders had any actual integrity, he would have resigned from the race upon hearing the Russians were (once again) weaponizing his campaign. But, no, it’s all about his ego.
You have a much higher opinion of Americans than I do. In a country that is mostly split about 50-50; if even a tiny group in the middle is swayed to the conservatives due to fear of socialism, the republicans labelling of democrats will be a brilliant tactual ploy.

But the republicans have been labeling pretty much Every democratic candidate a socialist/communist/most extreme leftist for decades now. And like I said, the only people who would be scared off by that were going to vote republican anyways.

I agree that most of the easily-triggered are already triggered, or will be no matter who the Dem nominee is. That's no guarantee that Sanders would win vs Trump but I strongly suspect that he would - absent Russian interference and Republican monkey business with voting machines. But the Russia/Republican coalition is a reality now, so no telling.
However I don't see Bernie as any more damaged goods from calling himself a democratic socialist than Biden is for being part of the Ukrainian conspiracy to help Hillary, Warren is for pretending to be an Indian, Bloomberg is for being a billionaire, Pete is for being gay etc..
I do have to hand it to the R&R coalition for muddying the waters so thoroughly that the most likely candidate to beat the Cheat is really hard for anyone to discern.
You have a much higher opinion of Americans than I do. In a country that is mostly split about 50-50; if even a tiny group in the middle is swayed to the conservatives due to fear of socialism, the republicans labelling of democrats will be a brilliant tactual ploy.

But the republicans have been labeling pretty much Every democratic candidate a socialist/communist/most extreme leftist for decades now. And like I said, the only people who would be scared off by that were going to vote republican anyways.

Do you have evidence for this assertion? According to the below link, 50% of Americans will not vote for a socialist:


BTW: the above link is very supportive of socialism. It makes the case that socialism is not the boogeyman that it once was. However, please explain to me how democrats can win with less than 50% of the votes. IMO, it's not possible. In fact, most articles that I've read have made the argument that the dems can't win unless the margin is greater than about 6% of the popular vote due to the EC.
You have a much higher opinion of Americans than I do. In a country that is mostly split about 50-50; if even a tiny group in the middle is swayed to the conservatives due to fear of socialism, the republicans labelling of democrats will be a brilliant tactual ploy.

But the republicans have been labeling pretty much Every democratic candidate a socialist/communist/most extreme leftist for decades now. And like I said, the only people who would be scared off by that were going to vote republican anyways.

Do you have evidence for this assertion? According to the below link, 50% of Americans will not vote for a socialist:


BTW: the above link is very supportive of socialism. It makes the case that socialism is not the boogeyman that it once was. However, please explain to me how democrats can win with less than 50% of the votes. IMO, it's not possible. In fact, most articles that I've read have made the argument that the dems can't win unless the margin is greater than about 6% of the popular vote due to the EC.

Bernie is no more a socialist than Liz is an Indian or Biden is a conspirator with Ukraine to meddle in 2016. Those 50% consist of the usual 38% who will be trumpsuckers no matter what, and the rest can probably be educated - especially since most of them already hate Trump.
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