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Societies do weird things with training children under extreme circumstances, such as how US used to teach kids to hide under desks in the event of an atomic bomb. Since we have no primary source explaining the purpose of this, I can only speculate what it is all about in a devil's advocate way--so, maybe it is educational to the kids all seated and watching such as this is what happens in a chemical attack so stay away...or it could be a dramatization of a chemical attack for public consumption, showing an attack that allegedly happened, also educational. But, if a society is under extreme conditions like an internal civil way, would you always say they should not produce videos of dramatizations of attacks as either "propaganda" or educational purposes?
Well, it's obviously not a training against chemical attack.It could be dramatization/education/indoctrination which would indeed be weird and unusual.
What we know is not unusual are staged videos and I have a feeling that they are practicing for a one.

Deciding if something is usual or unusual is an empirical question. Where is your data, your statistics? What are your sources?

Btw, to Malintent, it is "obvious" (his word) an educational session, not propaganda.

I am making no claim of obviousness either way, just expecting persons posting such videos with claims about them to back up those claims.
Here is the full video from which that clip was lifted. Again, OBVIOUSLY its a performance. Anyone that can understand the language they are speaking can simply listen to what they are saying... conveniently edited out of the shortened clip posted earlier. Notice the pictures on the wall around the classroom... in English... pleas to Obama for help. You have to be a special kind of retarded to be so easily tricked into actually thinking this was a group of people trying to fake an actual attack.

Here is the full video from which that clip was lifted. Again, OBVIOUSLY its a performance. Anyone that can understand the language they are speaking can simply listen to what they are saying... conveniently edited out of the shortened clip posted earlier. Notice the pictures on the wall around the classroom... in English... pleas to Obama for help. You have to be a special kind of retarded to be so easily tricked into actually thinking this was a group of people trying to fake an actual attack.


Thank you. I find your conclusion logical, data-derived, and objective. I expect others who draw conclusions to use the same level of standards. Maybe I expect too much.
Thank you... found more... translation of some of the text:

قرروا .. وتطوعوا .. فأبدعوا..
أطفال الغوطة الشرقية في مسرحية " الكيماوي وتخاذل العالم "
مسرحية للأطفال ضمن كرنفال أطفال المستقبل اليوم بهدف إدخال البهجة والسرور ورسم البسمة على وجه الأطفال في مدينة كفربطنا في غوطة دمشق الشرقية المحاصرة ..
مجموعة نسمة لتطوعية
مسرحية للأطفال " الكيماوي والعالم " ضمن كرنفال للأطفال برعاية

Volunteers and children of East Ghouta, in the play "Chemicals and the world's weakness", a play for children in the carnival for children in the city of Kafarbatna in the besieged eastern Gaza Strip.
So it's not in Syria. but in Gaza, Middle East Hollywood of staged videos as well as Middle East "North Korea" of brainwashing children.
Makes total sense and explains everything. Still wonder why are we talking about this video in this thread.
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Still wonder why are we talking about this video in this thread.

Oh, that's easy. Someone posted the video in this thread. Then, you felt the need to respond because of your confirmation bias. The tangential conversation will likely continue because you decided to shift the goalposts. I am betting Malintent will not let you get away with that one and so there likely will likely be a follow up post.

Do you have any more "questions?"
Nothing burger keeps providing up healthy sized servings.

article said:
Russia wants videos on YouTube and Instagram showing a senior government official cavorting on a yacht with an oligarch once close to Russian President Vladimir Putin taken down, leaving both companies scrambling to respond.

Alexey Navalny, a prominent opposition figure, posted a video Thursday on YouTube describing his investigation into Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Navalny found 2016 videos of Deripaska on his yacht with Sergey Prikhodko, Russia’s deputy prime minister, and said Deripaska could have been bribing Prikhodko and offering information about the 2016 U.S. election he had received from Manafort. (Manafort did offer to send Deripaska updates on the campaign via email in 2016, The Washington Post reported.)
As usual, this is to be added to the hopper, and isn't a smoking gun (notice the "could have been" not "was"), but Russia's interest in the video definitely adds intrigue to significance of the video.
Nothing burger keeps providing up healthy sized servings.

article said:
Russia wants videos on YouTube and Instagram showing a senior government official cavorting on a yacht with an oligarch once close to Russian President Vladimir Putin taken down, leaving both companies scrambling to respond.

Alexey Navalny, a prominent opposition figure, posted a video Thursday on YouTube describing his investigation into Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Navalny found 2016 videos of Deripaska on his yacht with Sergey Prikhodko, Russia’s deputy prime minister, and said Deripaska could have been bribing Prikhodko and offering information about the 2016 U.S. election he had received from Manafort. (Manafort did offer to send Deripaska updates on the campaign via email in 2016, The Washington Post reported.)
As usual, this is to be added to the hopper, and isn't a smoking gun (notice the "could have been" not "was"), but Russia's interest in the video definitely adds intrigue to significance of the video.
With all due respect to American elections this is all about russian elections. Navalny is trying to make them ban youtube in Russia in order to overthrow Putin :) I mean banning youtube is a sure way to have mayhem so they won't do it.
Nothing burger keeps providing up healthy sized servings.

article said:
Russia wants videos on YouTube and Instagram showing a senior government official cavorting on a yacht with an oligarch once close to Russian President Vladimir Putin taken down, leaving both companies scrambling to respond.

Alexey Navalny, a prominent opposition figure, posted a video Thursday on YouTube describing his investigation into Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Navalny found 2016 videos of Deripaska on his yacht with Sergey Prikhodko, Russia’s deputy prime minister, and said Deripaska could have been bribing Prikhodko and offering information about the 2016 U.S. election he had received from Manafort. (Manafort did offer to send Deripaska updates on the campaign via email in 2016, The Washington Post reported.)
As usual, this is to be added to the hopper, and isn't a smoking gun (notice the "could have been" not "was"), but Russia's interest in the video definitely adds intrigue to significance of the video.

And despite being told otherwise, Trump still denies the very existence of the burger

Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the President's thinking say he remains unconvinced that Russia interfered in the presidential election.

Why is Trump skeptical? Because his besty Vlad said so. Seriously, that's his only reason.

Trump and Putin met several times on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Vietnam. "Every time he sees me, he says, 'I didn't do that,'" Trump said. "And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it."

How is it that a man so full of shit can't tell when he's being fed bullshit?
How is it that a man so full of shit can't tell when he's being fed bullshit?

He knows it's bullshit. And he can count on his base swallowing all of it.

Trump: Here, have this nice steak dinner (with some ketchup too!)

Trump Fan: But that's a big plate of bullshit

Trump: No it's not, it's a Trump Steak--the finest in the world!

Trump Fan: (takes bite): Man, that's the best steak I've ever had! And I never thought it was bullshit either!

Sane Person: dude, you're eating shit!

Trump Fan: Fuck off libtard. You've been brainwashed by the MSM.
And despite being told otherwise, Trump still denies the very existence of the burger

Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the President's thinking say he remains unconvinced that Russia interfered in the presidential election.

Why is Trump skeptical? Because his besty Vlad said so. Seriously, that's his only reason.

Trump and Putin met several times on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Vietnam. "Every time he sees me, he says, 'I didn't do that,'" Trump said. "And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it."

How is it that a man so full of shit can't tell when he's being fed bullshit?
Except it is suspected that he knew about the Russian meddling, so he isn't being fed bullshit, he is a narcissist that expects people to believe his obvious lies.
Trump is not as clueless as one might like to believe. He knows the difference between an investigation on the extent to which his team worked with foreign agents to spread misinformation and propaganda for the purpose of influencing people's votes, and an investigation into the extent to which foreign threats are attempting to manipulate election results.
He has the basic comprehension skills to know the difference...

That he is conflating the two is not because he doesn't understand.. it is because he understands all too well that the two ARE connected. When one proves itself out through our very slow, but methodical, legal system, one will prove the other.

That is why he is conflating the two... he NEEDS to invalidate both things because they are connected and lead to him.
Still wonder why are we talking about this video in this thread.

Oh, that's easy. Someone posted the video in this thread. Then, you felt the need to respond because of your confirmation bias. The tangential conversation will likely continue because you decided to shift the goalposts. I am betting Malintent will not let you get away with that one and so there likely will likely be a follow up post.

Do you have any more "questions?"

I have Barbos on ignore and only see what others quote of that poster... and your comment is basically why.
Nothing burger keeps providing up healthy sized servings.

article said:
Russia wants videos on YouTube and Instagram showing a senior government official cavorting on a yacht with an oligarch once close to Russian President Vladimir Putin taken down, leaving both companies scrambling to respond.

Alexey Navalny, a prominent opposition figure, posted a video Thursday on YouTube describing his investigation into Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Navalny found 2016 videos of Deripaska on his yacht with Sergey Prikhodko, Russia’s deputy prime minister, and said Deripaska could have been bribing Prikhodko and offering information about the 2016 U.S. election he had received from Manafort. (Manafort did offer to send Deripaska updates on the campaign via email in 2016, The Washington Post reported.)
As usual, this is to be added to the hopper, and isn't a smoking gun (notice the "could have been" not "was"), but Russia's interest in the video definitely adds intrigue to significance of the video.

Is it possible that the US is going tit for tat? OUR hackers won't 'influence' Russian elections... they will smack it out of their hands and deliver to whomever we want on a silver plate... is THIS the end of Putin, maybe? Come at us with 2000 hackers to influence and we retaliate with 2 million to destroy and dominate? I hope so.
Nothing burger keeps providing up healthy sized servings.

article said:
Russia wants videos on YouTube and Instagram showing a senior government official cavorting on a yacht with an oligarch once close to Russian President Vladimir Putin taken down, leaving both companies scrambling to respond.

Alexey Navalny, a prominent opposition figure, posted a video Thursday on YouTube describing his investigation into Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Navalny found 2016 videos of Deripaska on his yacht with Sergey Prikhodko, Russia’s deputy prime minister, and said Deripaska could have been bribing Prikhodko and offering information about the 2016 U.S. election he had received from Manafort. (Manafort did offer to send Deripaska updates on the campaign via email in 2016, The Washington Post reported.)
As usual, this is to be added to the hopper, and isn't a smoking gun (notice the "could have been" not "was"), but Russia's interest in the video definitely adds intrigue to significance of the video.

Is it possible that the US is going tit for tat? OUR hackers won't 'influence' Russian elections... they will smack it out of their hands and deliver to whomever we want on a silver plate... is THIS the end of Putin, maybe? Come at us with 2000 hackers to influence and we retaliate with 2 million to destroy and dominate? I hope so.
Putin could chop the head off of a puppy on national television, and he'd be adored for it. Putin is going no where until Putin wants to.
Still wonder why are we talking about this video in this thread.

Oh, that's easy. Someone posted the video in this thread. Then, you felt the need to respond because of your confirmation bias. The tangential conversation will likely continue because you decided to shift the goalposts. I am betting Malintent will not let you get away with that one and so there likely will likely be a follow up post.

Do you have any more "questions?"

I have Barbos on ignore and only see what others quote of that poster... and your comment is basically why.
I am not putting you on ignore. So you can stop with you stupid reminders.
Is it possible that the US is going tit for tat? OUR hackers won't 'influence' Russian elections... they will smack it out of their hands and deliver to whomever we want on a silver plate... is THIS the end of Putin, maybe? Come at us with 2000 hackers to influence and we retaliate with 2 million to destroy and dominate? I hope so.
Putin could chop the head off of a puppy on national television, and he'd be adored for it. Putin is going no where until Putin wants to.

... unless social media convinced the populace he was a closeted gay person... or at least really made it look so. Homosexuality has been extremely demonized over there by him... that can effectively be used against him.

There are any number of Russian-specific social imperatives (things that no person could really get away with - like with Ray More - he did not get away with it despite decades of history indicating he might/could), that could be leveraged in a trolling smear campaign.

Fabrication of a story where Trump and Putin both were in the PeePee tape together, sucking each other dicks might work.
Is it possible that the US is going tit for tat? OUR hackers won't 'influence' Russian elections... they will smack it out of their hands and deliver to whomever we want on a silver plate... is THIS the end of Putin, maybe? Come at us with 2000 hackers to influence and we retaliate with 2 million to destroy and dominate? I hope so.

Meaningful elections in Russia?
Meaningful or not but US have been hopelessly trying to overthrow Putin at least since he decided not to retire and temporarily became prime minister in 2008. Of course the fact that Putin managed to maintain the high support makes the whole thing unfeasible in short term. They hoped that economic sanctions and low oil prices could shake the regime but it did not happen. But it does not mean that State Department will stop trying to find a way.
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