• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.


You are really convinced that you know how things are in Russia better than russians themselves.

Projection, much?
No, just a fact.
Frankly I don't know and largely don't care whether Russians consider themselves well off or not.
What I do know is that the Russian government is hard at work sowing dissent and conflict within the US in the hope of destabilizing it.
I'm sure that the US is doing their hapless best to do the same thing in Russian, but they're at a severe disadvantage due to the Russian government's control of all their media.
Well, at least we don't have weekly shootings.
Do you have any idea of what things are really like for Americans?
I do, I heard Harvey Weinstein news is bigger than Russia in US.
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I must have put barbos on ignore a long time ago, because I just noticed I only see his crap when others reply to it. Is there a way to REALLY ignore someone here? like, get "... <consistency>" instead of the actual fecal matter? The only reason I put posters on ignore is so that I don't waste my time replying to those that I already know are pointless to discuss anything with... when I do see his nonsense in other replies I sometimes forget that the one replying was just being trolled.
barbos reminds me of the little kid who is defending Gamera who has absolutely torched the town, but saved one kid. But Gamera is friend of the children.
I must have put barbos on ignore a long time ago, because I just noticed I only see his crap when others reply to it. Is there a way to REALLY ignore someone here? like, get "... <consistency>" instead of the actual fecal matter?
This is the best we've had for "ignore". It used to be you could see threads the user on ignore started and you could see that they had posts within a thread and you could click to look at the post (you might remember the old days).

People complained, RayJ rolled his eyes, and then came up with what we have today. Which I think is better. It would be nice to have it completely blocked out, but I don't think that'd be an easy hack (and possibly not possible).
barbos reminds me of the little kid who is defending Gamera who has absolutely torched the town, but saved one kid. But Gamera is friend of the children.
I must have put barbos on ignore a long time ago, because I just noticed I only see his crap when others reply to it. Is there a way to REALLY ignore someone here? like, get "... <consistency>" instead of the actual fecal matter?
This is the best we've had for "ignore". It used to be you could see threads the user on ignore started and you could see that they had posts within a thread and you could click to look at the post (you might remember the old days).

People complained, RayJ rolled his eyes, and then came up with what we have today. Which I think is better. It would be nice to have it completely blocked out, but I don't think that'd be an easy hack (and possibly not possible).

ya, I see how that can be a challenge... When the mods delete a post after it has been replied to, they do seem to manually edit the replies "for consistency"... but that is a bit much to ask the ignore system to manage, I guess.
Извините, но ето просто дисинформация, товарищ барбос. Russia, the US, the UK, and Northern Ireland all signed the  Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances on December 5, 1994. You may not know this, or may not care, but that is in the public record. Putin unilaterally abrogated that agreement.
Dude, I mentioned the damn thing, and you say I may not know that? You are not making any sense. Memorandum is just that - memorandum, hardly worth anything. Parliaments were supposed to vote it into a real thing, Few presidents sitting together and signing it don't mean much.
Well, it is interesting to see how the Putin regime tries to justify its aggression. The memorandum was a legitimate international agreement that had the official endorsement of the Russian government. Putin invaded a neighboring country and seized parts of its territory, which clearly was a violation of its obligations under the UN charter. So your excuses mean nothing.

He lied when he claimed that Russia had not invaded Crimea.
We have been over this, he did not lie technically, he avoided the question by saying "It could be anybody" You should listen to white House briefings, they do it all the time.
Not only did Putin lie, but you are lying about his lying. For example, on Thursday, April 16, 2015, he said "I will say this clearly: There are no Russian troops in Ukraine." (See Putin: 'I will say this clearly: There are no Russian troops in Ukraine') But that was just one of many times when he lied repeatedly in front of cameras.
Dude, I mentioned the damn thing, and you say I may not know that? You are not making any sense. Memorandum is just that - memorandum, hardly worth anything. Parliaments were supposed to vote it into a real thing, Few presidents sitting together and signing it don't mean much.
Well, it is interesting to see how the Putin regime tries to justify its aggression. The memorandum was a legitimate international agreement that had the official endorsement of the Russian government. Putin invaded a neighboring country and seized parts of its territory, which clearly was a violation of its obligations under the UN charter. So your excuses mean nothing.
What if there were no memorandum? Would you be OK with "occupation"/"annexation" then?
Memorandum is worthless piece of paper which Putin did not sign. It was not ratified by Russian Parliament, so all it was required on the part of Putin is to say "We withdraw from this "agreement"" and then go play golf fishing, that's it, that how much this document is worth. It was a ploy to get nukes out of Ukraine, nothing more.
He lied when he claimed that Russia had not invaded Crimea.
We have been over this, he did not lie technically, he avoided the question by saying "It could be anybody" You should listen to white House briefings, they do it all the time.
Not only did Putin lie, but you are lying about his lying. For example, on Thursday, April 16, 2015, he said "I will say this clearly: There are no Russian troops in Ukraine." (See Putin: 'I will say this clearly: There are no Russian troops in Ukraine') But that was just one of many times when he lied repeatedly in front of cameras.
Did you check the date? April 16, 2015 Crimea is not Ukraine anymore. He talks about Eastern Ukraine.
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Well, it is interesting to see how the Putin regime tries to justify its aggression. The memorandum was a legitimate international agreement that had the official endorsement of the Russian government. Putin invaded a neighboring country and seized parts of its territory, which clearly was a violation of its obligations under the UN charter. So your excuses mean nothing.
What if there were no memorandum? Would you be OK with "occupation"/"annexation" then?
Memorandum is worthless piece of paper which Putin did not sign. It was not ratified by Russian Parliament, so all it was required on the part of Putin is to say "We withdraw from this "agreement"" and then go play golf fishing, that's it, that how much this document is worth. It was a ploy to get nukes out of Ukraine, nothing more.
Russia had committed to the agreement and was also obliged not to invade a country that had not attacked it. If his invasion were legitimate, then he would have felt no need to lie about sending in Russian troops in the first place.

He lied when he claimed that Russia had not invaded Crimea.
We have been over this, he did not lie technically, he avoided the question by saying "It could be anybody" You should listen to white House briefings, they do it all the time.
Not only did Putin lie, but you are lying about his lying. For example, on Thursday, April 16, 2015, he said "I will say this clearly: There are no Russian troops in Ukraine." (See Putin: 'I will say this clearly: There are no Russian troops in Ukraine') But that was just one of many times when he lied repeatedly in front of cameras.
Did you check the date? April 16, 2015 Crimea is not Ukraine anymore. He talks about Eastern Ukraine.
Oh, right. He actually invaded Crimea, lied about using Russian troops to do it, annexed Crimea (thus now being able to claim he had no Russian troops in Ukraine), then invaded Ukraine A SECOND TIME, lied again about there being no Russian troops in Ukraine, and then admitted again that he had been lying. You are trying to maintain that he did not technically lie during the first round of invasions, and giving him a pass on his second lie.

So your only defense of Putin not lying is in reference to Crimea. However, we have a record of that sequence of lies, too. See, for example, this Time Magazine report Putin's Confessions on Crimea Expose Kremlin Media, and this old Sputniknews report: Putin Denies Sending Russian Troops to Crimea. Or you could just watch a short video on how his story changed:

Senator Franken grilling Sessions on Russian contacts.

Savage AF.
It was an angry exchange. In his book, Al Franken, Giant of the Senate, Franken described his time on the Judiciary Committee with Sessions and the great friendship they had. He also said a little about the falling out they have had since Sessions was nominated for AG and Franken voted against him. Both men are skilled politicians and adept at responding to questions without really answering them. In this latest testimony, Franken went on at length about Sessions' changing story on his meetings with Russian ambassador Kislyak during the campaign, and Sessions was equally long-winded in his excuses for being less than candid about what really happened.

For those interested, here is the 15-minute exchange on Youtube:

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