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Senator Markey threatens Musk for disrespecting him publicly


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

The banality of evil. Everyone accuses Trump and the right wingers of facism. Yet classic facism is actually the uniting of corporate and state power to control the population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism Just exactly what the left has been doing with big tech. See time stamp 9:28 from the video where mr. Poindexter admits his weekly meetings between the FBI and facebook, twitter, and google officials.

Indeed, the freedom of speech used to be a halmark of liberism but now it is held as some kind of right winger idea. Here we see the data (in twitter text) of a senator using his power to punish a private company for mocking him. It is a grave abuse of power that the left cheers on. Which is the tell for who they really are and what they really believe. Left ideas have now become extreme right wing ideas and vice versa.
A snarky Markey.

Trump started us on a slippery slope. Democrats investigate Trump, republicans with the House will now investigate Biden.

Democrts voted to impeach Trump. Re[publicans may vote to impeach Biden.

It has become a madness for which there is no cure or off ramp.
Musk is asked how his company permits others to engage in misrepresentation and Musk refuses to answer. Markey points out that one of Musk's company is under a FTC degree and another is under investigation for producing and selling an unsafe product. To a rational person, this suggests that Musk's companies have little regard for the consumer (i.e. are unscrupulous) In a modern society, legislatures and government look to protect consumers from unscrupulous companies. Markey is pointing out a real possible outcome.

It is ludicrous to represent this as an assault on free speech. I suggest Mr. Dore apply his "Shut up fuckface" to himself on this issue.
one of Musk's company is under a FTC degree and another is under investigation for producing and selling an unsafe product.
No worries. Unsafe products are “free speech” now, according to RW extremists (See RV above).
Fuck Ralph Nader, anyway.
one of Musk's company is under a FTC degree and another is under investigation for producing and selling an unsafe product.
No worries. Unsafe products are “free speech” now, according to RW extremists (See RV above).
Fuck Ralph Nader, anyway.
There's nothing wrong with Ralph Nader, I agreed with his message. And even if I didn't agree with him, we were all better off hearing what he had to say then not hearing what he had to say. Had Nader been active today his "unsafe at any speed message" would have been censored by Google and GM. You wouldn't even know about Nader
one of Musk's company is under a FTC degree and another is under investigation for producing and selling an unsafe product.
No worries. Unsafe products are “free speech” now, according to RW extremists (See RV above).
Fuck Ralph Nader, anyway.
There's nothing wrong with Ralph Nader, I agreed with his message. And even if I didn't agree with him, we were all better off hearing what he had to say then not hearing what he had to say. Had Nader been active today his "unsafe at any speed message" would have been censored by Google and GM. You wouldn't even know about Nader
That is utter rot. GM could not censor Nader back then, so there is no reason to expect GM to be able to censor Nader now, especially given how much less political influence and power it has. There would be no reason for Google to censor Nader.
one of Musk's company is under a FTC degree and another is under investigation for producing and selling an unsafe product.
No worries. Unsafe products are “free speech” now, according to RW extremists (See RV above).
Fuck Ralph Nader, anyway.
There's nothing wrong with Ralph Nader, I agreed with his message. And even if I didn't agree with him, we were all better off hearing what he had to say then not hearing what he had to say. Had Nader been active today his "unsafe at any speed message" would have been censored by Google and GM. You wouldn't even know about Nader
That is utter rot. GM could not censor Nader back then, so there is no reason to expect GM to be able to censor Nader now, especially given how much less political influence and power it has. There would be no reason for Google to censor Nader.
Not to mention he was wrong about the Corvair.
There's nothing wrong with Ralph Nader, I agreed with his message.
I'm not sure which message you're referring to from Mr Nader.

One was "Small cars aren't as safe as huge gas pigs!" True, but not good for America. Or anyone else.

Another was "Vote for Me!". That message got Bush II installed in the 2000 election. Again, not a good thing for America or anyone else.

I'm pretty sure that Nader's heart was in the right place. But I know for a fact that he seriously messed up the human situation. Especially, the American human situation. So, I can't say I'm too fond of him. I hope he's dead.
There's nothing wrong with Ralph Nader, I agreed with his message.
I'm not sure which message you're referring to from Mr Nader.

One was "Small cars aren't as safe as huge gas pigs!" True, but not good for America. Or anyone else.

Another was "Vote for Me!". That message got Bush II installed in the 2000 election. Again, not a good thing for America or anyone else.

I'm pretty sure that Nader's heart was in the right place. But I know for a fact that he seriously messed up the human situation. Especially, the American human situation. So, I can't say I'm too fond of him. I hope he's dead.
He was never seen in a public relationship with anyone, so if he is dead, we can check to see if there is a MEN only tattoo on his butt cheeks.
He was never seen in a public relationship with anyone, so if he is dead, we can check to see if there is a MEN only tattoo on his butt cheeks.

Despite the fact that he was such a solid supporter of the fossil fuel industry and Republican party,

I'm pretty sure that he still qualifies as a liberal. Therefore, pointing out his ass-tats and butthurt will remain politically incorrect until further notice.
There's nothing wrong with Ralph Nader, I agreed with his message.
I'm not sure which message you're referring to from Mr Nader.

One was "Small cars aren't as safe as huge gas pigs!" True, but not good for America. Or anyone else.

Another was "Vote for Me!". That message got Bush II installed in the 2000 election. Again, not a good thing for America or anyone else.

I'm pretty sure that Nader's heart was in the right place. But I know for a fact that he seriously messed up the human situation. Especially, the American human situation. So, I can't say I'm too fond of him. I hope he's dead.
He was never seen in a public relationship with anyone, so if he is dead, we can check to see if there is a MEN only tattoo on his butt cheeks.
Mr. Nader is not dead.
The banality of evil. Everyone accuses Trump and the right wingers of facism. Yet classic facism is actually the uniting of corporate and state power to control the population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism Just exactly what the left has been doing with big tech. See time stamp 9:28 from the video where mr. Poindexter admits his weekly meetings between the FBI and facebook, twitter, and google officials.

Indeed, the freedom of speech used to be a halmark of liberism but now it is held as some kind of right winger idea. Here we see the data (in twitter text) of a senator using his power to punish a private company for mocking him. It is a grave abuse of power that the left cheers on. Which is the tell for who they really are and what they really believe. Left ideas have now become extreme right wing ideas and vice versa.

I'd never heard of Jimmy Dore but watched a bit. Wow! The fact that RVonse can stomach that tells us much about him.

Markey commented on the fact that Musk's companies are already under scrutiny. He did not threaten more.

And the idea that Twitter is allied with the FBI and the FBI is allied with the Left specifically (rather than the government of the day) is so laughable, it's tempting to guess that Dore and his fans are "anti-Illuminati" nuts.

I only watched the first few seconds of the video, and a few seconds at the suggested 9:28 mark. Anyone have the time stamp for Dore's discussion of the Jewish space lasers?
That is utter rot. GM could not censor Nader back then, so there is no reason to expect GM to be able to censor Nader now, especially given how much less political influence and power it has. There would be no reason for Google to censor Nader.
Not to mention he was wrong about the Corvair.
I drove a Corvair from Delray Beach to Washington DC and back. Had a tire blow out on the Fl turnpike at about 70 mph.
I had read that that was a routinely catastrophic event, so I thought I was gonna die for a few moments. But the car acted “normally” and I was able to ease it to the shoulder without mishap. Loved that car. Right up there with the Karmann Ghia and Volvo P1800.
That is utter rot. GM could not censor Nader back then, so there is no reason to expect GM to be able to censor Nader now, especially given how much less political influence and power it has. There would be no reason for Google to censor Nader.
Not to mention he was wrong about the Corvair.
I drove a Corvair from Delray Beach to Washington DC and back. Had a tire blow out on the Fl turnpike at about 70 mph.
I had read that that was a routinely catastrophic event, so I thought I was gonna die for a few moments. But the car acted “normally” and I was able to ease it to the shoulder without mishap. Loved that car. Right up there with the Karmann Ghia and Volvo P1800.
It was a revolutionary vehicle. The engine design was way ahead of its time.

As for the funky suspension, a simple leaf spring kit, a single leaf, that goes from the center frame to each of the rear wheels clears up the issue quite well. 200 bucks and twenty minutes work in all.

The banality of evil. Everyone accuses Trump and the right wingers of facism. Yet classic facism is actually the uniting of corporate and state power to control the population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism Just exactly what the left has been doing with big tech. See time stamp 9:28 from the video where mr. Poindexter admits his weekly meetings between the FBI and facebook, twitter, and google officials.

Indeed, the freedom of speech used to be a halmark of liberism but now it is held as some kind of right winger idea. Here we see the data (in twitter text) of a senator using his power to punish a private company for mocking him. It is a grave abuse of power that the left cheers on. Which is the tell for who they really are and what they really believe. Left ideas have now become extreme right wing ideas and vice versa.

If fascism consists of threatening to continue investigating companies that create unsafe products I am okay with that. In that you are simply describing the normal and necessary functions of government as "fascism".
If fascism consists of threatening to continue investigating companies that create unsafe products I am okay with that. In that you are simply describing the normal and necessary functions of government as "fascism".
A better example of fascism would be DeSantis' war on The Mouse.
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