For their own sake, people should at least make a minimal effort to avoid experiencing heartbreak and humiliation through unnecessary exposure to scumbags.
Being refused a transition celebration cake is probably not in the top 100 ways that scumbags cause Scardina heartbreak and humiliation.
One can address some forms of scumbaggery with litigation and legislation, but that does nothing to eliminate the actual source of scumbaggery: scumbags.
This is a group effect.
Applying legal, moral and social pressure that will have downstream effects later on.
Politicians, pastors and so on will not say the same things they have been saying.
What is the exact church going history of this baker? Who was his pastor and church friends? What sermons did he hear?
Will a pastor be as likely to give a sermon that if boiled down to an elevator pitch by one of his flock to a coworker get a good fraction of them fired?
"So my pastor, says that transgender people aren't real (from God) and they come from satanic forces in this fallen world"
EVERY example that stands up needs to be hammered down. This is only way to have final victory and safety for transgender people.
Some of us here are so autistically invidualistic that we forget that doing things as a group is really the only effective way that things happen.
Too much individualism is really fucking retarded and not how most of the world works and this is not just about religion.