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Should the focus be more on oligarch/mafia ties than just plain Russian government?

What am I wrong about? The source you linked states that early CPIs used public perception polling previously but now they base the score on NGO surveys (which are not public perception as such) as well as analyst assessments. The Validity section, that is the specific anchor in your link, states that the scores are fit for purpose:

"very strong significant correlation" between the Corruption Perceptions Index and two other proxies for corruption

But again - even if they were merely public perception polling, and they aren't perfect in some Platonic sense you've still failed to provide a better assessment. In fact you've offered nothing at all except your own feelings. To quote you from the other thread:
I am not aware of any change of their methods, but you can't spit in Italy without hitting mafia member.
And another thing - Silvio Berlusconi can give Trump a run for his money and italians were keeping electing him as their PM.

Somehow, I think, your unwillingness to read the source you cited isn't as formidable an argument as you think it is.
I read it, it says "corruption perception index"
And here is my perception for you - Italy is way more corrupted than Russia.
I read it, it says "corruption perception index"
And here is my perception for you - Italy is way more corrupted than Russia.

What a convenient little microcosm of the whole thing - isn't it? Perhaps making a mistake about what the link says is forgivable but, event after having more than one person point out that you might be mistaken, you instead double down and mistake the map for the territory rather than actually reading what your own link says.
I read it, it says "corruption perception index"
And here is my perception for you - Italy is way more corrupted than Russia.

What a convenient little microcosm of the whole thing - isn't it? Perhaps making a mistake about what the link says is forgivable but, event after having more than one person point out that you might be mistaken, you instead double down and mistake the map for the territory rather than actually reading what your own link says.
It's not me, it's you.
What a convenient little microcosm of the whole thing - isn't it? Perhaps making a mistake about what the link says is forgivable but, event after having more than one person point out that you might be mistaken, you instead double down and mistake the map for the territory rather than actually reading what your own link says.
It's not me, it's you.

Yes, I am right and he is wrong. In fact Loren even made a thread which proves my point that corruption is a result of GDP and for fair comparison you need to normalize it, And if you do that then Russian corruption will be ordinary and Italian extraordinary.

Ah yes, even though countries like France, Spain, and Slovenia bookend Italy from a nominal and PPP per-capita GDP measure, and they all score significantly higher than Italy, which itself scores significantly higher than Russia - it's all a trick of not normalizing for GDP. And of course, shadow economies which form as a result of corruption don't have an effect on GDP so we should be using that to normalize the data anyway :rolleyes:

Mr. and Mrs. Batman? The Dynamic Duo may become a trio? Will Barbos actually show his work? Find out next time - same Bat time, same Bat channel!
A pox on Trump, a pox on Clinton, a pox on CNN, a pox on MSNBC and a pox on FOX.

I guess that leaves ... Breitbart. No pox on them?
FWIW, I've seen several mentions of Russian mob/Cheato connections and even a little bit on net neutrality. Not on CNN or FOX (of course), but MSNBC has given it at least a nod.
I disagree that net neutrality is a matter of more immediate concern than the assault on our system of government being conducted by the current administration and it's congressional backers. It may become so, but it won't matter a bit if we don't clean house first.


Drain the swamp! :D

So, the point I'm getting here seems to be that interfering with a foreign power's internal politics is not a problem if
a) Russia does it
b) whoever does it has a good reason
c) you not the country doing the MOST interfering

Maybe that's the basis of the outrage? Option B? A good reason?
Americans don't really balk at things the CIA does for American interests. Protecting our country, protecting our bottom line, getting James Bond laid, ensuring cooperative neighbors, and so on.
The problem with The Trumps is that they attempted to interfere for their own interests, not all of ours. This would explain why anyone who's been paying attention is outraged, while the Trumpistas are still saying that Trump being in the white house is better for America than Hillary, so they accept that he did whatever he had to in order to MAGA.
Mr. and Mrs. Batman? The Dynamic Duo may become a trio? Will Barbos actually show his work? Find out next time - same Bat time, same Bat channel!
Wouldn't that be Mr. and Mr. Batman? After all the boy wonder, is a boy?
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