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So when does it stop being 'PC' and start being 'Common Decency'

PC was a term that invented by right-wingers to relabel what other people consider courtesy.

You keep repeating this blatant untruth. PC was a term created in the early 20th century by more moderate leftists and socialists to criticize dogmatic Communists who mindlessly parroted the ideological (political) mantras without consideration of what was actually correct on either scientific or valid principled moral grounds.

From the Wiki on "Political Correctness":
[P]"The term "politically correct" was used disparagingly [around WW II], to refer to someone whose loyalty to the Communist Party line overrode compassion, and led to bad politics. It was used by Socialists against Communists, and was meant to separate out Socialists who believed in egalitarian moral ideas from dogmatic Communists who would advocate and defend party positions regardless of their moral substance."[/P]

For example, liberal socialist-leaning Jews used the term to criticize communists who supported the Stalin-Hitler alliance in mindless support of the party line over actual socialist ideals.

Then in the 1970's, actual liberals made similar use of the term to criticize more extreme leftist whose revolutionary leftism began to take a more authoritarian anti-liberty tone.
"In the 1970s, the American New Left began using the term "politically correct". ...
Thereafter, the term was often used as self-critical satire. Debra L. Shultz said that "throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the New Left, feminists, and progressives... used their term 'politically correct' ironically, as a guard against their own orthodoxy in social change efforts." ... In her essay "Toward a feminist Revolution" (1992) Ellen Willis said: "In the early eighties, when feminists used the term 'political correctness', it was used to refer sarcastically to the anti-pornography movement's efforts to define a 'feminist sexuality'."

IOW, the term was created and used for most of the 20th century in just the way that many critics of PC use it today, many of whom are very much liberals who value personal liberty, individualism, and rational thought and thus are critical of increasing leftists who endorse rhetoric or policies that are contrary to these things, including: speech restrictions, most affirmative action policies, claims that minorities cannot be racist, the mantra of "white privilege", attacks on those who use objectively correct terms like retarded or even "disabled", historically ignorant nonsense regarding "cultural appropriation", denial of the sound science related to general intellectual abilities or strong genetic influences on aggression and other generally undesired personality traits and behaviors, and a general dishonest hypocrisy in the application of legal, moral, and political principles depending on the race or gender of the people involved and whether it serves the party line of painting whites, males, and the imperial west as always being the bad guy.

Note that the liberals who whose PC in this critical way do not generally deny the reality of or need to fight against racism, sexism, bigotries, or the wrongs and harms done by Western nations, even against their own long term interests in allowing secularism to grow in the Middle East. Their critique is against extremist over-reactions and heavy handed top-down efforts that in the long run undermine the more basic principles that will allow for a more real and stable progression against these forces.

What is new is that over the last 20 years right-wingers have latched onto this term and used it to attack and dismiss all liberal ideas and policies, fallaciously equating and attacking as equally "politically correct" efforts like securing equal rights for gays to marry under the law (something that is morally correct and that liberals support) with efforts to restrict the right of an individual's access to publicly supported higher education due to their misfortune having been born race or gender that is deemed overly represented (something that many Affirmative action policies support and anyone with actual liberal/progressive values opposes).

This recent perversion of the use of the term by the right does not negate its much longer history and continued valid application by liberals and leftist against the more myopically strident and short-sighted extremists on the left.
The application of Zero tolerance for violence and weapons in school stems from a rigid observation of the written rules - a trait associated with authoritarians of any stripe.

Actually, zero tolerance stems more from protecting themselves against racial allegations and lawsuits. They didn't want to be attacked for applying common sense so they devised a system with no common sense. The "weapons" that would have been ignored in the past by common sense are now being prosecuted.
I have never heard anybody mentioning such stuff when talking about political correctness. It has always been stuff as the how silly it is to stop using the word nigger etc.
Then, to broaden your knowledge base, I would suggest that you google some search phrase such as "politically correct absurdities" and read a little of what people outside your bubble think and are concerned about.

But that is a quasi didcussion that has been created by the people that cannot fathom that kindness is good and necessary behavior.

There are always people that go to far with rules. There are always people that doesnt use common sense. But these cases are extremely rare.

That was what I wrote: I have never heard of such cases in real life. Only via the internet and via people that often are doesnt seem to value kindness.
That video triggered me. I'm going to go watch some cute puppy videos and make something about Play Doh, in case anyone needs me.
This is probably his best video:

But, I am getting tired of threshing this grain...

The point is that TPTB are happy having people squabble about oversensitive wackos and the response to them. These issues are not so important and it probably is mostly that social media has let outrage culture blossom so effectively while stifling long form conversation.
The point is that TPTB are happy having people squabble about oversensitive wackos and the response to them. These issues are not so important and it probably is mostly that social media has let outrage culture blossom so effectively while stifling long form conversation.

What is TPTB?

I agree that sound byte culture has a lot to do with how this happened, which is why I enjoy shows like Rubin's as much as I do, though I do think he's becoming too much of a circle jerk lately. He needs to have some regressives on. Would love to see Cenk or Nawaz go on Rubin Report, or imagine if Sarkesian did. That conversation would be even more fascinating than the ones he's had with people like Tommy Robinson.
The point is that TPTB are happy having people squabble about oversensitive wackos and the response to them. These issues are not so important and it probably is mostly that social media has let outrage culture blossom so effectively while stifling long form conversation.

What is TPTB?

I agree that sound byte culture has a lot to do with how this happened, which is why I enjoy shows like Rubin's as much as I do, though I do think he's becoming too much of a circle jerk lately. He needs to have some regressives on. Would love to see Cenk or Nawaz go on Rubin Report, or imagine if Sarkesian did. That conversation would be even more fascinating than the ones he's had with people like Tommy Robinson.

The powers that be
Isn't it obvious?
No, it isn't.
You have to be black, woman, short, say you're an environmentalist and have some sort of horrendous disease, then you can do pretty much whatever you want.
No, you can't.

Has anyone defined common decency?

Common decency is showing respect for others. It isn't unquestionably accepting their ideology as the PC crowd demand. Disagreement is not disrespect
Common decency is showing respect for others. It isn't unquestionably accepting their ideology as the PC crowd demand. Disagreement is not disrespect

True. In fact I've pointed out more than once in this thread that those who dislike PC do not define it as common decency. Then, after pointing that out, I get told it is nothing more than common decency.

Underseer went so far as to blame it for restricting his behavior towards minorities, but I think he is in the minority when it comes to issues like this.
No, it isn't.
You have to be black, woman, short, say you're an environmentalist and have some sort of horrendous disease, then you can do pretty much whatever you want.
No, you can't.

Has anyone defined common decency?

Common decency is showing respect for others. It isn't unquestionably accepting their ideology as the PC crowd demand. Disagreement is not disrespect

But disagreement can only exist when a subject is truly debatable.

Saying things like "I disagree with gay people being homosexual" isn't debatable. It's just incorrect. It's like saying "I disagree with black people being black".
There is no common definition of decency. To many, homosexuality is indecent. To many others, criticism of homosexuality is indecent. Same goes for nudism and Islam.

I say that we should avoid personal attacks and mischaracterizing each other, but that no opinion should be silenced no matter how offensive we may find it, and yes that includes Holocaust denial, white supremacy, pedophilia, and Islamism. Only through seeking to understand these thoughts can we expose, engage, combat, and resolve them, and we should stop worrying about people getting "triggered". The coddling and crybullying has to stop.
No, it isn't.
You have to be black, woman, short, say you're an environmentalist and have some sort of horrendous disease, then you can do pretty much whatever you want.
No, you can't.

Has anyone defined common decency?

Common decency is showing respect for others. It isn't unquestionably accepting their ideology as the PC crowd demand. Disagreement is not disrespect

But disagreement can only exist when a subject is truly debatable.
No argument. However anyone who holds the opinion that ILLEGAL immigration is a problem that should be addressed immediately faces vicious ad hominem attacks of being a racist by the PC crowd. Immigration is certainly a debatable issue but not for those who abandon all civility with their personal attacks (rather than discussion) against anyone who considers ILLEGAL immigration a problem.
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No, it isn't.
You have to be black, woman, short, say you're an environmentalist and have some sort of horrendous disease, then you can do pretty much whatever you want.
No, you can't.

Has anyone defined common decency?

Common decency is showing respect for others. It isn't unquestionably accepting their ideology as the PC crowd demand. Disagreement is not disrespect

But disagreement can only exist when a subject is truly debatable.
No argument. However anyone who holds the opinion that ILLEGAL immigration is a problem that should be addressed immediately faces vicious ad hominem attacks of being a racist by the PC crowd. Immigration is certainly a debatable issue but not for those who abandon all civility with their personal attacks (rather than discussion) against anyone who considers ILLEGAL immigration a problem.

Hate to say this, but this is a rhetorical poisoned well; the personal attacks are largely a reaction to the fact that the (illegal) immigration debate is all mixed up on nativist rhetoric and white nationalist narratives that push an openly racist message dressed up as "economic concern." A bigger part of the problem is the fact that those who might otherwise be rational on wanting a SOLUTION to the illegal immigration problem are either quiet or deferential to more reactionary voices who oppose immigration reform or a streamlined path to citizenship, primarily on the basis that such policy changes wouldn't do enough to punish illegals.

A conversation that begins with "11 million illegals need to be deported before we can talk about it" is a conversation that is going nowhere fast. So people looking for a more rational solution must, unfortunately, distance themselves from those that aren't.
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