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Stacey Abrams will give the Democratic response to Trump's SOU address!


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs
I just had to share this because I think Stacey is amazing, and one of the smartest politicians of our times. I can't wait to hear her response to the clueless idiot.


Democrats have tapped Georgia’s Stacey Abrams to deliver the response to President Trump’s State of the Union address, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Tuesday.

Abrams narrowly lost the state’s race for governor in November after a lengthy dispute over blocked votes. She will address the nation in a prime-time speech shortly after Trump finishes his address to a joint session of Congress next Tuesday night.

In statements announcing the decision, Pelosi said Abrams “embodies the American Dream,” while Schumer praised the Georgia Democrat as “a present and future leader in this country.”

“Stacey Abrams offers a welcome, stark contrast to President Trump’s politics of division and lack of leadership as American families are still feeling the impacts of his self-imposed shutdown,” Schumer said.
I'm looking forward to that as well.

I'd bet right now, that Stacey will draw a larger audience with her response than Cheato will with his SOTU address. After all, Ms Abrams is fresh, eloquent and thoughtful. Trump is old, classless, repetitive and can't express any thought that isn't already on a bumper sticker. And his English sucks so badly, it barely qualifies as such. Like comparing the Boston Philharmonic to fingernails on a chalkboard.
I am looking forward to hear what she has to say. She failed in her bid to win the governorship, but I do not this she is done seeking higher office. Maybe Senate 2020?

But will she be able to dig out from Snowpocalypse 2019 in time to deliver the response?
Trump has delivered a couple decent "This is when he became President" addresses. So it is possible. But his problem is are the accomplishments to list off... and where to go from here, ie will he just be about the wall... or will he threaten China some more, you know to help ease the trade talks. And lets not forget about US / NK luvfest 02/19. Will Trump claim he saved us from Nuclear War... and Obama said that to him?

Regardless, I'm sure the hell not watch either the SOTU or the response. I have limited time to enjoy and rather let the bloviating happen without me.
I might just record the entire thing, but then fast forward to Stacey when I have a chance to listen to her response. :) I attended one of her rallies and she was quite inspiring. Imo, she doesn't use her race as a big issue. She knows how to relate to all kinds of people. While the Republicans didn't want it to be known during the governor's race, she was widely respected by the Republicans in the Georgia Congress for her intelligence and willingness to work across the isle. She gives credit when it's due regardless of which party did something that she felt was good for the state. For example, she praised the former Republican governor for his efforts to decrease prison sentences. That's another thing that I like about her. From what I've read about her, my guess is that she's already preparing her rebuttal, as it's not to difficult to guess what Trump will likely say during his own address.
From what I've read about her, my guess is that she's already preparing her rebuttal, as it's not to difficult to guess what Trump will likely say during his own address.
Are these rebuttals prepared soley by the person giving it, or are there others involved?
From what I've read about her, my guess is that she's already preparing her rebuttal, as it's not to difficult to guess what Trump will likely say during his own address.
Are these rebuttals prepared soley by the person giving it, or are there others involved?
A room with 1000 elephants at 1000 abnormally large typewriters.
From what I've read about her, my guess is that she's already preparing her rebuttal, as it's not to difficult to guess what Trump will likely say during his own address.
Are these rebuttals prepared soley by the person giving it, or are there others involved?
Well, it's the Democratic Response, not the Stacey Adams response so there's probably at least a few talking points submitted by others.
"If he tells [Lie #3], our position is ______."
"Fact check [Lie #42], we never, ever, said ______."
"When he whines about [standard bitch #37], we want to draw attention to his tweet of 2016 that said _______."

I'd put it on 3x5 cards so she can assemble the response during his speech.
I'm just looking forward to another round of breathless awe about how Presidential Trump looked because he managed to give a SOTU speech without accidentally soiling himself on stage.

It would be nice if they prepare a bunch of responses to what Trump will likely say so that Abrams can use her speech to give a real time fact check of all the lies and half-truths that Trump brings up.
From what I've read about her, my guess is that she's already preparing her rebuttal, as it's not to difficult to guess what Trump will likely say during his own address.
Are these rebuttals prepared soley by the person giving it, or are there others involved?
Well, it's the Democratic Response, not the Stacey Adams response so there's probably at least a few talking points submitted by others.
"If he tells [Lie #3], our position is ______."
"Fact check [Lie #42], we never, ever, said ______."
"When he whines about [standard bitch #37], we want to draw attention to his tweet of 2016 that said _______."

I'd put it on 3x5 cards so she can assemble the response during his speech.
Or just have a cold cut to her busting out laughing.
It would be nice if they prepare a bunch of responses to what Trump will likely say so that Abrams can use her speech to give a real time fact check of all the lies and half-truths that Trump brings up.

Well, that's the advantage of playing against a one-trick pony. It should be very easy to predict the high points of the coming performance. Especiallly if his medications give him the leeway to respond to things like all the women wearing white. That should draw his attention and his scorn.
It would be nice if they prepare a bunch of responses to what Trump will likely say so that Abrams can use her speech to give a real time fact check of all the lies and half-truths that Trump brings up.

Well, that's the advantage of playing against a one-trick pony. It should be very easy to predict the high points of the coming performance.

They must resist the temptation to start with, "Everything you just heard is a lie", even though it will be true.
It would be nice if they prepare a bunch of responses to what Trump will likely say so that Abrams can use her speech to give a real time fact check of all the lies and half-truths that Trump brings up.

Well, that's the advantage of playing against a one-trick pony. It should be very easy to predict the high points of the coming performance.

They must resist the temptation to start with, "Everything you just heard is a lie", even though it will be true.
Well, Trump isn't Guliani. There will be occasional facts or defensible opinions here and there...

Maybe start with 'So, in summary: Lie, lie, misleading fact, made-up-shit, the plot from On The Beach, lie, a stunning fact, lie, a check his ass can't cover, lie...'
Well, it's the Democratic Response, not the Stacey Adams response so there's probably at least a few talking points submitted by others.
"If he tells [Lie #3], our position is ______."
"Fact check [Lie #42], we never, ever, said ______."
"When he whines about [standard bitch #37], we want to draw attention to his tweet of 2016 that said _______."

I'd put it on 3x5 cards so she can assemble the response during his speech.
Or just have a cold cut to her busting out laughing.

Which means she was chosen because she's willing to be a lackey and since she's currently popular the Democratic party wants to exploit her, which, I'll add, also means she doesn't mind being exploited? Corporate Democrat, then? Ambitious!

Not my kind of politician.

But, you know me, I'm just a Russian bot.
But, you know me, I'm just a Russian bot.

Nah - just a Republitard toady, I'd guess. :)

See, you can't recognize an actual progressive when you're looking right at one.
Progressive? That is real cute.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, it's the Democratic Response, not the Stacey Adams response so there's probably at least a few talking points submitted by others.
"If he tells [Lie #3], our position is ______."
"Fact check [Lie #42], we never, ever, said ______."
"When he whines about [standard bitch #37], we want to draw attention to his tweet of 2016 that said _______."

I'd put it on 3x5 cards so she can assemble the response during his speech.
Or just have a cold cut to her busting out laughing.

Which means she was chosen because she's willing to be a lackey and since she's currently popular the Democratic party wants to exploit her, which, I'll add, also means she doesn't mind being exploited? Corporate Democrat, then? Ambitious!

Not my kind of politician.

But, you know me, I'm just a Russian bot.
Wow... interesting response to my post about her SOTU response just being a rolling laugh.
Wow... interesting response to my post about her SOTU response just being a rolling laugh.
Yeah, weird how someone is being 'exploited' by being given a platform and a national stage.
Even if other people are slipping her talking points, she's still going to be getting mileage out of this, and they won't be in a position to yank the mike away from her if she goes off on her own script.

'Lackey' must be the word-of-the-day in the I'm-a-real-progressive calendar...
See, you can't recognize an actual progressive when you're looking right at one.
Progressive? That is real cute.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, it's the Democratic Response, not the Stacey Adams response so there's probably at least a few talking points submitted by others.
"If he tells [Lie #3], our position is ______."
"Fact check [Lie #42], we never, ever, said ______."
"When he whines about [standard bitch #37], we want to draw attention to his tweet of 2016 that said _______."

I'd put it on 3x5 cards so she can assemble the response during his speech.
Or just have a cold cut to her busting out laughing.

Which means she was chosen because she's willing to be a lackey and since she's currently popular the Democratic party wants to exploit her, which, I'll add, also means she doesn't mind being exploited? Corporate Democrat, then? Ambitious!

Not my kind of politician.

But, you know me, I'm just a Russian bot.
Wow... interesting response to my post about her SOTU response just being a rolling laugh.

I know how much you enjoy the attention.
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