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Stacey Abrams will give the Democratic response to Trump's SOU address!

It would be nice if they prepare a bunch of responses to what Trump will likely say so that Abrams can use her speech to give a real time fact check of all the lies and half-truths that Trump brings up.

Well, that's the advantage of playing against a one-trick pony. It should be very easy to predict the high points of the coming performance. Especiallly if his medications give him the leeway to respond to things like all the women wearing white. That should draw his attention and his scorn.

After Ann Coulter called him a big wimp he will have to redeem himself. That means either aggressively going after the Democrats or else doing something reckless such as declaring an immediate national emergency and absconding with $6B of military funding to build the wall. Otherwise his presidency is toast. All eyes will be on Pelosi.

ETA: Pelosi and Pence will be seated behind Trump so if Pence starts nodding off he might upstage her.
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It would be nice if they prepare a bunch of responses to what Trump will likely say so that Abrams can use her speech to give a real time fact check of all the lies and half-truths that Trump brings up.

Well, that's the advantage of playing against a one-trick pony. It should be very easy to predict the high points of the coming performance. Especiallly if his medications give him the leeway to respond to things like all the women wearing white. That should draw his attention and his scorn.

After Ann Coulter called him a big wimp he will have to redeem himself. That means either aggressively going after the Democrats or else doing something reckless such as declaring an immediate national emergency and absconding with $6B of military funding to build the wall. Otherwise his presidency is toast. All eyes will be on Pelosi.
But even that plan won't work. The military can't just "build the wall". Walls need design plans, right-of-way access rights, materials, specifications. Trump doesn't even know what he wants anymore, though, he might settle for a myriad of "Caution: Invisible Wall Ahead" signs.
Well, it's the Democratic Response, not the Stacey Adams response so there's probably at least a few talking points submitted by others.
"If he tells [Lie #3], our position is ______."
"Fact check [Lie #42], we never, ever, said ______."
"When he whines about [standard bitch #37], we want to draw attention to his tweet of 2016 that said _______."

I'd put it on 3x5 cards so she can assemble the response during his speech.
Or just have a cold cut to her busting out laughing.

Which means she was chosen because she's willing to be a lackey and since she's currently popular the Democratic party wants to exploit her, which, I'll add, also means she doesn't mind being exploited? Corporate Democrat, then? Ambitious!

Not my kind of politician.

But, you know me, I'm just a Russian bot.

You know nothing about Stacey if you think she's a lackey. She's a leader. She held the minority leadership position when she was in the Georgia Congress. I really don't understand absolutists like you. They whine because they can't get their way and they insult those who are willing to work towards progress is possible in our very diverse, divided country. I feel for you. People who are absolutists are never happy because no matter how much compromise is made, it's never enough for them.
After Ann Coulter called him a big wimp he will have to redeem himself.
That means either aggressively going after the Democrats or else doing something reckless such as declaring an immediate national emergency
Or quit.
He would try to portray it as redefining the game they're all playing, sayiing he's going to leave border security up to those blatant obstructionists who think they're experts, voters will hold them responsible in '20, and he's gonna concentrate on the threat posed by Iran, Korea, or Wakanda... or on starting up the Space Force, because we cannot build a Wall against Mars.
The military can't just "build the wall". Walls need design plans, right-of-way access rights, materials, specifications.


Seriously though, yes, a better physical barrier needs planning. But that's not a fundametal problem as long as obstructionist Dems agree to fund it. Maybe we should hire Israelis to do it. As a bonus it will piss off the kafiyeh-wearing Islamophilic left.

Trump doesn't even know what he wants anymore, though, he might settle for a myriad of "Caution: Invisible Wall Ahead" signs.

I do not hate such hatred for the Wall. ANybody who is not actually in favor of more illegal migration must realize that existing physical barriers are inadequate and that we need to improve border security, which includes better barriers.
Maybe Stacey can hold up a Wharton yearbook pic of Trump in a Klan hood and French lace panties holding up a late term aborted fetus. And Fox would still say: "Locker room shenanigans!"
That's funny. I like how there's only one allen key. :)

It will be the one piece missing after you lay out all the parts.

Nah - the missing piece will be one of the panels. And that's a feature, not a bug. The missing piece is where the caravans will come through. And that's where the only border guard we can afford after wasting all our money on the wall, will be stationed. Win win win!
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