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Summer Zervos accusations against Trump

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Here is a recent article about accusations.

This seems very plausible to me because of the following:
  • as a person on The Apprentice there was ample time for Trump to hit on her and do something inappropriate;
  • she has some documentation in support of timing them to be in a location simultaneously;
  • in watching the show The Apprentice a few times myself I did note that Trump seemed to favor pretty women who might ask for leniency or special treatment. At the time, my "ick" sense was twitching over a couple of instances where I thought maybe something inappropriate was going on behind the scenes;
  • she's a Republican, so she's not being partisan;
  • she told some friends and family about it at the time.

The thing that makes me wonder is not merely accusations against a famous person, but a lot of the complaint time seems to be around election years.

But overall, this seems very plausible.
Summer Zervos sounds made up. Almost like a name of a Bond girl.

Also, since when is "reaching out to a lawyer" or telling family members about an accusation considered evidence?

And what is he supposed to have done this time? I mean, the Barney changing room accusations went nowhere, so this is the next shot, right?
Summer Zervos sounds made up.

Since when is "sounding made up to Derec" a point against credibility? I have a niece named Summer. Yes, it is made up and assigned by the parent, my sister. Do you imagine that "Derec" was conferred upon you by God or something?

since when is "reaching out to a lawyer" or telling family members about an accusation considered evidence?

Applying the rules in relation to the admissibility of hearsay evidence contributes significantly to the effective prosecution of sex offences.
Read and learn Derec.

"Investigators should be reminded and encouraged to obtain evidence of all complaints of crime made by victims to witnesses including friends, police officers, doctors and nurses."

And more... but don't bother hurting your head...

And what is he supposed to have done this time? I mean, the Barney changing room accusations went nowhere, so this is the next shot, right?

So, if I can get someone to accuse me of murder and I can successfully hide the body, that gives me a green light to murder at will and have a ready reason to dismiss the charges. Got it.
Since when is "sounding made up to Derec" a point against credibility?
I didn't say it was. It was a separate observation.

Do you imagine that "Derec" was conferred upon you by God or something?
No, it's just something I picked for this forum. ;)

I do not think hearsay should ever be considered evidence. Just because an accuser repeats the accusation to somebody else does not mean she is not lying.
This is obviously a ploy to increase conviction rates in rape cases even without ACTUAL EVIDENCE! You know, things required for other crimes, like physical evidence and witnesses.

Also, note that this is from UK. Not really applicable here. In the US, a person is presumed innocent until PROVEN GUILTY BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. Not beyond some hearsay "evidence".

So, if I can get someone to accuse me of murder and I can successfully hide the body, that gives me a green light to murder at will and have a ready reason to dismiss the charges. Got it.
No. But just because some nutcase accused you of murdering someone in a Barney's dressing room in 1995 (or 1996, the nutcase can't remember), doesn't mean that you should be convicted of another murder based on nothing but hearsay.
So let me get this straight. You just start making fun of a possible sex assault victim's name because you felt like it. It's not relevant and you just wanted to trash her. Well, at least this time you didn't randomly start complaining about black affirmative action. I guess?
So let me get this straight. You just start making fun of a possible sex assault victim's name because you felt like it. It's not relevant and you just wanted to trash her.
I don't believe she is a sexual assault victim. I believe she is trying to cash in on Trump's notoriety. If she was really assaulted, why didn't she file a police report when it happened?
So let me get this straight. You just start making fun of a possible sex assault victim's name because you felt like it. It's not relevant and you just wanted to trash her.
I don't believe she is a sexual assault victim. I believe she is trying to cash in on Trump's notoriety. If she was really assaulted, why didn't she file a police report when it happened?
Many assault victims do not immediately go to the police. But whether they do nor not, is not a reason to automatically trash them. But then again, this is a woman, so why not?
So let me get this straight. You just start making fun of a possible sex assault victim's name because you felt like it. It's not relevant and you just wanted to trash her.
I don't believe she is a sexual assault victim. I believe she is trying to cash in on Trump's notoriety. If she was really assaulted, why didn't she file a police report when it happened?

You are a free individual to have whatever faith-based ideology you want to have, but trashing someone because of a name that isn't even that weird is completely irrelevant, and since in reality she actually plausibly may be a sex assault victim, it's also inflammatory and repugnant. But, you already knew that which is why you did it.
Many assault victims do not immediately go to the police.
I think actual assault victims do, because they want to preserve evidence. Liars do not, because they need a reason for why there isn't any evidence 13 or 25 or 35 years after the supposed "assault".
I think actual assault victims do, because they want to preserve evidence.

Sex assault does not always have semen.

There may be other evidence though, and not all of it is on the accuser's person or clothing either. Whatever evidence there may be at the time, it is far more likely to exist early than years later. Surveillance camera footage does not get kept forever. Even witness recollections fade over time.
I think actual assault victims do, because they want to preserve evidence.

I am going to regret this, but here goes.

After 16 years on the forum I am finally going to admit something. I was sexually assaulted in my youth. No, Derec, I never went to police. Ever. For decades I told no one. And I have never that I recall written about it on the Internet, especially.

In fact, what I did say in my youth was a passing story of someone trying something and me getting away and I told it in a funny way. The first time it happened. Other instances, I never discussed for decades.

So if I did ever come forward back in the day around when it happened, not only would I have had to deal with the stigma. I'd have to also deal with accusations of being a liar, made especially because I mentioned the event in a different way the first time.

All I can say is this isn't something I want to get into the details about because of my privacy, but I guess I am just sick of being angry at you, Derec, every time you make up stuff about victims or people who could be victims, but you won't let them be so because of your extremist ideology and personal problems or whatever it is.

In this case, I can say definitively that not all people come forward. It's factually wrong.

You are wrong.

And being a dick.
I do not think hearsay should ever be considered evidence.

Got the first four words right.
Fortunately, what you don't think has NOTHING to do with the law.

So let me get this straight. You just start making fun of a possible sex assault victim's name because you felt like it. It's not relevant and you just wanted to trash her. Well, at least this time you didn't randomly start complaining about black affirmative action. I guess?

That's about it. Derec thinks that rape victims should immediately run to the police to see if they will blame her and publicly shame her as is their usual habit when a woman makes that mistake after being raped by a wealthy or powerful male - assuming that they can't convince her to "just let it go". Derec believes Summer is "trying to cash in" on Trump's notorious reputation as a serial sexual predator??
Ya sure ya betcha Derec. Just like the other 23 people with similar stories. All made up, I'm sure.
I think actual assault victims do, because they want to preserve evidence.
I am pretty sure you have no clue what actual assault victims do or feel. My guess is that victims in shock do not think about preserving evidence.
Liars do not, because they need a reason for why there isn't any evidence 13 or 25 or 35 years after the supposed "assault".
For liars that is true. But there it is not uncommon for victims of assault to wait years.
"If I was in situation A, I would do actions X, Y, and Z.

Therefore, if anyone else is in situation A, and they don't do actions X, Y, and Z, they must be lazy, or lying."
"If I was in situation A, I would do actions X, Y, and Z.

Therefore, if anyone else is in situation A, and they don't do actions X, Y, and Z, they must be lazy, or lying."

How dare you challenge the Self Appointed Arbiter of Plausibility!

Nothing plausible here.

See? There you have it! Case dismissed!
Don't bother bringing up the suspect's priors, either. If you don't have naked photos of the orange smudges all over the victim, those TWO DOZEN priors are inadmissible.
Many assault victims do not immediately go to the police.
I think actual assault victims do, because they want to preserve evidence. Liars do not, because they need a reason for why there isn't any evidence 13 or 25 or 35 years after the supposed "assault".

Plenty of them don't for various reasons.

I will not take a lack of reporting as evidence that it didn't happen, but if they don't report at the time to me that sets a very high bar on proving it down the road. I used to figure there wouldn't be anything that would convince me until Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh--when you put the whole thing together I can't find any other explanation that makes sense..
Summer Zervos sounds made up. Almost like a name of a Bond girl.

Also, since when is "reaching out to a lawyer" or telling family members about an accusation considered evidence?

And what is he supposed to have done this time? I mean, the Barney changing room accusations went nowhere, so this is the next shot, right?

I know an Autumn and a Summer, IRL.

Trump has well over 20 credible allegations of sexual misconduct against him.

That said, I don't think this will affect his chances of re-election. I think the only sexual misconduct allegation that might affect his chances of re-election is if there was video of him raping a male child under the age of 12, preferably blonde and released on Fox News. And that's a huge maybe.

Trump is hardly the first and unlikely to be the last POTUS who came into office or while in office had credible allegations of sexual misconduct levied against him. Generally the opposing party gets pretty bent out of shape but as far as voters go, it's a big ho-hum (no double entendre intended.)

Quite a number of POTUS carried on affairs while in office, but in earlier days, these were 'open secrets' that got no coverage. I am not in any way excusing Trump's behavior. He is a disgusting pig and a probable rapist* just going from his own words. I'm just being very straight forward about the fact that I don't think anybody will give a rat's ass in the voting booth.

*I corrected a typo above from racist to rapist but either apply.
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