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Tangerine Traitor trump backtracks on Russian meddling, says he misspoke during Putin meeting

The waffling continues. This man is mentally ill and is unfit for office.
heh. Now he holds Putin responsible, as the leader of Russia, but he explains this as "the way i hold myself responsible for things that happen in yhis country"

What a crock of shit. He is responsible for nothing here. It's Hillary's fault, or congress, or the dems, or a conspiracy, or Obama...
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Hey, remember when he "backtracked" on the whole "very fine people on both sides" thing in Charlottesville?

And then went completely berserk a couple of days later?

How about we wait a few days to see if he can actually hold the line here.

Less than 24-hours later, Mumbles is proved correct ;)
It was perhaps the most explosive exchange in an incendiary press conference: Russian President Vladimir Putin appearing to frankly admit to a motive for, and maybe even to the act of, meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, despite repeatedly denying Russian interference in American politics during the rest of his appearance with Donald Trump in Finland on Monday.

But the exchange doesn’t appear in full in the White House’s live-stream or transcript of the press conference, and it’s missing entirely from the Kremlin’s transcript of the event.

Compare this transcript, of what actually happened, to the White House’s version. Here is the record of what took place, starting with the last part of Putin’s comments before Mason’s questions. Putin is describing his willingness to assist with Robert Mueller’s probe (bolding is mine):

Vladimir Putin: That could be a first step, and we can also extend it. Options abound, and they all can be found in an appropriate legal framework.

Jeff Mason: President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

Putin: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.–Russia relationship back to normal.

And here’s the key section from the White House transcript, which makes it seem as though Putin is still talking about the Mueller probe:

PRESIDENT PUTIN: That could be a first step, and we can also extend it. Options abound, and they all can be found in an appropriate legal framework.

Q: And did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PRESIDENT PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.–Russia relationship back to normal.

U.S. Officials ‘at a Fucking Loss’ Over Latest Russia Sell Out

"The White House’s refusal to rule out turning over former U.S. ambassador Michael McFaul to the Russians has current and former State Department officials seeing red."

I have been watching Rachel Maddow who just interviewed McFaul. Putin absolutely despises McFaul and when McFaul was ambassador to Russia was harassed by Putin. Apparently McFaul wrote a book about his experiences. This is a well known story among the US diplomatic corps. Whom Trump just managed to alienate. A US congressman has already angrily warned trump if he does this he will be impeached.

Story Number 2. Mariia Betina, the Russian agent arrested just a few days ago, has been demonstrated to have had dealings with Russian figures close to Putin. They may have managed to get appointment of Mitt Romney as Secretary of State, and in his place, Rex Tillerson was chosen. Tillerson was given a medal from Putin as a friend of Russia. Putin may have penetrated the US government to the point of being capable of choosing the US Secretary of State. She is just one tentacle of a nest of Russians connected to Putin.

Yow! It just gets deeper and weirder.

A lot of people forgot this because of the daily deluge of bullshit from Trump.

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

Remember that.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing.

He KNEW. Before he was even president. Undeniable evidence. Texts and email messages ordering such. Yet he waffles all this time, back and forth. He's on the take.
The question is, can Trump keep up this torrid rate of grotesque and disastrous stupidity until election day, November 6, 2018? This is all getting to feel like ancient Roman history, one of the bad emperors.
A lot of people forgot this because of the daily deluge of bullshit from Trump.

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

Remember that.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing.

He KNEW. Before he was even president. Undeniable evidence. Texts and email messages ordering such. Yet he waffles all this time, back and forth. He's on the take.
A lot of people forgot this because of the daily deluge of bullshit from Trump.

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

Remember that.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing.

He KNEW. Before he was even president. Undeniable evidence. Texts and email messages ordering such. Yet he waffles all this time, back and forth. He's on the take.

What strikes me as interesting about this is how the main problem Trump seems to have isn't that a foreign power interfered with our election, but that his win might not have been legitimate and historic after all. His begrudging acceptance of the intelligence data is not the kind of reaction I would have expected if he was constantly collaborating with these people. Maybe he was being helped by his cronies and buddies without having much knowledge of it, because they didn't want to bruise his ego.
A lot of people forgot this because of the daily deluge of bullshit from Trump.

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

Remember that.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing.

He KNEW. Before he was even president. Undeniable evidence. Texts and email messages ordering such. Yet he waffles all this time, back and forth. He's on the take.

What strikes me as interesting about this is how the main problem Trump seems to have isn't that a foreign power interfered with our election, but that his win might not have been legitimate and historic after all. His begrudging acceptance of the intelligence data is not the kind of reaction I would have expected if he was constantly collaborating with these people. Maybe he was being helped by his cronies and buddies without having much knowledge of it, because they didn't want to bruise his ego.
He doubles down after this. Let us not forget both the FBI investigation into Clinton was publicly reopened and then the Giuliani NYC FBI leak about the Clinton Fndn being indicted story came out.
The question is, can Trump keep up this torrid rate of grotesque and disastrous stupidity until election day, November 6, 2018? This is all getting to feel like ancient Roman history, one of the bad emperors.

It's Trump. He isn't even breaking a sweat. The question is, how long can the White House and the GOP keep up with him? The reality is that they are subservient to Trump because he can wipe out a third of a Republican's voters by becoming one of his targets. The GOP base has become exactly what the GOP has been fostering and investing in for the last 20 years, low information, conspiracy nutter, racist reactionary voters. The only problem is they lost control of them to someone even worse than they are, that is now using that base to maintain control.

This is a minority though, and while it's enough to control the GOP, it's not enough to control the entire US, even now IF the citizens turn out and vote. Even with an approval rating in the high 30's and low voter turnout, Trump can win a second term. People HAVE to care, or they will indeed get the government they deserve.
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President Ellipsis Iselin (my emphasis) said:
The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear........
We all know who says stuff like this. To-Be-Dictators.
What strikes me as interesting about this is how the main problem Trump seems to have isn't that a foreign power interfered with our election, but that his win might not have been legitimate and historic after all. His begrudging acceptance of the intelligence data is not the kind of reaction I would have expected if he was constantly collaborating with these people. Maybe he was being helped by his cronies and buddies without having much knowledge of it, because they didn't want to bruise his ego.
He doubles down after this. Let us not forget both the FBI investigation into Clinton was publicly reopened and then the Giuliani NYC FBI leak about the Clinton Fndn being indicted story came out.

I don't doubt that he did those things to help himself win, but that could be filed under just playing dirty. Making your opponent look bad. Getting help from another nation's government is actually cheating, and if that was a letdown for Trump emotionally, maybe he wasn't as involved as everybody thinks. Or maybe he was just let down because he finally had to admit it, and he was involved all along? I don't know, I was just surprised to hear that his reaction was "begrudging acceptance" rather than tugging on his collar and making up excuses. Maybe I'm just naive.
What strikes me as interesting about this is how the main problem Trump seems to have isn't that a foreign power interfered with our election, but that his win might not have been legitimate and historic after all. His begrudging acceptance of the intelligence data is not the kind of reaction I would have expected if he was constantly collaborating with these people. Maybe he was being helped by his cronies and buddies without having much knowledge of it, because they didn't want to bruise his ego.
He doubles down after this. Let us not forget both the FBI investigation into Clinton was publicly reopened and then the Giuliani NYC FBI leak about the Clinton Fndn being indicted story came out.
My bad on this, I misread this as two weeks before the election, not the inauguration. I thought we already knew he knew about this before the inauguration.

- - - Updated - - -

What strikes me as interesting about this is how the main problem Trump seems to have isn't that a foreign power interfered with our election, but that his win might not have been legitimate and historic after all. His begrudging acceptance of the intelligence data is not the kind of reaction I would have expected if he was constantly collaborating with these people. Maybe he was being helped by his cronies and buddies without having much knowledge of it, because they didn't want to bruise his ego.
He doubles down after this. Let us not forget both the FBI investigation into Clinton was publicly reopened and then the Giuliani NYC FBI leak about the Clinton Fndn being indicted story came out.

I don't doubt that he did those things to help himself win, but that could be filed under just playing dirty. Making your opponent look bad. Getting help from another nation's government is actually cheating, and if that was a letdown for Trump emotionally, maybe he wasn't as involved as everybody thinks. Or maybe he was just let down because he finally had to admit it, and he was involved all along? I don't know, I was just surprised to hear that his reaction was "begrudging acceptance" rather than tugging on his collar and making up excuses. Maybe I'm just naive.
Trump's reality changes like the wind. In the rare case of convincing a narcissist, they can quickly unravel it and the following day, back to square one.
What strikes me as interesting about this is how the main problem Trump seems to have isn't that a foreign power interfered with our election, but that his win might not have been legitimate and historic after all. His begrudging acceptance of the intelligence data is not the kind of reaction I would have expected if he was constantly collaborating with these people. Maybe he was being helped by his cronies and buddies without having much knowledge of it, because they didn't want to bruise his ego.
He doubles down after this. Let us not forget both the FBI investigation into Clinton was publicly reopened and then the Giuliani NYC FBI leak about the Clinton Fndn being indicted story came out.

I don't doubt that he did those things to help himself win, but that could be filed under just playing dirty. Making your opponent look bad. Getting help from another nation's government is actually cheating, and if that was a letdown for Trump emotionally, maybe he wasn't as involved as everybody thinks. Or maybe he was just let down because he finally had to admit it, and he was involved all along? I don't know, I was just surprised to hear that his reaction was "begrudging acceptance" rather than tugging on his collar and making up excuses. Maybe I'm just naive.

In this case, maybe it is a bit naive. The reason I disagree is pretty simple though, and I too could be mistaken. Trump plays a character on TV, even now as the President. Yet, as much as Trump really seems to want people to believe in that persona, it's not really quite who he is. In short, Trump, in my opinion, is actually, for the most part, afraid of confrontation. He's not the "You're fired" guy he wishes he was. In fact, has he directly fired anyone since taking office? It's always either by letter or someone else calls up the person to fire them, usually Kelly. Trump is famous for having the same position in many cases of the last person to speak with him. Again, this is simply Trump being Trump. Afraid of confrontation, he always takes the path of least resistance. It really does explain most of his behavior if you think about it. Even Helsinki recently. He can face the people in his own administration, in a position where he is the boss, or he can face Putin, over whom Trump has no authority. He will turn on his own people rather than risk confronting Putin. Even if Putin has nothing on Trump, we would probably see what we do see with Trump. He needs to feel loved, respected, adored and feared. The more of that he feels around him, the more likely is is to hold that position, it's really that simple.
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