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Tangerine Traitor trump backtracks on Russian meddling, says he misspoke during Putin meeting

The tangerine traitor is now saying he wants a do-over with Putin. It gets worse everyday.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Thursday introduced a resolution that would protect American elections from Russian interference — and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) objected to it because he said it exhibits “crazy partisan” hatred for President Donald Trump.


It looks like Trump is not the only crazy Republican in Washington. Little Randy Paul is obviously a partisan idiot boy.

The resolution also would stipulate that the Senate “will not accept any interference” in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation and would demand that Trump cooperate with the probe.

Sanders, as usual, seems to be one of the few politicians in Washington with common sense.
In this case, maybe it is a bit naive. The reason I disagree is pretty simple though, and I too could be mistaken. Trump plays a character on TV, even now as the President. Yet, as much as Trump really seems to want people to believe in that persona, it's not really quite who he is. In short, Trump, in my opinion, is actually, for the most part, afraid of confrontation. He's not the "You're fired" guy he wishes he was. In fact, has he directly fired anyone since taking office? It's always either by letter or someone else calls up the person to fire them, usually Kelly.
He has been a coward all of his life. Many many many stories of the lengths he went to avoiding doing his job as a boss. He always made his underlings fire people.

Trump is famous for having the same position in many cases of the last person to speak with him. Again, this is simply Trump being Trump. Afraid of confrontation, he always takes the path of least resistance. It really does explain most of his behavior if you think about it. Even Helsinki recently. He can face the people in his own administration, in a position where he is the boss, or he can face Putin, over whom Trump has no authority. He will turn on his own people rather than risk confronting Putin. Even if Putin has nothing on Trump, we would probably see what we do see with Trump. He needs to feel loved, respected, adored and feared. The more of that he feels around him, the more likely is is to hold that position, it's really that simple.
agree, though I think part of it is how much money he owes Russian lenders and his desire to do business in Russia and his desire to be a dictator, too
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