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Teachers with Guns

My Company (no, sorry; not my Company any more - it now belongs to a bigger Company) is holding an active shooter training in about 5 weeks. We've done this before, annually, and it attracts a full roster of federal, state and local LE personnel. It is held in a purpose-built facility with good guy and bad guy actors, simunitions, smoke bombs, moulage, sound effects, flashbang grenades - the works. Even hardened LE professionals come out of these drills with their knees shaking.
I just wrote to my former partner who was our CEO before the acquisition, and asked him to invite the Donald.
We could even offer free training to some of the USSS people we supply....
Let him go through THAT, and see if he still wants to give guns to teachers...

Simply putting him through some use of force training would help. I strongly suspect he would pull the trigger on all manner of innocents.
My Company (no, sorry; not my Company any more - it now belongs to a bigger Company) is holding an active shooter training in about 5 weeks. We've done this before, annually, and it attracts a full roster of federal, state and local LE personnel. It is held in a purpose-built facility with good guy and bad guy actors, simunitions, smoke bombs, moulage, sound effects, flashbang grenades - the works. Even hardened LE professionals come out of these drills with their knees shaking.
I just wrote to my former partner who was our CEO before the acquisition, and asked him to invite the Donald.
We could even offer free training to some of the USSS people we supply....
Let him go through THAT, and see if he still wants to give guns to teachers...

Simply putting him through some use of force training would help. I strongly suspect he would pull the trigger on all manner of innocents.

No doubt about it. The impulse when you're armed and under threat in low-vis, high volume confusion, is to shoot at anything that moves.
The people who go through our scenarios are tactical medics, rescue task force members, Secret Service, etc. All are people whose missions involve saving lives. So in addition to the problem of taking out or at least not getting shot by the bad guy(s), there's the small matter of a patient or patients who will bleed out or die of respiratory failure if you can't treat them effectively while under fire. Trump would crumble like last year's Christmas cookie under a fraction of that pressure. That's not a criticism necessarily - so would I. But I'm not idly bragging about the heroic action I would have taken at that highschool.
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