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Teachers with Guns

The White House is trying to backup Trump's idiocy. They've talked to people. Heard from a few teachers who would be interested in getting a carry permit.

No, you have not. No teacher is saying, yes, give me MORE responsibilities, and take more of my time, to do yet another specialist's job. That's not what teachers do!
What you MAY have done is talk to people who said, "Yeah, IF I WERE a teacher, i'd volunteer to be the armed one."
Turns out a highly trained, best-of-the-best deputy on the school grounds but was afraid to face an AR-15 with his side arm. And the fucktards think that arming teachers (teachers!) will solve the problem.:rolleyes::sad-smiley-021:

What a coward. This is news to me.
And Trump says, "These people are cowards. They're not going to walk into a school if 20% of the teachers have guns." No numbnuts. They are. They are ready to shoot it out. They are ready to die. Many do and by their own hand. A teacher with a handgun is going to go up against a AR15 in the hands of someone who likely wants to die? Yeah, right.
When the shit hits the fan, the good guy with a gun is a coward.

Not caring whether or not you die is a very effective force multiplier, as the Japanese proved repeatedly during the later stages of WWII.

Good article! It also has another incident displaying what guns do far more often than provide 'protection'.
A similar incident occurred in another state just last week, when a professor accidentally discharged his handgun and shot himself in the foot while walking on the campus of Idaho State University. A new law that went into effect earlier this year on July 1 allows Idaho residents to carry concealed weapons on college campuses.

My gun luvin in-laws, also are 0-1 for protection verses accidental self inflicted gun wounds. FWIW the idiot survived with only a minor injury, as the ghost of Darwin had the day off.
Wayne "Deserves to Be Shot With an AR-15" LaPierre said today that schools should essentially become fortresses with armed guards.

Of course he thinks that because it means even more gun sales, and many, if not most gun manufacturers cut the NRA in on a piece of the action for every gun sold.

I recommend we lock him up instead.

I recommend the names and addresses of all of the schools that any legislator's child attends, along with each of their class schedules should be posted publically. That might solve things pretty wicked fast.
Wayne "Deserves to Be Shot With an AR-15" LaPierre said today that schools should essentially become fortresses with armed guards.

Of course he thinks that because it means even more gun sales, and many, if not most gun manufacturers cut the NRA in on a piece of the action for every gun sold.

I recommend we lock him up instead.

I recommend the names and addresses of all of the schools that any legislator's child attends, along with each of their class schedules should be posted publically. That might solve things pretty wicked fast.

You are devilishly evil. I like it.
This orange idiot proposed that we arm 20% of teachers with firearms. Note this would be a larger standing army then...well...our standing army.
Oh give the teachers guns. But don't give them bigger salaries, equipment for their classrooms, paper, textbooks, toner, computers, etc. Their job is hard enough as it is. Let them teach not defend.
The GOP and its ignorant, zealous base can always seem to find money for violence, but seldom for humane efforts.
My Company (no, sorry; not my Company any more - it now belongs to a bigger Company) is holding an active shooter training in about 5 weeks. We've done this before, annually, and it attracts a full roster of federal, state and local LE personnel. It is held in a purpose-built facility with good guy and bad guy actors, simunitions, smoke bombs, moulage, sound effects, flashbang grenades - the works. Even hardened LE professionals come out of these drills with their knees shaking.
I just wrote to my former partner who was our CEO before the acquisition, and asked him to invite the Donald.
We could even offer free training to some of the USSS people we supply....
Let him go through THAT, and see if he still wants to give guns to teachers...
Can you imagine being a black teacher defending his school with a gun as the cops rush in?
This orange idiot proposed that we arm 20% of teachers with firearms. Note this would be a larger standing army then...well...our standing army.
3.2 million teachers in the US. 20% would be 640,000 teachers. Assume $250 per 9 mm handgun, that is $160 million in gun sales. A decent gun training program is $500, so the total cost would be $480 million. Of course, going from teaching Geography to being able to kill someone will require a little more training, so sounds like close to a billion dollars easy. We can cut that out of SNAP.
So there were 3 more law enforcement officers who decided not to enter the school during shooting. Total 4, 4 good guys with guns could not stop 1 bad guy with a gun.
Only a politician in the NRA's pocket could come up with "the solution to guns in schools is for the government to guarantee the purchase of more guns for use in schools".
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