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Teen shot 7 times and killed by police officer - ruled "justified" of course

This police officer had plenty of opportunity to get his point across without being a jackass. Once the kid said your brights are on, the police officer could have said something like "I don't think I had them on, but maybe they are misaligned. Thanks for telling me. BTW, flashing your lights is technically against the law. Have a good day."

But he didn't. And when he says the he thought this kid was calling in reinforcement from some sort of militia, that should be a big red flashing neon light that Mr. Frost is more than one doughnut shy of a dozen.
Read the entire thread and you should be able to understand. The teenager acted more like an adult for most of the incident than the police officer.
If someone is a licensed driver, then they are expected to behave as an adult (not 'better' than anything).
No, they are expected to behave like a licensed driver. For example, having a driver's license does not entitle someone to all the legal privileges and responsibilities of an adult.
Adults get bent out of shape sometimes too. but not over a fucking cell phone like a teenager today might, which if you watched the viedo you would see was the 'last straw' that drove this kid to have his deadly tantrum.
How come you are not applying that reasoning to the police officer's behavior?

the video is sufficient to determine who was acting like what, not the text of this thread.
It's the other way round... having a drivers license requires one be as responsible as an adult, within the scope of operating a vehicle, which includes dealing with traffic stops. Why the age limitation on getting a drivers license if not?
My reasoning applies to both parties. In what way does it not appear so?
what does your question have to do with the discussion? Who said the expectation was as you said? If someone is a licensed driver, then they are expected to behave as an adult (not 'better' than anything). Adults get bent out of shape sometimes too. but not over a fucking cell phone like a teenager today might, which if you watched the viedo you would see was the 'last straw' that drove this kid to have his deadly tantrum.
No, his "last straw" was getting tazed, whatever the feeling of that is like when you're laying on your stomach, feeling physically assaulted, and then suddenly there's a painful sharp jab of some object entering your body from behind you. Having the phone kicked from his hand was just another of the acts of belligerence by the officer that were getting increasingly violent. You're trying to make a social commentary on cell phones that isn't relevant here.

My impression is “the kid” had a strong sense of fairness and justice, naively so which is no surprise at 17 years old. But in any case that he was argumentative and hesitant isn’t the problem.

That a police officer was out of line and having a “tantrum” is the problem. Why pull people over when they’re clearly just trying to signal that the brightness of his headlights was distressing them? Here’s the most stupid possible answer to my question, just to get this one out of the way: “Cuz it’s the law”. It’s a petty law of no consequence to anyone and wouldn’t be enforced under the circumstances of that evening by any sane, rational, non-belligerent human being. "But he didn't have his brights on" is another idiocy because it just doesn't matter. If the lights are distressing other drivers then the officer's primary problem to solve that evening was his over-bright lights that were freaking the drivers in his area out. The people who find them to be too bright were not the problem to solve. His job is to protect drivers from unsafe drivers, not go around proving how very fucking wrong they are about a stupid technicality ("my brights were not on!").

Why not sit and wait for backup? One of the most stupid possible answers has already been offered, namely the fear Deven was phoning for some “sovereign citizens” to come shoot the policeman so something needed to be done quick. Deven didn’t utter a single word to suggest this, he’s not spouting any “sovereign citizen garbage” whatsoever. He had clearly seen Youtube videos where people discuss citizen’s constitutional rights during traffic stops, however mistaken some of those sometimes are. But he was right to protest how aggressive and belligerent the officer’s behavior is.

The county prosecutor said something to the effect: “Both could have made better decisions”. Yes, but the ones that matter most, because they’re the most deadly to human beings, are ones made by armed authority figures.

I don't agree that the (failed) tazering was the 'last straw'.. it appeared to me the freak out began with the kicking of the phone and the tazer was the response (although I am not saying it was the appropriate response). I do agree with what you are saying about the possible psychology of kids in general, with respect to a naïve sense of fairness / justice.

This situation mildly reminds me of a time when I stopped at a red light, observed a police car ride up on my ass fast and close and flash their lights. So, I proceed through the red light to get out of the cops way. She then proceeded to pull me over for passing the red light. I was pissed (and in my younger 20's). When she came to my window the first thing I said was, "are you kidding me!? you practically pushed me through the intersection and indicated that I shoul dget out of your way with your lights. She denied flashing the lights and then asked me why I wasn;t wearing my seatbelt. I had just taken it off as she walked up to the window so that I could reach the glove compartment to fetch my insurance card, in anticipation she would want to see it. I had a VERY minor freak out.. "I just took it off to accommodate you!!" Her response was, "It's OK, calm down". That instantly defused me.. the sound of a cop saying, calm down, calmed me the fuck down instantly.
Oh, she issued me the fucking red light ticket anyway, and I pleaded not-guilty, and was found guilty by the judge anyway. Fucking cops. But I managed not to attack her over it.
the video is sufficient to determine who was acting like what, not the text of this thread.
It's the other way round... having a drivers license requires one be as responsible as an adult, within the scope of operating a vehicle, which includes dealing with traffic stops. Why the age limitation on getting a drivers license if not?
If it makes you feel better to repeat what I written in different words, okay.
My reasoning applies to both parties. In what way does it not appear so?
Of course the reasoning ought to apply to both parties. And if the actual text in your posts addressed both parties instead of the victim, that would make it obvious that you are applying to both paries.
No: don't hire dipshits to be cops. And don't arm dipshits.

If officer Frost had not been armed, dipshit teenager would possibly be in jail for murder.
In what alternate reality?

This is a serious question, directed at everyone:

Would not the better, the correct, the preferred outcome have been that everybody survive? Uninsured?
If officer Frost had not been armed, dipshit teenager would possibly be in jail for murder.
In what alternate reality?

Officer Frost was on the end of a serious assault from Deven, who's to say how it might have ended had officer Frost not been armed.

Would not the better, the correct, the preferred outcome have been that everybody survive? Uninsured?

Yes, for sure.
Officer Frost was on the end of a serious assault from Deven, who's to say how it might have ended had officer Frost not been armed.
And Deven was on the end of a serious assault from officer Frost when he was tazed.

And yet it still didn't stop Deven from viciously attacking officer Frost. If the taser didn't stop him, what would ?
Recoil? Officers have a lot of practice on the range and handguns don't have all that much recoil in the first place.
You've obviously never had a thumb in the way of the slide before.

1) We are talking about someone with a lot of practice.

2) The injuries in question are on the face, not the hand.
This police officer had plenty of opportunity to get his point across without being a jackass. Once the kid said your brights are on, the police officer could have said something like "I don't think I had them on, but maybe they are misaligned. Thanks for telling me. BTW, flashing your lights is technically against the law. Have a good day."

But he didn't. And when he says the he thought this kid was calling in reinforcement from some sort of militia, that should be a big red flashing neon light that Mr. Frost is more than one doughnut shy of a dozen.

I was stopped by a cop a few years back--she was simply warning me about a burned-out brake light. Yet we went through the usual paperwork, you been drinking, any weapons in the car bit before she told me about the bad bulb. I think the idea was to establish if I knew about it or not.
And Deven was on the end of a serious assault from officer Frost when he was tazed.

And yet it still didn't stop Deven from viciously attacking officer Frost. If the taser didn't stop him, what would ?

If we are honest, we recognize that we do not actually know that Deven attacked the officer. We were not there. There is no recording which shows Frost being attacked. He has injuries, yes. Is there evidence from an autopsy which conforms injuries to Deven's hands consistent with punching Frost? I don't know the answer to that question. Could Frost have sustained injuries by another means such as a fall or by Deven thrashing about while being ineffectively tased? Sure. We have only Frost's word about how he sustained those injuries.

We know from Loren that the taser was not used in defense of Officer Frost as it is not a defensive weapon, so it isn't the case, as you imply, that Frost was forced to shoot Deven when his taser failed to stop an attack. That simply did not happen.
And yet it still didn't stop Deven from viciously attacking officer Frost. If the taser didn't stop him, what would ?

If we are honest, we recognize that we do not actually know that Deven attacked the officer. We were not there. There is no recording which shows Frost being attacked. He has injuries, yes. Is there evidence from an autopsy which conforms injuries to Deven's hands consistent with punching Frost? I don't know the answer to that question. Could Frost have sustained injuries by another means such as a fall or by Deven thrashing about while being ineffectively tased? Sure. We have only Frost's word about how he sustained those injuries.

We know from Loren that the taser was not used in defense of Officer Frost as it is not a defensive weapon, so it isn't the case, as you imply, that Frost was forced to shoot Deven when his taser failed to stop an attack. That simply did not happen.

This appears as if you're working over time to stretch facts -- which are consistent with there having been a fight -- into a story you prefer to believe.

Do you think police officers are just sadistic bastards who enjoy killing innocent kids? Even the white ones?

Your version of events would seem to require this.
That would be a rare thing, but anyway.

we recognize that we do not actually know that Deven attacked the officer.

I KNOW that Deven did attack the officer, I viewed the video.
Since you have been unable to point to when in the video this obvious attack occurred, it is hard to separate what you know from what you think you know.
Since you have been unable to point to when in the video this obvious attack occurred, it is hard to separate what you know from what you think you know.

it's not that I am unable, it's why the fuck should I indulge you in your blatant trolling ?
Since you have been unable to point to when in the video this obvious attack occurred, it is hard to separate what you know from what you think you know.

it's not that I am unable, it's why the fuck should I indulge you in your blatant trolling ?
I am not the first poster to ask you that question in this thread. And you have yet to answer. Which suggests you are unable to support your claim. Your blatant refusal to answer lends credence to your inability to support your claim, and suggests you have not even watched the video.

If you think being asked to support a claim of fact or to provide evidence is trolling, then you are going to be "trolled" a lot in this forum. If you wish to have your opinions and views taken seriously, think about supporting them with facts. Otherwise, those views and opinions will appear to most people as nuggets of ignorance and bias pulled out of your ass instead of informed and intelligent responses. It really is up to you at this point.
Written to laughing dog:
I am not the first poster to ask you {snip}.

I don't care who asks, I will not indulge you in your trolling. Move on.

And off to ignore you go.

That is not how a rational forum works. If you make an assertion that is evidence-based, then people can ask for the evidence. If you do not supply the evidence, they are not the ones trolling.
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