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The 2020 Democratic National Convention

I've not watched any of the speeches, but I plan on watching at least half a dozen or so, but what's everyone's opinion on how they embraced (or didn't) the progressive wing? Did they make many concessions or even nods to the progressive side of the aisle, or was it all about getting the moderates and never trumpers on board?
I only watched bits and pieces of the convention. I especially enjoyed watching so many average people put in their two cents, but this morning I watched Biden as I had recorded the entire convention. He was fantastic. I read that a lot of people who weren't very impressed by him before, totally changed their minds after hearing his speech.

I was holding my breath hoping he wouldn't have a senior moment. I've come to realize it actually does have more to do with his stutter than a lack of mental acuity.

I will confess that I've liked Biden since I was very young. I love his humanity, his warmth and his forgiving nature, his ability to face tragedy without being destroyed, and his willingness to grow and change as time moves forward. He is exactly the type of person who we need right now. He's experienced and willing and he knows how to reach out to all kinds of people. IF he doesn't win the election, our country is doomed. our democracy is dead. I wish everyone who isn't sure about Biden would watch his speech.

But the background bios they had, especially the one by Jill Biden convinced me I just didn't know the man. And Jill Biden will make a great first lady.

Now, let's just hope that people vote! The US has a terrible record when it comes to voting. Voter apathy is what could kill everything positive that's left of our country. Never did I think that one man could do so much damage to the US in less than 4 years, but I see how easily it can happen now.

I hope you saw this video. "Vote! Vote! Vote!"

Biden was idealistic, but maybe we need a little bit of idealism right now.

We need a whole lot of idealism. It's the only thing that will unify the country. We need to see what we have in common at the most basic level before we can resolve our differences. Biden's speech was very focused on that and presented it in an interesting an unusual way in that it wove together the big policy issues with the concerns of the individual.

I just watched Trump's latest insane rants. The way he projects and lies is amazing. :(

“Here and now I give you my word, if you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst,” Biden said. “I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness.” I need revisit my Tolkien. :)
Franklin Graham on Twitter: "In watching some of the @DemConvention on TV, it's been interesting to see the absence of God. I don’t believe America’s finest hours will be in front of us if we take God out of gov't & public life. It's God who set the standards we're to live by. https://t.co/4acCbnbkUP" / Twitter

linking to Franklin Graham - Posts where he thumped the 10 Commandments (the usual version, not the version that forbids boiling a baby goat in its mother's milk)

Franklin Graham on Twitter: "God created us & this earth we live on. Who do we think we are to try to rewrite the rules & run things apart from Him? Who do we think we are to try to take Him out of everything?" / Twitter

Hemant Mehta on Twitter: "Would any religion reporters like to correct him on this since he clearly watched the wrong channel?" / Twitter

Baxter on Twitter: "@Franklin_Graham @DemConvention What are you talking about, the first hour tonight was all about Joe’s faith and how important it is to him." / Twitter

BOYO'57 on Twitter: "@Franklin_Graham @DemConvention I'm watching as well; I think you have missed significant portions of the convention this evening - from opening prayer to testimony of the deep, deep faith of the nominee. This man loves his neighbour as himself. Please re-think; you owe that to your people." / Twitter

Chris-Cat "Don't Agonize! Organize!" 🆘😷🆘 on Twitter: "@Franklin_Graham As I recall in watching the DNC convention - it began & ended with prayers. Not all of them Christofascist Dominionist Theocrat prayers, I’ll grant you, but expressions of faith. I don’t believe in your faith. Respect mine - I’ll respect yours. Keep it out of OUR government. #1A https://t.co/5seUp2AMT5" / Twitter
Anyone planning to tune in to the Trump's fellatio-fest next week?
I've not watched any of the speeches, but I plan on watching at least half a dozen or so, but what's everyone's opinion on how they embraced (or didn't) the progressive wing? Did they make many concessions or even nods to the progressive side of the aisle, or was it all about getting the moderates and never trumpers on board?

Didn't AOC speak? They also had Islamist Linda Sarsour speak, and Islamism is considered "progressive" now for some reason.

Also progressive love violent criminals! Police are evil, but kidnappers and murderers are just fine according to the fauxgressive Left. So DNC made sure to invite Donna Hylton to talk about how horrible the criminal justice system is.


DNC Included ‘Criminal Justice Reform Advocate’ Who Was Convicted For Kidnapping And Murder

Daily Caller said:
In 1985, Hylton was convicted of murder in the second degree and two counts of kidnapping in the first degree, spending 27 years in jail before being paroled in 2012. Hylton, along with six other people, played a role in kidnapping, torturing and murdering 62-year-old New York businessman Thomas Vigliarolo, according to the charges. [...]Vigliarolo was held for ransom, forcibly sodomized with a three-foot metal pole and murdered, according to a 1995 Psychology Today article. Vigliarolo was held for about 15 days before dying, Fox News reported. The group “starved, beat, sexually assaulted and raped him” during that time period, according to Fox News. They also “squeezed the victim’s testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him,” New York City Detective William Spurling told Psychology Today. He was stuffed in a trunk and left to rot after being murdered, the Psychology Today article noted.


I get the idea of criminal justice reform. But why invite the woman who clearly deserved every single day she spent in prison and then some? Why invite somebody who kidnapped, tortured and killed a man for financial gain?
Were no people who served long sentences for weed available for example?

To his credit (and DNC's shame) Biden and his campaign distanced themselves from the vile Islamist Linda Sarsour. But they have not distanced themselves from the even worse Donna Hylton. Which means a tacit approval.
Ok, so I voiced a lot of criticism of the Democratic Convention, but I still think Biden/Harris is the lesser of two evils by some margin.
And Joe and Kamala's speeches were good, not great, but still good.

And I really liked the idea of having the roll call from remote locations in several states. What I did not like was all the #BLM pandering so many delegations did. That toxic movement has an undeserved halo simply because it's not politically correct to criticize anything "black".
Ok, so I voiced a lot of criticism of the Democratic Convention, but I still think Biden/Harris is the lesser of two evils by some margin.
And Joe and Kamala's speeches were good, not great, but still good.

And I really liked the idea of having the roll call from remote locations in several states. What I did not like was all the #BLM pandering so many delegations did. That toxic movement has an undeserved halo simply because it's not politically correct to criticize anything "black".

‘‘Tis the season for pandering to the people. Perhaps Trump will wear a Dashiki at his acceptance speech.
Ok, so I voiced a lot of criticism of the Democratic Convention, but I still think Biden/Harris is the lesser of two evils by some margin.
And Joe and Kamala's speeches were good, not great, but still good.

And I really liked the idea of having the roll call from remote locations in several states. What I did not like was all the #BLM pandering so many delegations did. That toxic movement has an undeserved halo simply because it's not politically correct to criticize anything "black".

‘‘Tis the season for pandering to the people. Perhaps Trump will wear a Dashiki at his acceptance speech.

No way. The new Mission of the Trumpublican party is to fight cannibalism. To that end he will of course be wearing his Q-Anon t-shirt.
Ok, so I voiced a lot of criticism of the Democratic Convention, but I still think Biden/Harris is the lesser of two evils by some margin.
And Joe and Kamala's speeches were good, not great, but still good.

And I really liked the idea of having the roll call from remote locations in several states. What I did not like was all the #BLM pandering so many delegations did. That toxic movement has an undeserved halo simply because it's not politically correct to criticize anything "black".

The BLM movement is incredibly dangerous for the democrats. The dems must have some suburban white vote and the black vote to win. Dems are correct to attempt to right the wrong regarding the fact that blacks are treated differently than whites by the police. To deny this fact and do nothing about it will alienate the black vote (appropriately) and lead to molester Trump winning another election. However, there's no doubt that the looney left who wants the police defunded will completely turn off and scare the suburban mom's who want safety for their community above all us. And I don't blame their either. I think that the election will hinge on this issue alone. Trump will run very strongly on law and order and keeping the public safe.
Ok, so I voiced a lot of criticism of the Democratic Convention, but I still think Biden/Harris is the lesser of two evils by some margin.
And Joe and Kamala's speeches were good, not great, but still good.

And I really liked the idea of having the roll call from remote locations in several states. What I did not like was all the #BLM pandering so many delegations did. That toxic movement has an undeserved halo simply because it's not politically correct to criticize anything "black".

The BLM movement is incredibly dangerous for the democrats. The dems must have some suburban white vote and the black vote to win. Dems are correct to attempt to right the wrong regarding the fact that blacks are treated differently than whites by the police. To deny this fact and do nothing about it will alienate the black vote (appropriately) and lead to molester Trump winning another election. However, there's no doubt that the looney left who wants the police defunded will completely turn off and scare the suburban mom's who want safety for their community above all us. And I don't blame their either. I think that the election will hinge on this issue alone. Trump will run very strongly on law and order and keeping the public safe.

Very few people are buying into the "defund" idea in the form that right wing paranoia vendors are pushing it.
Most - and probably a huge preponderance of - Democrats would favor reallocations of resources to keep police out of affairs and situations with which they are not trained to deal.
Right wingers will attempt to keep "defund" as a hotbutton issue, and they might succeed in leveraging it into a little bit more turnout from their idiot-base. But that's all.
Ok, so I voiced a lot of criticism of the Democratic Convention, but I still think Biden/Harris is the lesser of two evils by some margin.
And Joe and Kamala's speeches were good, not great, but still good.

And I really liked the idea of having the roll call from remote locations in several states. What I did not like was all the #BLM pandering so many delegations did. That toxic movement has an undeserved halo simply because it's not politically correct to criticize anything "black".

The BLM movement is incredibly dangerous for the democrats. The dems must have some suburban white vote and the black vote to win. Dems are correct to attempt to right the wrong regarding the fact that blacks are treated differently than whites by the police. To deny this fact and do nothing about it will alienate the black vote (appropriately) and lead to molester Trump winning another election. However, there's no doubt that the looney left who wants the police defunded will completely turn off and scare the suburban mom's who want safety for their community above all us. And I don't blame their either. I think that the election will hinge on this issue alone. Trump will run very strongly on law and order and keeping the public safe.

Very few people are buying into the "defund" idea in the form that right wing paranoia vendors are pushing it.
Most - and probably a huge preponderance of - Democrats would favor reallocations of resources to keep police out of affairs and situations with which they are not trained to deal.
Right wingers will attempt to keep "defund" as a hotbutton issue, and they might succeed in leveraging it into a little bit more turnout from their idiot-base. But that's all.

Yes, I'm slightly left of center and I understand the argument. I understand that some on the left want to hire unemployed Psychiatrists, pay them an officer's wages or less, and then ask them to intervene into potentially dangerous family disturbance calls and expertly deescalate the situations. But even I, a person on the left, is suspicious of this plan. But I'm open minded. However, I'm talking about people in the middle. I'm not talking about the left. The election will be decided by the middle - mostly suburban people in Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Like it or not, they will be the ones who decide the election. And I think that they will be very scared about the defunding plan. And we should all be aware that Trump will seize on this issue, and run on it very very hard.
Ok, so I voiced a lot of criticism of the Democratic Convention, but I still think Biden/Harris is the lesser of two evils by some margin.
And Joe and Kamala's speeches were good, not great, but still good.

And I really liked the idea of having the roll call from remote locations in several states. What I did not like was all the #BLM pandering so many delegations did. That toxic movement has an undeserved halo simply because it's not politically correct to criticize anything "black".

The BLM movement is incredibly dangerous for the democrats. The dems must have some suburban white vote and the black vote to win. Dems are correct to attempt to right the wrong regarding the fact that blacks are treated differently than whites by the police. To deny this fact and do nothing about it will alienate the black vote (appropriately) and lead to molester Trump winning another election. However, there's no doubt that the looney left who wants the police defunded will completely turn off and scare the suburban mom's who want safety for their community above all us. And I don't blame their either. I think that the election will hinge on this issue alone. Trump will run very strongly on law and order and keeping the public safe.

And this is why Biden & Co. tacked to the center. Even those who barely pay attention to politics would not believe this of Joe and will at least know Kamala was a top cop in CA. Mind put to rest.
Very few people are buying into the "defund" idea in the form that right wing paranoia vendors are pushing it.
Most - and probably a huge preponderance of - Democrats would favor reallocations of resources to keep police out of affairs and situations with which they are not trained to deal.
Right wingers will attempt to keep "defund" as a hotbutton issue, and they might succeed in leveraging it into a little bit more turnout from their idiot-base. But that's all.

Yes, I'm slightly left of center and I understand the argument. I understand that some on the left want to hire unemployed Psychiatrists, pay them an officer's wages or less, and then ask them to intervene into potentially dangerous family disturbance calls and expertly deescalate the situations. But even I, a person on the left, is suspicious of this plan. But I'm open minded. However, I'm talking about people in the middle. I'm not talking about the left. The election will be decided by the middle - mostly suburban people in Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Like it or not, they will be the ones who decide the election. And I think that they will be very scared about the defunding plan. And we should all be aware that Trump will seize on this issue, and run on it very very hard.

Boy that sounds familiar.
Very few people are buying into the "defund" idea in the form that right wing paranoia vendors are pushing it.
Most - and probably a huge preponderance of - Democrats would favor reallocations of resources to keep police out of affairs and situations with which they are not trained to deal.
Right wingers will attempt to keep "defund" as a hotbutton issue, and they might succeed in leveraging it into a little bit more turnout from their idiot-base. But that's all.

Yes, I'm slightly left of center and I understand the argument. I understand that some on the left want to hire unemployed Psychiatrists, pay them an officer's wages or less, and then ask them to intervene into potentially dangerous family disturbance calls and expertly deescalate the situations. But even I, a person on the left, is suspicious of this plan. But I'm open minded. However, I'm talking about people in the middle. I'm not talking about the left. The election will be decided by the middle - mostly suburban people in Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Like it or not, they will be the ones who decide the election. And I think that they will be very scared about the defunding plan. And we should all be aware that Trump will seize on this issue, and run on it very very hard.

Couple of things: I believe that most police officers regard domestic situations as extremely volatile and potentially dangerous. And they really can be. A very sad situation in my community maybe...25 years ago: A couple had a very volatile relationship. The woman had moved the kids to her sisters' and had requested a police escort to finish removing her belongings from the family home. Officers, as well as her parents accompanied her because the husband was known to be violent. In front of police officers, the husband shot his wife, who died on the scene. He hung himself in his jail cell.

That was obviously a very dangerous situation and without police officers on site, likely more people would have been shot. However, one cannot help but think that if there had been more social structures in place, more resources for the family prior to this incident, this might have been prevented and those kids could have grown up with their mother and in an ideal world, the father would have gotten enough help with his issues that he could have been in their lives, and safely, as well.

Another thing is: I know a police officer in a major city who has to administer Narcan multiple times during every single shift. This is something that obviously is out of the scope of his work in most circumstances. Ideally, no one would ever overdose but within the realm of reality: shouldn't this be administered by a trained medical professional, such as an EMT? Precious moments that mean the difference between life and death would be lost if they waited for the ambulance to arrive, but why isn't the ambulance the first to be called to the scene?

The other thing is that: there is a tremendous shortage of mental health professionals. I strongly doubt that there are ANY unemployed psychiatrists who actually still hold their licenses to practice. One psychiatrist I know has been considering moving to AK because it would be so lucrative: the entire state has something like 2 licensed psychiatrists now. As it is, ask anyone who is seeking good care from a psychologist, psychiatrist or even mental health social worker and they will likely tell you that it can be a long wait for an appointment. We need to encourage more people to become qualified for this field and not to pay them squat.

When I think of defunding the police, I think of de-militarizing the police. Departments have been purchasing lots of overstock of military equipment for years and have enormous firepower. This simply escalates situations rather than deescalates them.

Another thing is that the vast majority of crime is drug and/or alcohol related. Decriminalization of drugs will not change that---I included alcohol, which is totally legal, in that for a very good reason. We need to address the problem we have that leads people to overindulge or develop dangerous habits that make them more vulnerable and more volatile.

Also: Wisconsin is not a big suburban state. Lots and lots and lots of small towns, a couple of biggish cities and some small towns.
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