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The CIA coup that is now underway to overthrow the POTUS elect

I can't imagine any "neocon" or "warmonger" would worry about Trump keeping the war machine turning.
Check out the six month charts on these ticker symbols: RTN, LTM, GD. Yeah, they're worried about Trump filling the trough.
If there's reason for worry for corporations who do business with the US, it's that Trump is going to get a good look at how the government procures goods and services, if he's not already familiar with it and start outing people by name.

The problem with this story is, Moon of Alabama isn't familiar with the procurement system, so he came up with this nonsense.
One thing that is clear to me now is that Trump has cleverly and skillfully picked his cabinet members as well. Because he has in effect created a fight within oligarchic interests. There are the military/security (Hillary) oligarchs who want the immense budgets and power that comes from positioning Russia as a dire threat. Versus the (Trump) Tillerman Secretary of State oil oligarchs who want the business deals that result from normal relations with Russia. Clearly he is playing chess and I would not have been that smart to set things up that well.

Need I point out that if the electoral college decides against Trump, it is not a 'coup,' but the constitution functioning as it was written, and dare I say, intended?

I do not think the electors will change it. But the constitution gives them that power. It is not a coup any more than an impeachment would be.

Your post seems to have been ignored by the OP, but you are completely correct. What is the point of the electoral college if not to thwart a Trump? If now isn't the time for them to use the power to alter the election, when is? Why have them? Why not become a real democracy?

There is an "elite" coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump......<snip>

This is NOT a conspiracy theory and these guys are going to be playing some serious hard ball.
I had to switch to 'Mass Tequila' before posting...

Tell you what, will you re-consider some of the thoughts posted by others about the foolishness of thinking Trump gives a shit about the poor/working class, when on January 21, 2017, Pres. Trump is on the news channels? I'll poke this thread then.... :sleeping:
Ya, but the getting along isn't going to last. There'll be some minor, misunderstood potential insult which will blow the whole thing up.

Never fear though, there will be RALLIES!

View attachment 9110

What did they do for restroom facilities in situations like that? That looks to be about 1/100th the size of your average outdoor music festival, and an oft-heard complaint about those is about the state of the port-a-johns.

There is an "elite" coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump.
The coup is orchestrated by the camp of Hillary Clinton in association with the CIA and neoconservative powers in Congress.
The plan is to use the CIA's "Russia made Trump the winner" nonsense to swing the electoral college against him. The case would then be bumped up to Congress. Major neocon and warmonger parts of the Republicans could then move the presidency to Clinton or, if that fails, put Trump's vice president-elect Mike Pence onto the throne. The regular bipartisan war business, which a Trump presidency threatens to interrupt, could continue.
Should the coup succeed violent insurrections in the United States are likely to ensue with unpredictable consequences.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory and these guys are going to be playing some serious hard ball. IMO the US government and the media would not dare to so obviously and openly participate in a coup against democracy and an elected president unless they expect the coup to succeed.

Furthermore, now that I have seen all that has occured since this election, I am also in agreement (as usual) with what Paul Roberts has to say on this matter:

Those who romanticize Bernie Sanders are out to lunch. A person as weak as Sanders proved to be, completely collapsing in the face of his stolen presidential nomination by Hillary, could not possibly have prevailed over the powerful oligarchic groups that rule America. When we finally get a president-elect strong enough to bring change from the top down, the leftwing-liberal-progressive elements join the CIA in denouncing him!

Anyway, I didn't think Trump could win the election and for a moment I thought I was wrong. But in the final analysis, it is looking like I may have been correct after all.

Dude, Trump and his cabinet ARE the oligarchs in charge.
Need I point out that if the electoral college decides against Trump, it is not a 'coup,' but the constitution functioning as it was written, and dare I say, intended?

I do not think the electors will change it. But the constitution gives them that power. It is not a coup any more than an impeachment would be.

Your post seems to have been ignored by the OP, but you are completely correct. What is the point of the electoral college if not to thwart a Trump? If now isn't the time for them to use the power to alter the election, when is? Why have them? Why not become a real democracy?

Not just that, but they publicly announced that the report wouldn't be released until after the electoral votes have been cast.

We're so far beyond the pale at this point. Time Cube is starting to seem pretty reasonable by comparison with every passing day...
Eh, Trump won the Electoral College vote today. We're done. All praise the God Emperor.

Quite the coup:

Donald Trump Completes Final Lap, Electoral College, to White House

Why in the heck they'd conspire to rig the Electoral College out in the open instead of faking the vote totals would be beyond me.

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The last firewall is on January 6th apparently, but it is 99.999% chance not a real issue unless the CIA gets off its ass and delivers some real blockbuster info.
Trump would have to resign or pull out, though I don't even know what that would mean for the Electoral College.

- - - Updated - - -

Never fear though, there will be RALLIES!

View attachment 9110

What did they do for restroom facilities in situations like that? That looks to be about 1/100th the size of your average outdoor music festival, and an oft-heard complaint about those is about the state of the port-a-johns.
Germans, being superior were able to internally cleanse their own bodily waste and didn't need restrooms.
Quite the coup:

Donald Trump Completes Final Lap, Electoral College, to White House

Holy Zeus batman!!!! Conspiracy theory #1 is toast; quick, re-write the script to keep the fantasy alive (think think think…yeah having him assassinated can keep the tale alive for a whole freeking 4 years…yippy). Don’t worry the lemmings won’t be concerned about failed predictions, much as the fundies don’t mind that their prophets fail to correctly predict the end of times, time and time again….
[comic book store guy]Worst... coup... ever.[/comic book store guy]
Pfft. Look at all you fools. Lulled into a fake sense of complacency and now you're just an easy target. You should have realized that the whispering about an electoral college coup was just a false flag operation to keep you looking in the other direction while the real coup got up and running. It'll happen any day now.
Ok: given that was a stadium, it probably has restroom facilities in excess of its actual capacity. Now, all those extra dudes are on top of that, but as soldiers, they undergo potty discipline as part of their training.

Can we drop it?
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