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The CIA coup that is now underway to overthrow the POTUS elect

Holy Zeus batman!!!! Conspiracy theory #1 is toast; quick, re-write the script to keep the fantasy alive (think think think…yeah having him assassinated can keep the tale alive for a whole freeking 4 years…yippy). Don’t worry the lemmings won’t be concerned about failed predictions, much as the fundies don’t mind that their prophets fail to correctly predict the end of times, time and time again….
There's still two more "Hail Mary" chances if the Democrats are up to it.
1) Convince Biden to not confirm the electoral college vote on January 6th.
2) Convince the Supreme Court to not swear him in on January 20th.
How about at Wimbledon Stadium? :D


This thread is suddenly really great. Two thumbs up.


Gotta love the different reactions.
Bushy head guy in upper right looked like, "Alright! boobs."
Merkel's looked like, "my god... run away, run away."
Security guy's looked like, "hey, I want in on this too."
Putin's looked like, "yeah, right here baby."
Ya, I disagree that Trump is either strong or is going to bring change. He's going to give a blank check to the elites to rob the American people blind and they're not going to try and derail the gravy train before it even gets started.

If the facts convict Trump and he gets thrown out, then what? Mike Pence would be president. There's no mechanism that could credibly put Clinton in the White House. That's why this sounds more like an attempt at prophylaxis, to avert a threat to Trump's ascendance that they know is coming - because they know he's a fraud, cheat and a liar. It has been a pattern of the Trump regime to quickly accuse others of their own scurrilous intent, before a case can be mounted.

Nah. The CIA doesn't like Trump because Trump is the anti-neocon. He wants the thaw relations with the Russians. The CIA is filled with old-school Cold-Warriors. I know the type. I grew up in the area, I went to a lot of Langley High parties, I met the parents.
If the facts convict Trump and he gets thrown out, then what? Mike Pence would be president. There's no mechanism that could credibly put Clinton in the White House. That's why this sounds more like an attempt at prophylaxis, to avert a threat to Trump's ascendance that they know is coming - because they know he's a fraud, cheat and a liar. It has been a pattern of the Trump regime to quickly accuse others of their own scurrilous intent, before a case can be mounted.

Nah. The CIA doesn't like Trump because Trump is the anti-neocon. He wants the thaw relations with the Russians. The CIA is filled with old-school Cold-Warriors. I know the type. I grew up in the area, I went to a lot of Langley High parties, I met the parents.

I deal with them regularly - not discussing policy of course. But over time you definitely get a feel for their leanings (they tend to make sure of that). What I have noticed is more diversity of views in that community than I've seen in the past - some are even having second thoughts about the "good old days" of drug running, murdering heads of state etc. I do not believe that CIA as a group "doesn't like Trump", but most are pretty apprehensive about the next rogue position he might take.
If the facts convict Trump and he gets thrown out, then what? Mike Pence would be president. There's no mechanism that could credibly put Clinton in the White House. That's why this sounds more like an attempt at prophylaxis, to avert a threat to Trump's ascendance that they know is coming - because they know he's a fraud, cheat and a liar. It has been a pattern of the Trump regime to quickly accuse others of their own scurrilous intent, before a case can be mounted.

Nah. The CIA doesn't like Trump because Trump is the anti-neocon. He wants the thaw relations with the Russians. The CIA is filled with old-school Cold-Warriors. I know the type. I grew up in the area, I went to a lot of Langley High parties, I met the parents.
I keep forgetting how Obama tried to destroy Russia during his Administration. Dropped bombs on Moscow and everything. That must be why Putin wanted Trump... he needed him to thaw relations to stop all the indiscriminate bombings of civilians in Moscow by the Obama led military siege.
Alex Jones is spewing this same conspiracy theory.

Oh shit, I was just going to up and discount it, but if Akex Jones feels that it's credible I guess we should assume that it's probably true.

There is an "elite" coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump......<snip>

This is NOT a conspiracy theory and these guys are going to be playing some serious hard ball.
I had to switch to 'Mass Tequila' before posting...

Tell you what, will you re-consider some of the thoughts posted by others about the foolishness of thinking Trump gives a shit about the poor/working class, when on January 21, 2017, Pres. Trump is on the news channels? I'll poke this thread then.... :sleeping:
Ah, what the hell, we have entered Trumplandia now...so it pretty much seems that your link was in FACT a 'conspiracy theory' without merit. Maybe you should reconsider the value of some of the sources you read and trust...

And Paul Craig Roberts has taken the road down the fruit loop....
I wish the CIA godspeed in their coup endeavors.
I wish the CIA godspeed in their coup endeavors.

Apparently they plan to topple Trump from the Presidency by January 2021, and even if they meet unexpected resistance, they are confident that they will get rid of him no later than January 2025.

Remember, this is not a conspiracy theory, and these guys are playing some serious hardball.

I wish the CIA godspeed in their coup endeavors.

Apparently they plan to topple Trump from the Presidency by January 2021, and even if they meet unexpected resistance, they are confident that they will get rid of him no later than January 2025.

Remember, this is not a conspiracy theory, and these guys are playing some serious hardball.


You don't seem to get it. Godspeed is glacial. I have no idea how long this clown can keep doing his clown dance in the oval office. It is funny you think the CIA is hot to evict Trump. If it is just the CIA probably the 2025 date is accurate. The real problem is that Trump is wearing those really big, really long clown shoes and he keeps stepping on everybody's toes...except his billionaire friends, most of which have even bigger clown shoes and egoes. He is smart enough not to step on them...now working people and those creatures with pussies...well, if they are not billionaires, they are fair game. Enjoy America.;)
I really hope they get rid of him by January 2025 as imagined. Maybe they can even make it look like an election or something.
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