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The Death of Expertise

Reporting belief needs reference beyond your personal experience...

I am pointing out a phenomena that is clearly experienced and totally unexplained.

There is no need to reference it because no references for totally unexplained phenomena exist.
You need to demonstrate emprically what is experience before you can get to what is consciousness. I've been outlining a view with references and metrics for experience. You haven't provided any explanation that counters either my assertion or my evidences. So you have row to hoe before you get to include experience as defense for consciousness and a mountain to climb to get to even logically possible unexplained.

Heavy lifting ahead for you sir.
You need to demonstrate emprically what is experience before you can get to what is consciousness. I've been outlining a view with references and metrics for experience. You haven't provided any explanation that counters either my assertion or my evidences. So you have row to hoe before you get to include experience as defense for consciousness and a mountain to climb to get to even logically possible unexplained.

Heavy lifting ahead for you sir.

You only have to have a consciousness to talk about the subjective evidence of having one.

When the subjective evidence is clear it is up to the objective evidence to explain it.

Not pretend it isn't happening.

Before the conclusion that the consciousness is continually mistaken can be made it has to proven it is mistaken.
Obviously you have a reading problem. I work to understand consciousness based on objective study. I care very little for my subjective experience since it has consistently been proved wanting I have consciousness to argue my case to the world. I use it as tool to develop strategy using selected bits of experience to further my game.

I don't argue conscious is mistaken. I argue that one's conscious is biased to one's benefit in the experiences it uses , the parameters it chooses to consider, and the fact that it never chooses options to which the being has traditionally been opposed.

Your repetitious chants are testimony to what I conclude based of much research and study.

Subjectively I wouldn't put anything past what a conscious will conclude. Fortunately I don't have to. Objective study has demonstrated it fails more than it succeeds, it focuses on trivia when significant events are in the offing, etc.
Obviously you have a reading problem. I work to understand consciousness based on objective study. I care very little for my subjective experience since it has consistently been proved wanting...

What does that mean?

When you are aware of some visual experience, what is wanting?

When you decide to move the arm and do it by doing "something" in the mind, what is wanting?

Science has to explain this phenomena, explain why we are certain we are doing "something" in our mind to move our arm.

The purpose of science is not to pretend phenomena is not happening.
And not that beloved freeloader appearing as that sugar high three year old in another episode of ...

What does that mean?

When you are aware of some visual experience, what is wanting?

When you decide to move the arm and do it by doing "something" in the mind, what is wanting?

Science has to explain this phenomena, explain why we are certain we are doing "something" in our mind to move our arm.

The purpose of science is not to pretend phenomena is not happening.

In this episode the message believe it or not is: I hate science because it makes me wet myself.

The bottom line is notee notee
Is the ability to have a conscious experience an electrical effect of brain activity or is it a quantum effect of brain activity? Or is it some other kind of effect?

What do you objectively know about it?

Do you even know what the phenomena of having a conscious experience is?

No dance.

Which is it and what is your proof?

To say it is an electrical effect you need a model that shows how electricity creates the ability to experience.

If you say it is a quantum effect you have to model how this quantum nature of matter produces the ability to experience.

What is your model for the production of the ability to have a conscious experience?
So in a place like, say, the U.S., it appears like there is a death of expertise, but what's really happening is a decline of the economy, with increasing ignorance as a corollary. People are not only not being taught to think critically, but there are actual attacks on their critical thinking skills.

I think the situation in the U.S. is that too many people have gotten very angry because of how the economic, social and political situation have developed, and this has lead them to dismiss what experts say because they now see experts as somehow colluding with those who are responsible for this economic, social and political situation.

Ignorance doesn't help but it hasn't increased enough to explain that Donald Trump is now actual president of the U.S.A.

What increased very much more is anger.

And sure, anger may be bad counsel at times.
What explains the election of Donald Trump is a black president for eight years before him.

That is what drove the racists into a frenzy.

Which Trump played like a master.

That is the whole reason behind trying to destroy Obamacare.

Because a black man started it. There is no other reason. It was a Republican idea. It was not a very good idea.
It's just a continuing reaction to an oil management misadventure leading to religious tensions followed by rise of insufficient replacements in europe for those passing on by rationalists pushing immigration followed by reaction of triblists to equality for all these thrusts to work resulting including the election of a black-white president which has its latest reaction of bigots of all stripes against their primary enemy knowledge represente presently by science. There. I did it all in one rather straight forward sentence of nearly 90 words.
UM said:
Because a black man started it. There is no other reason. It was a Republican idea. It was not a very good idea.

Ok, so who is the black republican that had the idea that started it then?
UM said:
Because a black man started it. There is no other reason. It was a Republican idea. It was not a very good idea.

Ok, so who is the black republican that had the idea that started it then?

A black man implemented a Republican idea.

Suddenly the Republicans thought it was the worst idea ever conceived. Naked politics? Yes.

And dumb Republican supporters believed them.
UM said:
Because a black man started it. There is no other reason. It was a Republican idea. It was not a very good idea.

Ok, so who is the black republican that had the idea that started it then?

A black man implemented a Republican idea.

Suddenly the Republicans thought it was the worst idea ever conceived. Naked politics? Yes.

And dumb Republican supporters believed them.

Right, that's much clearer. I always get confused between the right wing and the ultra right wing in America.
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