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The effects of warming: Kilodeaths

Another supreme court judge in the UK ordered prophet Al Gore to delete bullshit claims in his mocumentary An Inconvenient Truth.

Around in the same decade, there was the embarrassing Climategate episode. But just like any other cult, it didn't matter to the alarmists and climate scammers! It was just like water off a ducks back!
Another supreme court judge in the UK ordered prophet Al Gore to delete bullshit claims in his mocumentary An Inconvenient Truth.

Would that be the judge who called the film overall accurate and well researched and recommended it for screening in schools but also said it should be presented along with accompanying materials discussing some of the small points where it's not entirely accurate? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2007/oct/11/climatechange
Around in the same decade, there was the embarrassing Climategate episode. But just like any other cult, it didn't matter to the alarmists and climate scammers! It was just like water off a ducks back!

There is fraud alright, but the fraudsters ate the ones twisting out of context sentences into meaning something they never meant, and you fell for them.
If further proof was needed that Michael Mann et all was a climate shyster.

We are still where we were--he lost on the grounds that the allegations were so nutty that they wouldn't be taken seriously. The judge erred, it's obvious a lot of people did take it seriously.

Ah so! The judge erred? Of course this judge would probably be a Nobel Prize nominee had he found against Prof Tim Ball and Mark Steyn.
If further proof was needed that Michael Mann et all was a climate shyster.

We are still where we were--he lost on the grounds that the allegations were so nutty that they wouldn't be taken seriously. The judge erred, it's obvious a lot of people did take it seriously.

Ah so! The judge erred? Of course this judge would probably be a Nobel Prize nominee had he found against Prof Tim Ball and Mark Steyn.

You're still not getting it. The defense was that the claims were ludicrous. You're treating the "win" as if they were correct.
Shyster Michael Mann could not prove his Hockey Stitch was not tampered with, therefore a fraud!

You aren't reading what Loren says: The court case wasn't about Mann's data, it was about whether Ball's lie was damaging enough not to be protected as free speech.
Shyster Michael Mann could not prove his Hockey Stitch was not tampered with, therefore a fraud!

Reads like a Trump tweet.

Trump's tweets are full of ridiculous claims and name-calling because he is an ill-tempered buffoon who continually finds himself at odds with the facts, and his instinctive response is to lash out.

Something for you to reflect on, like a layer of greenhouse gases or a high albedo ice sheet.
Shyster Michael Mann could not prove his Hockey Stitch was not tampered with, therefore a fraud!

You aren't reading what Loren says: The court case wasn't about Mann's data, it was about whether Ball's lie was damaging enough not to be protected as free speech.

Ball's Lie? Are you sure about that? Doesn't that make the Supreme court a lame duck?
Shyster Michael Mann could not prove his Hockey Stitch was not tampered with, therefore a fraud!

Reads like a Trump tweet.

Trump's tweets are full of ridiculous claims and name-calling because he is an ill-tempered buffoon who continually finds himself at odds with the facts, and his instinctive response is to lash out.

Something for you to reflect on, like a layer of greenhouse gases or a high albedo ice sheet.

Do you mean those " ice sheets" that were supposed to have melted 2 decades ago?
Shyster Michael Mann could not prove his Hockey Stitch was not tampered with, therefore a fraud!

You aren't reading what Loren says: The court case wasn't about Mann's data, it was about whether Ball's lie was damaging enough not to be protected as free speech.

Ball's Lie? Are you sure about that? Doesn't that make the Supreme court a lame duck?

No, it just means there are strict rules for when knowingly stating a falsehood becomes punishable - in most cases, unless substantial damage can be demonstrated, free speech takes precedence. You should know this, you'd go to jail for the rest if your days if this weren't so.
Shyster Michael Mann could not prove his Hockey Stitch was not tampered with, therefore a fraud!

Reads like a Trump tweet.

Trump's tweets are full of ridiculous claims and name-calling because he is an ill-tempered buffoon who continually finds himself at odds with the facts, and his instinctive response is to lash out.

Something for you to reflect on, like a layer of greenhouse gases or a high albedo ice sheet.

Do you mean those " ice sheets" that were supposed to have melted 2 decades ago?

Just more bullshit from a self-confessed "dumb arse".

Tell us again how the greenhouse effect isn't real. That's my favourite so far.
FMD................it's bullshit that the ice sheets were predicted to have long ago melted and are still there? And in as many cases actually grew is bullshit! One can't make this stuff up, it can only come from the blind faith based cult of GW/CC/CD.

Earth has had an atmosphere for billions of years, and " greenhouse effect" is part of what makes life possible on this planet. Were there no greenhouse, there would be no plant or animal life. CO2 makes up less than 3% of this atmosphere. I've posted a list of elements that make up Earth's atmosphere before. By far the biggest contributor to Earth's climate is water vapor, not CO2 which is a plant food!
Earth has had an atmosphere for billions of years, and " greenhouse effect" is part of what makes life possible on this planet. Were there no greenhouse, there would be no plant or animal life. CO2 makes up less than 3% of this atmosphere. I've posted a list of elements that make up Earth's atmosphere before. By far the biggest contributor to Earth's climate is water vapor, not CO2 which is a plant food!
angelo, I suggest visiting planet Venus some time. It has plenty of CO2 in its atmosphere, CO2 that gives it a super greenhouse effect.
Earth has had an atmosphere for billions of years, and " greenhouse effect" is part of what makes life possible on this planet. Were there no greenhouse, there would be no plant or animal life. CO2 makes up less than 3% of this atmosphere. I've posted a list of elements that make up Earth's atmosphere before. By far the biggest contributor to Earth's climate is water vapor, not CO2 which is a plant food!
angelo, I suggest visiting planet Venus some time. It has plenty of CO2 in its atmosphere, CO2 that gives it a super greenhouse effect.

I had to read that statement twice. Are you finally admitting the sun has influence on a planet's climate? Do pray tell, How did Venus acquire so much CO2 when there are no humans there burning fossil fuels?
Trump axed a rule that would help protect coastal properties like Mar-a-Lago from flooding - Vox - his beloved estate would be drowned by a sea-level rise of 3 m / 10 ft.

Sea level review Science 2010.pdf - Sea-Level Rise and its Impact on Coastal Zones
Global sea levels have risen through the 20th century. These rises will almost certainly accelerate through the 21st century and beyond because of global warming, but their magnitude remains uncertain. Key uncertainties include the possible role of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets and the amplitude of regional changes in sea level. In many areas, nonclimatic components of relative sea-level change (mainly subsidence) can also be locally appreciable. Although the impacts of sea-level rise are potentially large, the application and success of adaptation are large uncertainties that require more assessment and consideration.

2019 Global Temperatures Through June: Among Top 5 Hottest on Record | Climate Central
  • Last month was the hottest June on record—both for Europe and for the globe (NASA data — beating 2016 by about 0.2°F).
  • Anchorage shattered its previous temperature record by 5 degrees—in a year that has had near-unprecedented melting of Arctic sea ice as well.
  • Australia suffered its hottest summer on record, causing blackouts and mass deaths of native wildlife.
  • Nationwide record highs were set in several countries, from France and Angola to Cuba and Vietnam.

Mann et al 2008, Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature variations over the past two millennia

The Medieval Warm Period was about as warm as it is was back in 1950, and the Earth declined in temperature since then, reaching a low point in the 19th cy., Then the temperature started going up very fast.

Paleoclimatic Data for the Last 2,000 Years | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) - around 1 CE, it was as warm as 1900, then in 1000 CE, as warm as 1950, then a decline that bottomed out around 1700 and then stayed flat - the "Little Ice Age". I'm eyeballing the graphs, so there is a bit of discrepancy between my description of this one and the previous one.

The Medieval Warm Period had lots of strong Atlantic hurricanes and droughts in the US West, and these hurricanes and droughts seem to be returning.
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