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Jul 29, 2005
That Mr. Trump was able to obtain the location, when every real-estate developer in the world would have done just about anything to get it, is testimony to Donald Trump's persistence and to his skills as a negotiator. That he was able to put up a building of this dimension on this site demonstrates his finesse with the zoning code.

Donald Trump makes or approves practically all decisions. Although there is a board room, there is no board. At the moment, he is telling a doorman on the other end of the telephone not to put that tacky runner down on the eautiful marble floor when it rains. He does not seem to write anything down, keeping volumes of company files as mental notes.

It is often pointed out that Mr. Trump is prone to exageration in describing his projects. Oh, he lies a great deal, says Philip Johnson with a laugh. But it's sheer exuberance, exaggeration. It's never about anything important. He's straight as an arrow in his business dealings.

His greatest dream is to personally do something about the problem and, characteristially, Donald Trump thinks he has an answer to nuclear armament: Let him engotiate arms agreements - he who can talk people into selling $100 million properties to him for $13 million. Negotiations is an art, he says and I have a gift for it.

The idea thathe would ever be allowed to got into a room alone and negotiate for the United States, let alone be successful in disarming the world, seems the naive musing of an optimistic, deluded young man who has never lost at anything he has tried. But he believes that through years of making his views known and through supporting candidaes who share his views, it could someday happen.

Someday. Trump has been Trump for his entire public life.
I have a feeling that he just wants to be alone with Putin because then he can personally thank him for helping out with the elections, and they can coordinate a strategy to try to make the investigation go away. Fuck disarmament, or Syria, or Ukraine... it's all about Trump.
That article is from 1984. Mr. Trump is 34 years older and it shows when he speaks and when he walks. Given his present predilection for bullshit/delusion/dissembling, it is clear his abilities have suffered.

And, of course, it is much easier to renege on a nuclear disarmament deal than a transfer of an asset.
Fuck disarmament

I read somewhere that before the fall of the Soviet Union their leaders offered mutual disarmament with the USA and the USA rejected, so after the fall the USSR weapons wound up who knows where. Was that fan fiction I was reading of was that legit? I can't remember which.
Fuck disarmament

I read somewhere that before the fall of the Soviet Union their leaders offered mutual disarmament with the USA and the USA rejected, so after the fall the USSR weapons wound up who knows where. Was that fan fiction I was reading of was that legit? I can't remember which.

Probably fan fiction. Nobody predicted the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviets didn't negotiate a defeat. After the fall the US - I think - arranged to assist the new Russian government in safeguarding nuclear sites. Ukraine gave the nukes on its territory to the Russians. But, anyway.

Nobody correctly predicted it's collapse. General statements that a given system will not last forever are trivially true, but don't really count as 'predictions', because they are inevitably true in all cases given sufficient time.

Specific predictions that get some or all of the details wrong are wrong; A Prediction that the Soviet Union will collapse 'by 1984' is false once 1985 rolls around, and doesn't become true again if the USSR collapses in 1991.

I hereby predict that the USA won't last forever. Are you impressed by my foresight? If it collapses next year, will you marvel at my brilliance? Surely you can see why you shouldn't.
I hereby predict that the USA won't last forever.

FAPP that's more of a post-diction. The USA I grew up in no longer exists. Once the Cheato junta consolidates its power, will the USA still "exist" as long as they call it the USA?
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