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The left eats JK Rowling over transgender comments

Are there such things as women’s health clinics?
gyms, personal beauty, spas, etc etc... yes, there are certain businesses that serve an exclusively female clientele.
i approve of this, btw - until our species gets to a point where women do not rightfully fear for their safety in the private company of strange men, there is every reason for women to desire and have access to a space that is completely free of men at all times.
Are there such things as women’s health clinics?
gyms, personal beauty, spas, etc etc... yes, there are certain businesses that serve an exclusively female clientele.
i approve of this, btw - until our species gets to a point where women do not rightfully fear for their safety in the private company of strange men, there is every reason for women to desire and have access to a space that is completely free of men at all times.

Including Ex-Men?
So, it seems to me that nobody so far can explain why what Rowling wrote was transphobic.

Here's an article that I think explains it:


I'm sorry, but that explains precisely nothing. It simply makes claims that are not true (that Rowling confused sex and gender - she didn't, or that Rowling reduced women to their genitals - she didn't).

"Nothing you say stops trans women from being women."

This is an article of faith in the trans activist community, which is why it is repeated religiously. It's also false. And to say it is false is not transphobic, just as my saying "I don't believe Jesus was the son of God" is not Christian-phobic.
So, it seems to me that nobody so far can explain why what Rowling wrote was transphobic.
it's transphobic because it's apparently been decided recently that the extent to which the rest of us are required to participate in the self-image of a miniscule subset of people is "totally, unequivocally, and unquestioningly."

Why would we accord you the "right" to deny someone else existence on their own terms? If you don't like being called "transphobic" when your self-perception is that you are a harmless liberal, think how much more unpleasant it must be to be constantly referred to as "a woman" when your self-perception is that you are and have always been a man, or called by a dead name that you rejected long ago?

People are allowed to live however they want and call themselves whatever they want, but they don't have the right to force the population to participate in their delusions.
why is it a denial of existence to recognize that one is participating in an act of self delusion?

Sorry, but are you, as well as metaphor, saying gender identities are not real? If so, on what basis? Please don't say because we can't see them with the naked eye.

I didn't say gender identities were not real. Your gender identity is a feeling in your head. Feelings are real. But, I have said repeatedly that pretending society was separated by gender when it was actually separated by sex is either delusional or a deliberate lie.

Pretending a gender was assigned at birth is an absolute, unalloyed, blatant lie, and trans activists know it.

Pretending sports teams are separated by gender and not sex is an absolute, unalloyed, blatant lie, and trans activists know it.

Pretending that any discrimination against women is "gender"-based, and not sex-based, is an absolute, unalloyed, blatant lie, and trans activists know it.

Pretending that you can change sex because your sex conflicts with your gender is a lie.
But god help the rest of us who believe facts like that biological sex is real and you cannot change sex.
Yes, facts. Just like all mammals give birth to live young.

I realise you haven't read anything I've written, which is why you missed the fact that I mentioned that the existence of intersex conditions - which incidentally have nought to do with most trans issues - do not mean human sex isn't binary.
True, bruh.

Soon saying this on non anonymous social media will get you stripped from being able to do any job except maybe being a grave digger.
I'll bet you'd object to your documents saying Trans Woman, instead of F, even though the first is far more useful in identifying you, because the second is a fantasy.

That last part is, I think, just completely wrong, and as a starting position, it more or less makes almost everything you are subsequently saying just wrong also. Your whole case rests on a falsehood. I think it really is that simple.

What is 'that last part'? Everything you've quoted, or that trans women having 'F' on their identity papers is a fantasy?

Trans women are not female. If they were female, they'd be cis women. To call a trans woman female is a wholesale denial of biology.
Why would we accord you the "right" to deny someone else existence on their own terms? If you don't like being called "transphobic" when your self-perception is that you are a harmless liberal, think how much more unpleasant it must be to be constantly referred to as "a woman" when your self-perception is that you are and have always been a man, or called by a dead name that you rejected long ago?

People are allowed to live however they want and call themselves whatever they want, but they don't have the right to force the population to participate in their delusions.

Michael Steven Smith: I absolutely hate the name Mike and prefer my middle name, so I go by Steve or Steven.
You: WTF!! You have no right to make me call you Steve! Your name is Mike and I'm going to call you Mike until 4EVER!! Its facts - it's right there on your birth certificate -BOOM!

No one is taking any 'rights' from anyone...including the right to be an asshole.

Michael Steven Smith: I absolutely hate the name Mike and prefer my middle name, so I go by Steve or Steven.
You: WTF!! You have no right to make me call you Steve! Your name is Mike and I'm going to call you Mike until 4EVER!! Its facts - it's right there on your birth certificate -BOOM!

What a strange imagination you have.

I have a friend whose parents are from Sri Lanka. He has a first name on his birth certificate and all relevant documents, but I call him by his (non-Anglo) middle name, which he prefers and has told me is common in Sri Lanka.

But also, I've known people who have changed their names by deed poll. You can certainly change your individual name. The laws of biology don't prevent changing your name.

You can't change your sex, though.

No one is taking any 'rights' from anyone...including the right to be an asshole.


Of course they are. Women currently have (or had) the right to a sex-segregated intimate space (toilets and changing rooms) that they have lost (in some cases).
I'm sorry, but that explains precisely nothing. It simply makes claims that are not true (that Rowling confused sex and gender - she didn't, or that Rowling reduced women to their genitals - she didn't).

"Nothing you say stops trans women from being women."

This is an article of faith in the trans activist community, which is why it is repeated religiously. It's also false. And to say it is false is not transphobic, just as my saying "I don't believe Jesus was the son of God" is not Christian-phobic.

Of course it explains the controversy. You simply disagree with the controversy. I don't really think that Rowling *is* transphobic but she has perhaps a less than perfect understanding of all of the issues or is in disagreement about some of the issues. OTOH, you seem to actually be transphobic.
But god help the rest of us who believe facts like that biological sex is real and you cannot change sex.
Yes, facts. Just like all mammals give birth to live young.

I realise you haven't read anything I've written, which is why you missed the fact that I mentioned that the existence of intersex conditions - which incidentally have nought to do with most trans issues - do not mean human sex isn't binary.

Interesting, so you saying there is 1, 0 and something in between, but it is binary. Are we talking like a quantum binary?
Trans women are not female. If they were female, they'd be cis women. To call a trans woman female is a wholesale denial of biology.
Only if you insist that female is rigidly defined only by having certain body parts.

I didn't 'rigidly' define it--biologists did.

Sex is a binary in humans, and it cannot be changed. Females are the sex that produce larger gametes. Intersex conditions don't change the binary and gender, which is a feeling in your head, certainly doesn't.

You can change your body with surgery to look more like the body of the other sex. You can get a surgeon to carve your cock and balls into a pseudovagina. You can put hormones into your body artificially so that your body chemistry more closely mimics that of the other sex. You can take on the cliched accoutrements and trappings of a particular sex, but you cannot become the other sex.

Trans women are men--they are adult human males. For certain purposes and in certain situations it might make sense to treat certain trans women as if they were cis women, and in other cases it might not make sense. But to repeat the obviously false claim that trans women are women is nothing more or less than a religious incantation.
I realise you haven't read anything I've written, which is why you missed the fact that I mentioned that the existence of intersex conditions - which incidentally have nought to do with most trans issues - do not mean human sex isn't binary.

Interesting, so you saying there is 1, 0 and something in between, but it is binary. Are we talking like a quantum binary?

No. Intersex conditions do not erase sex as a binary. Intersex conditions represent something going wrong with the sex binary. Also, most trans people do not have an intersex medical condition.
I'm sorry, but that explains precisely nothing. It simply makes claims that are not true (that Rowling confused sex and gender - she didn't, or that Rowling reduced women to their genitals - she didn't).

"Nothing you say stops trans women from being women."

This is an article of faith in the trans activist community, which is why it is repeated religiously. It's also false. And to say it is false is not transphobic, just as my saying "I don't believe Jesus was the son of God" is not Christian-phobic.

Of course it explains the controversy. You simply disagree with the controversy. I don't really think that Rowling *is* transphobic but she has perhaps a less than perfect understanding of all of the issues or is in disagreement about some of the issues. OTOH, you seem to actually be transphobic.

It explains nothing. Your linked article did not show any errors made by Rowling - that she has a 'less than perfect' understanding. Indeed, both you and kis appear to agree that she hasn't said anything transphobic, and isn't transphobic.

If it is the case that I have to believe obvious falsehoods--such as that trans women are women--to not be transphobic, then I'm afraid that I am forced to take the rational and transphobic position. I can't make myself believe obvious falsehoods.
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