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The problem of the Senate, Texas style

Well good news / bad news I suppose. Democrat support in Texas is reaching a level high enough the far-right wants to invent new hurdles to prevent Democrats from being elected. Not certain how in the heck this is remotely equal protection under the law, which I have to assume that the Texas Constitution, at least currently, references.

article said:
On Saturday, the Texas GOP also voted on whether to back a referendum on the state leaving the United States and becoming a fully independent country, a proposition it approved during the previous party convention in 2022.

The motion stated: "Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto."
Works for me.

Other motions proposed included a call to "abolish abortion by immediately securing the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization."
It is at least polite of them to say the quiet parts out loud... repeatedly.
Democrat support in Texas is reaching a level high enough the far-right wants to invent new hurdles to prevent Democrats from being elected.
Texas seceding from (or getting kicked out of) the Union would virtually guarantee Democratic dominance of the remaining “Union”.
Bring it on.
I live in Texas and it burned my brain when I heard about that. They are for elections, democracy, and so forth only and only if the general public will vote the way they want i.e. the public gives them or let's them have what they in power want. If the people don't vote the way power is pleased then it's time to not let lots of folks vote or the votes just don't matter
I know in the past you had to have so much money and or land to vote. In many places if the men had universal suffrage you could not run for office unless you were so wealthy (funny there is always a catch concerning a right). You also could not rise in institutions like the military unless you or your family were worth so much.

I wonder if the Republicans are going to be brazen enough to try that again.

I'm curious how the regular people, the poor, women, slaves, ect reacted to all the bullshit about how free the US was, was a government of the people and so forth. I know most people were limited in education but surely many did not fall for such bullshit.
I live in Texas and it burned my brain when I heard about that. They are for elections, democracy, and so forth only and only if the general public will vote the way they want i.e. the public gives them or let's them have what they in power want. If the people don't vote the way power is pleased then it's time to not let lots of folks vote or the votes just don't matter
It sounds like the christofascist approach to freedom of religion: everyone has the freedom to be a member of the Christian religion.
On more reflection this is really just the electoral college on a national level adopted by a state on its level. It's still very antidemocratic and will ensure conservative rule since most counties are primarily rural and conservative in nature.
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