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The real reason why Trump is erratic


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
It is obvious why Trump is so erratic and unstable.

1. His wife sleeps in a separate bedroom and won't let him get any considering his blatant adultery after he married her.

2. With 24/7 media coverage he can no longer have a mistress.

3. He can't get away with groping women anymore.

If you want to calm him down get somebody to give him a blow job,
Relax. Ivanka's had a job in the White House for a couple of years now.
It is obvious why Trump is so erratic and unstable.

1. His wife sleeps in a separate bedroom and won't let him get any considering his blatant adultery after he married her.

2. With 24/7 media coverage he can no longer have a mistress.

3. He can't get away with groping women anymore.

If you want to calm him down get somebody to give him a blow job,

Omarosa's gone, so who can he tap? Kellyanne?
There were rumours about him tupping Nikki Haley. Whoever takes that on, she must have a strong stomach and be completely anosmic.

ETA: I reckon Melanoma sleeps in a coffin full of earth in the WH basement.
Seriously, not even two years into a awful presidency and we are resorting to sex jokes about his problems?
It is obvious why Trump is so erratic and unstable.

1. His wife sleeps in a separate bedroom and won't let him get any considering his blatant adultery after he married her.

2. With 24/7 media coverage he can no longer have a mistress.

3. He can't get away with groping women anymore.

If you want to calm him down get somebody to give him a blow job,

If he gets a blow job, doesn't that mean we can impeach him?

I mean, I get that we can't impeach him for treason because treason is now a partisan issue, but we can still impeach presidents for blow jobs, can't we?
He can't be impeached for treason because we're not officially at war.

Of course he can. Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process. If Congress wanted to impeach him for skipping breakfast because they wanted to send a message to the country about how it's the most important meal of the day, they could kick him out of office on that basis alone. "High crimes and misdemeanours" is a vague and ill defined term which means whatever they have enough votes to say it means.
Nonetheless, the definition of treason includes the stipulation that the country has to be at war. Sure, he could be impeached for many things if Congressional gop had any backbone, but it wouldn't be treason as currently defined. Personally, I think the definition of war should be modified to include electronic warfare, which is definitely going on right now.
Nonetheless, the definition of treason includes the stipulation that the country has to be at war. Sure, he could be impeached for many things if Congressional gop had any backbone, but it wouldn't be treason as currently defined. Personally, I think the definition of war should be modified to include electronic warfare, which is definitely going on right now.

By my point is that the definition of treason wouldn't be relevant. If enough Congressmen say "I vote to impeach Trump for treason" then he is impeached for treason - full stop.

Similarly, they could say that the Constitution demands that the President be a person who was born in America and Trump is an airplane which was manufactured in Peru, so they vote to impeach him on the grounds that he's ineligible for the office. In that case, Trump would have been impeached for being an airplane which was manufactured in Peru and the fact that he's not that doesn't mean he gets to stay on as President.

The definition of treason would only be relevant insofar as individual congress people decide that it's relevant. If they decide not to give a shit about the legal definition of what it means to be at war and include electronic warfare on their own, then they're right because they're the only decision makers and their decision is a political one, not a legal one.
He must be dying to be peed on.
He must be dying to be peed on.

Then let him get a dog. I'm pretty sure he could find one that would pee on him.

Seriously, Tom isn't even a US citizen but he's right. High crimes and misdemeanors are up to the Congress to decide. The problem is getting Congress to want to impeach the president but so far, the Republicans have sold out to Trump so Trump could probably shoot somebody on 5th Ave. and nothing would happen. They are inebriated on the Trump Kool Aide.
Nonetheless, the definition of treason includes the stipulation that the country has to be at war. Sure, he could be impeached for many things if Congressional gop had any backbone, but it wouldn't be treason as currently defined. Personally, I think the definition of war should be modified to include electronic warfare, which is definitely going on right now.

I would pose that the meaning of "at war" has changed since the regulation was written. War as WW2, lining up and shooting and bombing and invading of symmetrical combat isn't really a thing developed nuclear powers can wage anymore, at least not against each other. But we are very much in a war. We have invasions now not on our shores but into our media and economy, soldiers no longer fighting from battlefields of blood with casualties of men, but fighting in battlefields of Twitter and Facebook, and the greatest casualty has been the truth.

Foreign powers seek to destroy our way of life. Does it matter much that they no longer use guns to do it?

- - - Updated - - -

He must be dying to be peed on.

Seriously though. Don't kink shame. It's not cool.
Shame or not, pee is funny.
It is obvious why Trump is so erratic and unstable.

1. His wife sleeps in a separate bedroom and won't let him get any considering his blatant adultery after he married her.

2. With 24/7 media coverage he can no longer have a mistress.

3. He can't get away with groping women anymore.

If you want to calm him down get somebody to give him a blow job,

If he gets a blow job, doesn't that mean we can impeach him?

I mean, I get that we can't impeach him for treason because treason is now a partisan issue, but we can still impeach presidents for blow jobs, can't we?

Clinton's mistake was he lied about it. Trump said he could shoot somebody and no one would care. He could get a blow job in the Oval Office and no one world care, least of all moral conservative Christians.
Nonetheless, the definition of treason includes the stipulation that the country has to be at war. Sure, he could be impeached for many things if Congressional gop had any backbone, but it wouldn't be treason as currently defined. Personally, I think the definition of war should be modified to include electronic warfare, which is definitely going on right now.
None of that matters, though. There is a legal definition of treason, but impeachment does not have to be for the violation of an actual law.
If Congress wants to list a charge of treason because of American jobs lost due to his fucking trade war, and enough people vote in favor of it, it's done.

Also, the US definition of treason is war against the US _or_ giving aid to our enemies. We don't have to be at war.
Nonetheless, the definition of treason includes the stipulation that the country has to be at war. Sure, he could be impeached for many things if Congressional gop had any backbone, but it wouldn't be treason as currently defined. Personally, I think the definition of war should be modified to include electronic warfare, which is definitely going on right now.
None of that matters, though. There is a legal definition of treason, but impeachment does not have to be for the violation of an actual law.
If Congress wants to list a charge of treason because of American jobs lost due to his fucking trade war, and enough people vote in favor of it, it's done.

Also, the US definition of treason is war against the US _or_ giving aid to our enemies. We don't have to be at war.

Personally, I don't think the legal definition of treason even matters in this context. Trump should be impeached using his own definition of a treasonous person, which seems to be "anyone who is not sufficiently respectful to Donald Trump". Every time Trump speaks, or Tweets, he shows that he has absolutely no respect for himself, just like every other pathological liar out there.
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