"Best in area with no grid"? Last year in Texas solar accouned for 4% of renewable energy. This year 7%. We have some major solar projects being built in West Texas and New Mexico to supply more solar power and more grid projects to acces the energy created. Big solar is here. And big solar is now a player in California and elsewhere.
Never let those who say it can't be done stop those who are doing it.
Who are not even reaching 10% of ‘doing it’.
The only state or national scale grids to achieve Carbon Dioxide emissions routinely below 100gCO
2eq/kWh are those that are close to 100% Hydro, nuclear, or a combination of those two.
Propaganda is cheap. Bragging about things you hope to achieve is easy. But actually keeping the lights on for a month, much less a year, with 100gCO
2eq/kWh or less, is something no large area or large population has ever done with more than 20% wind + solar, or indeed with less than 80% nuclear + hydro.
And that’s not for want of money, effort or time; Just ask the Germans.