No you haven't. You ignore anything that doesn't suit your belief and rinse and repeat your belief in an inexplicably autonomous mind. All the while asserting that nothing is known about the mind or what it can or cannot do!! You call that clarity?
I have not ignored anything. I have disputed claims about very limited data.
You ignore everything, dismissing all that does not agree with your belief in autonomous mind. A belief which nobody in the field shares, except for maybe a few eccentrics.
I have disputed invented stories from specks of data.
I have disputed the astrology of this.
Your dispute consists of rinsing and repeating your assertion that mind has control of the brain....regardless of your own claim that nobody knows anything about mind or what it can or cannot do.
What is the actual data here?
I don't care about the invented stories.
Firstly, rather than 'invented stories' it is an observation of brain function in relation to movement initiation based on actual experiments. Secondly, the actual data supports the proposition that it is the various regions of the brain that work in concert to shape, form and produce mind and movement in response to sensory inputs and memory...so when you feel the urge to raise your arm at will, the reason that your desire to raise your arm preceded both your will and the action that is performed.
The preceding activity which initiated 'your' sequence of thoughts and actions you remain unaware of because conscious mind does not encompass its own means of production.
All you are aware of is the desire to raise your arm at will, which you do....completely oblivious of the neuronal activity that forms you, your thoughts and actions.