When you move to social interaction you really move away from what is understood.
We don't understand how the mind moves the arm.
Forget about a physiological explanation of complex social behavior.
For that stories and faith are all we have.
When a scientist moves from neuroscience and genetics to social interaction one does so based on the neuroscience, genetics and other science underlying social interaction. If one doesn't then, of course, all one has is religion and faith and old wives tales underlying their proclamations.
For instance it isn't the mind, that unknowable thing invented to make conversation with slaves meaningful, rather it is the nervous system with its capacities to process, integrate and direct activity of muscle and bone to conditions where that muscle and bone remains functioning. So scientists really do understand how the nervous system moves the arm, legs, body, the language system, articulating mechanisms and hands to keep the human alive.
Naturally scientists interest turn to social behavior, interactions among nervous system directed beings of a common species called man.
Much more productive than chasing something called mind, a construct invented to give importance beyond being a machine to a talking animal. Unless reduced to what is scientifically understood mind only supports philosophical dualism.
Yes, all you have are faith and stories.