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The Thread For New Republican Legislation

Amid a dangerous heatwave that has brought blistering temperatures across Texas, the state’s governor signed a law this week eliminating local rules requiring water breaks for workers.

The measure, which will take effect later this year, will nullify ordinances enacted by Austin and Dallas that mandate 10-minute breaks for construction workers every four hours. It also prevents any other local governments from passing similar worker protections.

Just days after Greg Abbott, the governor, ratified the law, officials said a 35-year-old utility lineman working to restore power in Marshall, Texas, died after experiencing symptoms of heat illness. The heat index – which takes into account both the temperature and humidity – was 100F (37C) while he was working.

It was an omen of what could come after HB 2127 takes effect in September, wrote the Texas branch of the AFL-CIO union, referring to the far-reaching law that not only curbs cities’ right to enact worker protections, but a number of labor, agriculture, natural resources and finance measures. “Banning required rest breaks for construction workers in the Texas heat is deadly.”
Republicans are such nice people.

Abbott really hates thirsty people.

Lucky for the Christian Abbott, Matthew 25:41-43 is fiction.
Amid a dangerous heatwave that has brought blistering temperatures across Texas, the state’s governor signed a law this week eliminating local rules requiring water breaks for workers.

The measure, which will take effect later this year, will nullify ordinances enacted by Austin and Dallas that mandate 10-minute breaks for construction workers every four hours. It also prevents any other local governments from passing similar worker protections.

Just days after Greg Abbott, the governor, ratified the law, officials said a 35-year-old utility lineman working to restore power in Marshall, Texas, died after experiencing symptoms of heat illness. The heat index – which takes into account both the temperature and humidity – was 100F (37C) while he was working.

It was an omen of what could come after HB 2127 takes effect in September, wrote the Texas branch of the AFL-CIO union, referring to the far-reaching law that not only curbs cities’ right to enact worker protections, but a number of labor, agriculture, natural resources and finance measures. “Banning required rest breaks for construction workers in the Texas heat is deadly.”
Republicans are such nice people.

Abbott really hates thirsty people.

Lucky for the Christian Abbott, Matthew 25:41-43 is fiction.
He also had razor wire put in the river as a booby trap.
What the hell.

This is not the first time Van Orden has flashed his temper. Van Orden reportedly threatened a 17-year-old library page in his home state
So, he took a page out of his book?

I'll fetch my coat

ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia school board voted along party lines Thursday to fire a teacher after officials said she improperly read a book on gender fluidity to her fifth grade class.

The Cobb County School Board in suburban Atlanta voted 4-3 to fire Katie Rinderle, overriding the recommendation of a panel of three retired educators. The panel found after a two-day hearing that Rinderle had violated district policies, but said she should not be fired.

She had been a teacher for 10 years when she got into trouble in March for reading the picture book “My Shadow Is Purple” by Scott Stuart at Due West Elementary School, after which some parents complained.
A sex educator in Michigan refused to be shamed. Then came the backlash.

HOLLAND, Mich. — Heather Alberda watched as her elected representatives on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners sought to dismantle what remained of her life’s work.

As the sex educator for the county’s health department, Alberda, 46, developed programs to lower teen pregnancy and curb the spread of sexually transmitted infections. She spoke about sex and sexuality with a directness that was rare in her conservative county and sometimes got her into trouble.

A late June meeting of the county board was streaming on Alberda’s living room TV. The board’s vice chair, Sylvia Rhodea, was introducing a resolution that sought to “protect childhood innocence” by blocking the county from spending money on programs that “normalize or encourage the sexualization of children.”
In her 21 years at the health department, the county’s teen pregnancy rate had decreased by 76 percent and is the fourth-lowest among Michigan’s 83 counties. The abortion rate for Ottawa County during the same period fell by 18 percent, according to state data.
Rhodea, one of eight self-described conservative Christians elected last November to the 11-person board, began by describing what she saw as the threat posed by LGBTQ+ groups and the Pride flag. In much of America, the rainbow banner represented the acceptance of gay, lesbian and transgender people.

To Rhodea, it meant something very different. It was, she announced, “time to define the plus” in the LGBTQ+ movement. “Over 50 different flags are flown under the LGBTQ+ flag,” Rhodea said. Their ranks, she continued, included pedophiles, polygamists and furries, which she described as “those who dress as furry animals and may use litter boxes.”

Alberda stared at her television, where Rhodea had begun talking about the health department’s role in pushing “radical” ideas, rooted in “pedophile-based studies,” on the county’s parents and children.
Meanwhile, back at the swamp, the Freedumb Cacas are planning to attempt to shut down the government if their demands are not met. This will all come to a head at the end of the fiscal year on September 30. There are threats that if Kevin McCarthy does not support the FC, they will have him removed as GOP House leader. This is getting so exciting!
Please read the entire article I just posted above. It's a case study of ignorance and hate.
Please read the entire article I just posted above. It's a case study of ignorance and hate.
No. It's a case of them trying to remove anyone that doesn't go along with their position. In this case abstinence-only education.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

WASHINGTON (AP) — With more than a year to go before the 2024 election, a constellation of conservative organizations is preparing for a possible second White House term for Donald Trump, recruiting thousands of Americans to come to Washington on a mission to dismantle the federal government and replace it with a vision closer to his own.

Led by the long-established Heritage Foundation think tank and fueled by former Trump administration officials, the far-reaching effort is essentially a government-in-waiting for the former president’s second term — or any candidate who aligns with their ideals and can defeat President Joe Biden in 2024.

it doesn't matter if Trump whom wins. Rmaswami or DeSantis will do.

The attempted erasure of LGBTQ people is accelerating in the state of Florida, thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis’, his Republican colleagues in the Florida legislature, and compliant school officials. As reported by journalist and attorney Judd Legum, writing for Popular Information, in Charlotte County, Florida, an entire school district has banned all library books containing any LGBTQ individuals, regardless of whether any “sexual” or sexuality-affirming content is involved.

The school district apparently did not publicize its action. Legum reports that the guidance for the district’s librarians, purportedly issued in late July of this year, was obtained through a public records request submitted by the Florida Freedom to Read Project (FFTRP). That organization provided “a document memorializing a July 24 conversation” between district superintendent Mark Vianello and the Charlotte district librarians. According to those documents, the policy includes the removal of all books that include or depict an LGBTQ person.
Florida's draconian law banning many books from public schools has thrown librarians and teachers into confusion. Teachers are guilty of a felony if they permit such a book, including any that "depicts sexual activity" so they "err on the side of caution." And directive e-mails from state authorities use this phrase in their official communications. Some school libraries are now completely closed waiting for an official authorized under the law to review each book.

School board member Jessica Vaughn said on Facebook that teachers had only just found out about the changes, days before schools returned from summer recess.

“Honestly, it feels that much of this is intentional, in order to cause as much chaos in public education as possible, so that the collapse of public education is swift and the agenda of education privatization can move forward with less obstacles,” she wrote.

And Cool said, “I think the rest of the nation — no, the world, is laughing at us.

“Taking Shakespeare in its entirety out because the relationship between Romeo and Juliet is somehow exploiting minors is just absurd.”
Mike Pence's plans for U.S. government when he becomes president. Faux Noise interview.

"Well, thank you for reiterating the question, because I'd love to answer it," Pence said, appearing stunned. "It's my intention to make the federal government smaller by returning to the states those resources and programs that are rightfully theirs under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution."

"That means all Obamacare funding, all housing funding, all HHS funding, all of it goes back to the states," he added. "We'll shut down the federal Department of Education."

Blue states will help their citizens. Many red states will shit on the poor.

"Boo Hoo Hoo! TAXES! Taxes! It will cost taxes! No! No! No!"
"That means all Obamacare funding, all housing funding, all HHS funding, all of it goes back to the states,"

Since Blue states largely fund Red states, this would on average, make Republicans poorer and Democrats richer.
Except they would simply not provide for the poor. Let them starve or die from a lack of medical care.
BS! Down here in Texas, Abbottland, Texas refused to allow an ACA exchange. And gutted funding for Planned Parenthood. Texas has the U.S. highest rate of uninsured poor citizens. And an infant mortality rate of a third world nation. Materniry death rates for poor Texas women is also at third world rates. The Texas voters keep on voting Republican. They do not care. Our domination GOP legislators do not care. They only carecabout what is important. Ten commandments and prayer is school. They's Christians you see.
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