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The vanguard of the Caravan is already in Mexico City, more than halfway to the border


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
Mexico City 'milestone' for migrant caravan heading north
BBC said:
The first members of a large group of migrants travelling through Mexico towards the United States have arrived in the capital, Mexico City.
About 450 people, mostly men and boys, were given temporary shelter at a sports stadium.
They are part of a now 5,000-strong group, known as the migrant caravan, which left Honduras on 12 October.
Apart from the approximately 5,000-strong group approaching Mexico City, there are two more groups of migrants heading north. One has only just crossed the Suchiate river, which marks the border between Mexico and Guatemala, and the other is moving north from Mexico's southern Chiapas state.
It is expected all three groups will meet up in Mexico City and that those who remain determined to make it to the US will set off together.

So it seems that the three caravans will use Mexico City as staging ground, regroup and join forces before pushing to the border.

To all those who either spread the canard that they are "refugees" and "asylum seekers" or have fallen victim to such misinformation, read this
BBC said:
Honduran migrant Jackson García is one of those considering asking for asylum in Mexico. "If I can find a job so as to support my family [I will stay in Mexico]. My family is very poor and I need to help them," he said.
But many others, such as Carlos Flores, remain determined to continue to the US: "The little that you get in US dollars goes a long way in Honduras. But what you earn here [in Mexico] not so much, you have to pay for food, room, things are expensive here."
Mauricio Mancilla, who has travelled from northern Honduras with his six-year-old son, says for him his destination has always been clear: "Our heads are set at getting to the United States, to fulfil the American dream. We have faith in God that we will do this, whatever the circumstances."

They want to make money to support families back home in Honduras. If Honduras was so dangerous, why did they leave their families behind? And of course, they can make more money in the US, which is why they insist on coming here.
oh come on,... how dare they want the american dream.. they might end up incel deranged...
oh come on,... how dare they want the american dream.. they might end up incel deranged...

There are legal ways to immigrate - these people are not using them. They plan to come to the border and either sneak across or demand to be let in.
The pro-caravan people tell us they are not regular immigrants but "asylum seekers" who are not coming for economic reasons but because they fear for their lives. But facts show otherwise.
You can't have it both ways. Are they "asylum seekers" or economic migrants? If the latter, they should not be able to get in based on the asylum laws.

In other words, there is nothing wrong with wanting the "American dream", but that makes you an economic migrant, not an "asylum seeker" and you should apply for a visa accordingly. Not march on the border.

Also this use of "incel" as an insult is ridiculous and would have been below this forum just a few years ago.

Listen, pal, this country wasn't built because a bunch of foreigners just showed up on our shores looking for a better life! We're just trying to protect the people that have always lived here from the swarthy invaders!
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They are 920km away, and on foot. Is it possible to think of a less terrifying scenario, because I am really struggling to do so.

I mean, I know 'home of the brave' has long since become a huge joke; But could you please try to be a teeny bit more manly about things? Perhaps you could jump on a chair shrieking because you heard that there was a mouse in Canada? Or hide behind the couch in case there's a spider with hairy legs in the Falkland Islands?

Americans are such cowards these days. What the fuck happened to you guys?
Listen, pal, this country wasn't built because a bunch of foreigners just showed up on our shores looking for a better life! We're just trying to protect the people that have always lived here from the swarthy invaders!
Because immigration policy from the 16th century must never change, no matter what! We must have open borders in the 21st century because Jamestown settlers didn't need no stinkin' green card! </open borders nut>
There's probably a mixture of economic migrants and good asylum claims in the caravan. They will show up at the boarder and be processed accordingly.
They are 920km away, and on foot.
They are sometimes on foot, but they cover most of the distance hitching a ride on trucks, vans, trains...

They did not make the trek to Mexico City on foot either,
Is it possible to think of a less terrifying scenario, because I am really struggling to do so.
The last caravan made it despite the distance. It was smaller than this one. If this caravan is let in, it will merely encourage more and bigger caravans to form. Kind of how mass mifgration snowballed (avalanched really) in Europe after Angela Merkel initially opened the borders in 2015.

I mean, I know 'home of the brave' has long since become a huge joke; But could you please try to be a teeny bit more manly about things? Perhaps you could jump on a chair shrieking because you heard that there was a mouse in Canada? Or hide behind the couch in case there's a spider with hairy legs in the Falkland Islands?
What are you talking about? This migrant caravan already made it more than halfway to the border.

Americans are such cowards these days. What the fuck happened to you guys?

Hey, your government had the right idea about mass migrants.
There's probably a mixture of economic migrants and good asylum claims in the caravan. They will show up at the boarder and be processed accordingly.

Even if the asylum request is denied, they can always disappear in one of our sanctuary cities where they are protected from deportation and can get all sorts of government benefits.

And there is an industry built around coaching migrants into lying to asylum officers. They feel comfortable saying they want the American dream and to send money to their families to a BBC reporter, but to an asylum judge it will be all made-up horror stories of persecution in Honduras.
Bad thinking seems to be fueled by the most powerful nuclear reactor ever built. It just doesn't stop.

Derec shows a picture of a bunch of impoverished people crowded dangerously onto a truck, but acts like they're a group of elite shock troops riding in armored transport. Never mind the old lady being pushed along the road in a goddamn wheel chair in the same picture.

Last week 11 Jews were murdered and a right wing moron tried to assassinate Democratic leadership as well as several others. But hey, look out for the heavily armed invasion force with its biological weapons ready to lay waste to America in the form of smallpox and leprosy.

Haysoo Chreesto!
They are 920km away, and on foot. Is it possible to think of a less terrifying scenario, because I am really struggling to do so.

I mean, I know 'home of the brave' has long since become a huge joke; But could you please try to be a teeny bit more manly about things? Perhaps you could jump on a chair shrieking because you heard that there was a mouse in Canada? Or hide behind the couch in case there's a spider with hairy legs in the Falkland Islands?

Americans are such cowards these days. What the fuck happened to you guys?
A wee bit hyperbolic there?

Both the U.S. and Australia have immigration laws. Of the two the U.S. is much more liberal.

The U.S. grants citizenship to approximately a million aliens each year. However like Australia, we don't open our boarders to everyone who wants to enter.
They are sometimes on foot, but they cover most of the distance hitching a ride on trucks, vans, trains...

They did not make the trek to Mexico City on foot either,

The last caravan made it despite the distance. It was smaller than this one. If this caravan is let in, it will merely encourage more and bigger caravans to form. Kind of how mass mifgration snowballed (avalanched really) in Europe after Angela Merkel initially opened the borders in 2015.

I mean, I know 'home of the brave' has long since become a huge joke; But could you please try to be a teeny bit more manly about things? Perhaps you could jump on a chair shrieking because you heard that there was a mouse in Canada? Or hide behind the couch in case there's a spider with hairy legs in the Falkland Islands?
What are you talking about? This migrant caravan already made it more than halfway to the border.

Americans are such cowards these days. What the fuck happened to you guys?

Hey, your government had the right idea about mass migrants.

Our government are cowards too. And that's why the new PM, who has no mandate (and who awarded that trophy to himself) hasn't got the testicular fortitude to call a general election.

Don't worry though; They are rapidly running out of time, and the voters have their bats ready.
They are 920km away, and on foot. Is it possible to think of a less terrifying scenario, because I am really struggling to do so.

I mean, I know 'home of the brave' has long since become a huge joke; But could you please try to be a teeny bit more manly about things? Perhaps you could jump on a chair shrieking because you heard that there was a mouse in Canada? Or hide behind the couch in case there's a spider with hairy legs in the Falkland Islands?

Americans are such cowards these days. What the fuck happened to you guys?
A wee bit hyperbolic there?

Both the U.S. and Australia have immigration laws. Of the two the U.S. is much more liberal.

The U.S. grants citizenship to approximately a million aliens each year. However like Australia, we don't open our boarders to everyone who wants to enter.

This has nothing to do with Australia. Tu Quoque is a logical fallacy.

Australian immigration law is fucking horrific. We have children in concentration camps offshore, being tortured for the express purpose of 'sending a message'. I very much hope that the cunts responsible for this one day face trial for their part in this crime.

But even if I were to wholeheartedly support our government on this, it would make me a hypocrite, but it would in no way make your cowardace in the face of this non-threat any less real. Two wrongs don't make a right.
oh come on,... how dare they want the american dream.. they might end up incel deranged...

There are legal ways to immigrate

There is no legal way for people in that caravan to immigrate other than by asylum, which is what they're asking for.

This garbage about using the legal ways is right wing ignorance. Look at what the rules actually say. (I have--my wife is a legal immigrant.)
When's the looting and pillaging going to begin? Will there be a horn or a starters gun? Because once they reach the border, you guys are completely fucked; your country can't cope with an extra 1000 people.

Anyone saw Last Week Tonight this week? Man, I'm fucking glad John Oliver hasn't decided to do a story on Naru. It would be equally shameful.
They are 920km away, and on foot. Is it possible to think of a less terrifying scenario, because I am really struggling to do so.

I mean, I know 'home of the brave' has long since become a huge joke; But could you please try to be a teeny bit more manly about things? Perhaps you could jump on a chair shrieking because you heard that there was a mouse in Canada? Or hide behind the couch in case there's a spider with hairy legs in the Falkland Islands?

Americans are such cowards these days. What the fuck happened to you guys?

Agreed. I think that aging and becoming more conservative makes people bitter and uncaring. It's hard for me to imagine how desperate a parent must be to leave home with a child in tow with no money or even shoes.

- - - Updated - - -

So much scaredycat fear mongering, so little time.

Don’t worry. The caravan stops being scary tomorrow morning.

Yep, this is a political stunt that needs to be called out.
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