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The Virus - Are You Affected?

One person's first hand experience with the vaccine

I thought this might be helpful to others who will be getting this vaccine. I got the Moderna vaccine, which I expected since our little town does not have the facilities to store the Pfizer one.

First vaccination: February 1 at 7:15 AM.
9 hours post vaccine: I had some very minor soreness in my arm. Not enough to cause any issues or make it hard to do anything but I noticed it when I touched my arm.
24 hours post vaccine: My arm started aching a little at night before I went to bed. Not enough to keep me from sleeping well. Still aching the next morning, but nothing major. No other symptoms at all.
48 hours post vaccine: My arm was no longer sore, and I had no other issues.

Second vaccination: March 1 at 7:15 AM
One item of note: I noticed a funny taste in my mouth a few minutes after getting the vaccine. It reminded me of what happened when I had to get B complex vitamin injections.
5 hours post vaccine: Moderate headache.
6 hours post vaccine: Temperature up to just over 100 degrees.
8 hours post vaccine: Achy all over, and arm slightly sore. Fever and headache unchanged.
12 hours post vaccine: No change, except my arm is more tender and I am very tired.
24 hours post vaccine: Still had headache, fever and ached all over. My arm was very sore and slightly swollen. Didn’t sleep well; either I rolled over on my sore arm or I was cold from chilling. Nothing really severe, but all these put together have me dragging. I took off work today and just rested.
28 hours post vaccine: Woke up from a nap sweating slightly. The headache is almost gone. Temperature near normal. Not aching all over any more. My arm is still very tender to the touch but the swelling has gone down. I am a little weak and shaky - and thirsty. Just drank two full glasses of water and getting ready to eat a sandwich.
36 hours post vaccine: Feeling just about normal. Arm is still a little sore but nothing like it hurt before.

Looks like I made it through! It was basically equivalent to a minor case of the 24 hour flu, with the addition of a very sore arm.

Disagree. The immune system turning on the platelets is a rare but known risk of vaccines, but Covid causes clotting, not bleeding. (Yes, plenty of Covid deaths are from bleeding but that's not Covid, that's the treatment. The doctors are trying to chart a path between the Scylla of clotting and the Charybdis of bleeding and it's a very dangerous passage, many patients don't make it.) When you vaccinate somebody and they then get immune thrombocytopenia purpura you figure it's the vaccine.

Is that the way it happens? I'll take your word for it. I was thinking along the lines of a cytokine storm due to an over-reaction of the immune system.

It's one way that had one death that made the news--platelet count crashed, he stroked out. I don't know all the ways vaccines can kill.
Disagree. The immune system turning on the platelets is a rare but known risk of vaccines, but Covid causes clotting, not bleeding. (Yes, plenty of Covid deaths are from bleeding but that's not Covid, that's the treatment. The doctors are trying to chart a path between the Scylla of clotting and the Charybdis of bleeding and it's a very dangerous passage, many patients don't make it.) When you vaccinate somebody and they then get immune thrombocytopenia purpura you figure it's the vaccine.

Is that the way it happens? I'll take your word for it. I was thinking along the lines of a cytokine storm due to an over-reaction of the immune system.

It's one way that had one death that made the news--platelet count crashed, he stroked out. I don't know all the ways vaccines can kill.

Got it. Thanks.
Just got first shot of the vaccine.
Definitely feeling light side effects - common cold like symptoms.
I guess I got real vaccine, not some bootleg.
Definitely real thing, full blown flue symptoms during whole night. Could not get to sleep at all.
high temperature, chills, muscle pain. I hope it's a sign of immune system working well.
Got second shot. Does not seem I am going to get symptoms this time.
Definitely real thing, full blown flue symptoms during whole night. Could not get to sleep at all.
high temperature, chills, muscle pain. I hope it's a sign of immune system working well.
Got second shot. Does not seem I am going to get symptoms this time.

Thanks for posting. I was wondering if those with a strong first reaction would see a repeat or a lesser reaction.
We get our second dose of the Pfizer vaccine tomorrow (Saturday, March 21). My wife and I both had slightly sore arms after the first shot and no other symptoms. Not looking forward to the effects of the second shot, but then it will be over for now. I expect that there will be a third dose of something in the future to deal with the new variants that are spreading rapidly. It is depressing that so many Americans are resisting not just vaccines, but all measures to slow down the spread of the virus.
Update on effects of the second shot. I did have some mild headache during day the next day after shot.
Now 48 hours after she shot, I feel normal.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

I think Immunity which develops after the first shot should render second shot more inert more quickly.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

That's what we understood. My mother-in-law was hesitant to get her second(Moderna) dose, because she had a couple of bad days after the first. But it wasn't like that at all. The second only made her arm sore at the injection site for a few days.
I suspect that the people who had more of a reaction to the first dose have, at some point fairly recently, been exposed to the COVID virus and developed some antibodies. Since I had basically quarantined myself from the beginning of the warnings, I probably had not been exposed to enough of the virus to develop any antibodies so my reaction occurred with the second dose.

I suspect that the people who had more of a reaction to the first dose have, at some point fairly recently, been exposed to the COVID virus and developed some antibodies. Since I had basically quarantined myself from the beginning of the warnings, I probably had not been exposed to enough of the virus to develop any antibodies so my reaction occurred with the second dose.


Well, I don't think I had prior infection. And they are uncertain about side effects differences between first and second shot for russian vaccine.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

I think Immunity which develops after the first shot should render second shot more inert more quickly.

What you are missing is that the reaction to the vaccine isn't really that. The vaccine itself has no symptoms. What you feel is the fight your body wages against the fake invasion. Since your body already knows the bad guys the second time around it wages a bigger fight and you get more reaction.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

I think Immunity which develops after the first shot should render second shot more inert more quickly.

What you are missing is that the reaction to the vaccine isn't really that. The vaccine itself has no symptoms. What you feel is the fight your body wages against the fake invasion. Since your body already knows the bad guys the second time around it wages a bigger fight and you get more reaction.

Yes. This.

The first exposure is responded by local cops. The second exposure has state militia on standby - with tanks. A lot more collateral damage.
So layman sees that and people who had more “side effects” is because they already have antibodies for the virus?

I got the first shot and very vague and slight soreness at the shot location. Absolutely nothing else. Second shot in a month.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

I think Immunity which develops after the first shot should render second shot more inert more quickly.

What you are missing is that the reaction to the vaccine isn't really that. The vaccine itself has no symptoms. What you feel is the fight your body wages against the fake invasion. Since your body already knows the bad guys the second time around it wages a bigger fight and you get more reaction.
That's what your "theory" says. My "theory" says what I said above.
My wife and I had very mild reactions to the first shot--mainly just a little soreness in my arm. So far, I have almost no reaction to the second shot, which was yesterday. My wife was the same until today, when she woke up with a fever, chills, headache, and other reactions. Different people react differently. We both had vaccine from the same batch, so it must come down to having different bodies.

We can speculate all we want about what causes different reactions in some people. I rely on my incredibly vast ignorance of immunology and medical science to justify abstaining from making stuff up on this one. Some day, scientists may figure out why different people reacted differently to these vaccines.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

I think Immunity which develops after the first shot should render second shot more inert more quickly.

First shot allows the body to develop an immune response. It allows the body to be able to recognize the foreign entity.

Second shot and the body recognizes the foreign entity and goes to war.

This creates fever and fatigue and other symptoms.

But when the body goes to war it can more easily go to war a second time.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

I think Immunity which develops after the first shot should render second shot more inert more quickly.

First shot allows the body to develop an immune response. It allows the body to be able to recognize the foreign entity.

Second shot and the body recognizes the foreign entity and goes to war.

This creates fever and fatigue and other symptoms.

But when the body goes to war it can more easily go to war a second time.
You just repeated the same thing.
They say in theory second shot should have stronger reaction. Don't really understand why.

I think Immunity which develops after the first shot should render second shot more inert more quickly.

First shot allows the body to develop an immune response. It allows the body to be able to recognize the foreign entity.

Second shot and the body recognizes the foreign entity and goes to war.

This creates fever and fatigue and other symptoms.

But when the body goes to war it can more easily go to war a second time.
You just repeated the same thing.

It is what happens with this vaccine.

What is your question?

What don't you understand?

Your idea that the first shot would render the second more inert is erroneous.
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